Latest news

New data publication: orthophotos and DSMs derived from UAS flights New data publication: orthophotos and DSMs derived from UAS flights
UAS (unmanned aerial system) images have been processed and published as open data. -
LifeWatch ERIC touching base with Belgian LifeWatch Distributed Center LifeWatch ERIC touching base with Belgian LifeWatch Distributed Center
Newly appointed CEO and interim CTO of the LifeWatch ERIC visit LifeWatch Belgium. -
NEW DATA PAPER: Biodiversity data rescue in the framework of a long-term Kenya-Belgium cooperation in marine sciences. NEW DATA PAPER: Biodiversity data rescue in the framework of a long-term Kenya-Belgium cooperation in marine sciences.
The Kenya-Belgium data collection includes about 111.800 biotic observations on benthos, algae, fish, zooplankton, phytoplankton, birds and mangroves which cover more than 400 unique locations that were sampled between 1873 and 1999. -
First LW ERIC Scientific Community Meeting First LW ERIC Scientific Community Meeting
The Scientific Community Meeting held in Rome from 27 to 29 May 2019 was designed to bring together the wider LifeWatch ERIC scientific communities of researchers and developers to generate and advance the discussion of the most promising lines of scientific development. -
WoRMS species counts revised! WoRMS species counts revised!
Due to incomplete environment information, the counts of marine species in WoRMS were biased by entries lacking a “non-marine” flag. This has now been corrected. -
Integration of new GEBCO, ACUF and New Zealand features Integration of new GEBCO, ACUF and New Zealand features
Marine Regions has completed its yearly integration of new features from the GEBCO, ACUF and New Zealand gazetteers. -
Awardees for the 2019 WoRMS Achievement & Early Career Researchers Award known Awardees for the 2019 WoRMS Achievement & Early Career Researchers Award known
This year’s winners of the WoRMS Achievement Award and the WoRMS Early Career Researchers Award are Rob van Soest and Barna Páll-Gergely respectively. -
LifeWatch ecotopes in the spotlight at LPS2019 LifeWatch ecotopes in the spotlight at LPS2019
The LifeWatch ecotopes were highlighted as a great practical application of EAGLE like concepts in the "next gen" session of ESA's Living Planet Symposium 2019. -
"Leading. Pioneering. Inspiring." "Leading. Pioneering. Inspiring."
Christos Arvanitidis, our new CEO, describes in his inaugural address his vision for LifeWatch ERIC. -
Problem: the UN Global Assessment Study predicts biodiversity loss & extinction crisis Problem: the UN Global Assessment Study predicts biodiversity loss & extinction crisis
Solution: LifeWatch ERIC: the web based hub for biodiversity and ecosystem research connecting science across Europe