Spanish taxonomy and WoRMS
The World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) was adopted as a standard for the Spanish master list of marine invertebrates.

This Spanish master list of marine species, the Inventario Español de Hábitats y Especies Marinos (IEHEM), is available on the website of the Ministerio de la Transición Ecológica, the Spanish ministry in charge of environment.
The Inventario Español de Hábitats y Especies Marinos (IEHEM) is constituted as the instrument to collect the distribution, abundance, conservation status and use of natural heritage, with special attention to the elements that require specific conservation measures or have been declared community interest. This inventory is part of another global inventory called the Inventario Español del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad.
The IEHEM consists of two parts, the Inventario Español de Especies Marinas (IEEM, an inventory of the Spanish marine species), and the Inventario Español de Hábitats Marinos (IEHM, an inventory of the Spanish marine habitats).
The first one, the Inventario Español de Especies Marinas, lists the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) as a reference for taxonomy for the marine invertebrates. WoRMS is part of the LifeWatch Taxonomic Backbone.
This master list can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet through the link below (click on “descarga de listado”).
The Inventario Español de Hábitats y Especies Marinos (IEHEM) is constituted as the instrument to collect the distribution, abundance, conservation status and use of natural heritage, with special attention to the elements that require specific conservation measures or have been declared community interest. This inventory is part of another global inventory called the Inventario Español del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad.
The IEHEM consists of two parts, the Inventario Español de Especies Marinas (IEEM, an inventory of the Spanish marine species), and the Inventario Español de Hábitats Marinos (IEHM, an inventory of the Spanish marine habitats).
The first one, the Inventario Español de Especies Marinas, lists the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) as a reference for taxonomy for the marine invertebrates. WoRMS is part of the LifeWatch Taxonomic Backbone.
This master list can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet through the link below (click on “descarga de listado”).