User stories

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Tuning in on porpoise FM Tuning in on porpoise FM
Long-term data series of cetacean presence in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS) are essential to understand their habitat use and conservation needs. The prospects and predicaments of the cetacean passive acoustic sensor network of the Belgian LifeWatch observatory were therefore investigated...
Fisheries data initiatives Fisheries data initiatives
Data initiatives as Global Fishing Watch and Sea Around Us aim to contribute to sustainable fisheries by providing transparent information. To achieve this virtuous ambition, these projects use data of Marine Regions!
Promoting microbial culture collections with mars.biodiversity.a Promoting microbial culture collections with mars.biodiversity.a
Microbial cultures are crucial in expanding our understanding of the ecology, biochemical functioning and the evolutionary relations among Bacteria, Archaea and unicellular Eukaryota. This user story describes how we used the microbial Antarctic Resource System (mARS), hosted at, to...
Understanding mass mortality in saiga antelope population Understanding mass mortality in saiga antelope population
The Saiga antelope is an endangered species that lives in Central Asian steppes and semi-arid regions. Scientists around the world are working tirelessly to prevent it from becoming completely extinct. Every year, they migrate approximately 500 km from north to south, and back. In 2015, roughly 60%...
DNA-based species validation of exotic mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) in Belgium DNA-based species validation of exotic mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae) in Belgium
In the framework of the MEMO project, a monitoring program was set up at 23 localities where exotic mosquito species (EMS) that may act as disease vectors can get introduced in Belgium. The early detection of EMS, before populations become established, is of paramount importance to prevent local...
Tracking plastics using fish tags Tracking plastics using fish tags
Acoustic telemetry proves to be a valid method to follow up the pathway of marked ‘daily use’ plastic items in rivers, in a more detailed manner than ever before. The idea of using acoustic telemetry to track plastic items came to mind, during a fish monitoring campaign organized by the Research...
Mapping the marine migration of an IUCN endangered species Mapping the marine migration of an IUCN endangered species
The spawning grounds of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) have been a mystery for centuries and with the declining population, making it a critically endangered species on the IUCN Red List, it is important to unravel this mythical place and the migration routes leading to it. Understanding...
There’s no plaice like an offshore wind farm There’s no plaice like an offshore wind farm
Offshore wind farms are built at a high rate in European waters to make the transition towards more green energy sources. Their development takes up marine space that is often not available anymore to other users such as the fisheries sector. This while knowledge on the ecological effects of wind...