LifeWatch statistics

On this page you find a summary overview of the LifeWatch Belgium statistics. Several data systems and services of LifeWatch Belgium collect their own, more specific statististics, which you can find on the links in the sections below.

LifeWatch publications

The use of LifeWatch Belgium data and services in publications


Overview of the LifeWatch Belgium publications


LifeWatch updates


Updates of the Species Information Backbone

Accepted species in Species Information Backbone

This involves updates of the World Register of Marine Species and Marine Regions.

World Register of Marine Species statistics

Marine Regions statistics


LifeWatch Species detections

The number of species detections per year from the LifeWatch Belgium observatories

Tagged species observations

These observations come mainly from the local observatories, using innovative techniques

LifeWatch Belgium local observation data 

plankton collage

LifeWatch open data generation


Number of datasets with newly published open data


The LifeWatch Belgium datasets are available in the LifeWatch Metadata catalogue

LifeWatch ERIC metadata Catalogue