Institutes (2) |
Top | Institutes | Publications |
- Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Natuurlijk Milieu; Aquatische en Terrestrische Ecologie (ATECO), more
Direct contact at institute:
Tel.: +32-(0)2-773 21 48
- Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Departement Beheer van het Mariene Ecosysteem; Beheerseenheid Mathematisch Model Noordzee en Schelde-estuarium; Brussel (KBIN-BMM), more
Direct contact at institute:
Tel.: +32-(0)2-773 21 48
| |
Publications (85) |
Top | Institutes | Publications |
A1 Publications (8) [show] |
Brabant, R.; Laurent, Y.; Jonge Poerink, B.; Degraer, S. (2021). The relation between migratory activity of Pipistrellus bats at sea and weather conditions offers possibilities to reduce offshore wind farm effects. Animals 11(12): 3457., more
Fowler, A.M.; Jørgensen, A.-M.; Coolen, J.W.P.; Jones, D.O.B.; Svendsen, J.C.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Degraer, S. (2020). The ecology of infrastructure decommissioning in the North Sea: what we need to know and how to achieve it. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 77(3): 1109-1126., more
Gill, A.B.; Degraer, S.; Lipsky, A.; Mavraki, N.; Methratta, E.; Brabant, R. (2020). Setting the context for offshore wind development effects on fish and fisheries. Oceanography 33(4): 118-127., more
- Brabant, R.; Laurent, Y.; Jonge Poerink, B.; Degraer, S. (2019). Activity and behaviour of Nathusius' pipistrelle Pipistrellus nathusii at low and high altitude in a North Sea offshore wind farm. Acta Chiropterologica 21(2): 341-348., more
Nilsson, C.; Dokter, A.M.; Verlinden, L.; Shamoun-Baranes, J.; Schmid, B.; Desmet, P.; Bauer, S.; Chapman, J.; Alves, J.A.; Stepanian, P.M.; Sapir, N.; Wainwright, C.; Boos, M.; Górska, A.; Menz, M.H.M.; Rodrigues, P.; Leijnse, H.; Zehtindjiev, P.; Brabant, R.; Haase, G.; Weisshaupt, N.; Ciach, M.; Liechti, F. (2019). Revealing patterns of nocturnal migration using the European weather radar network. Ecography 42(5): 876-886., more
- Fowler, A.M.; Jørgensen, A.-M.; Svendsen, J.C.; Macreadie, P.I.; Jones, D.O.B.; Boon, A.; Booth, D.J.; Brabant, R.; Callahan, E.; Claisse, J.T.; Dahlgren, T.G.; Degraer, S.; Dokken, Q.R.; Gill, A.B.; Johns, D.G.; Leewis, R.J.; Lindeboom, H.J.; Lindén, O.; May, R.; Murk, A.J.; Ottersen, G.; Schroeder, D.M.; Shastri, S.M.; Teilmann, J.; Todd, V.; Van Hoey, G.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Coolen, J.W.P. (2018). Environmental benefits of leaving offshore infrastructure in the ocean. Front. Ecol. Environ. 16(10): 571-578., more
Brabant, R.; Laurent, Y.; Lafontaine, R.-M.; Vandendriessche, B.; Degraer, S. (2016). First offshore observation of parti-coloured bat Vespertilio murinus in the Belgian part of the North Sea. Belg. J. Zool. 146(1): 62-65, more
- Brabant, R.; Vanermen, N.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Degraer, S. (2015). Towards a cumulative collision risk assessment of local and migrating birds in North Sea offshore wind farms. Hydrobiologia 756(1): 63-74., more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Brabant, R.; Degraer, S.; Rumes, B. (2014). Windmolenparken in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee: De ecologische effecten onder de loep. Natuur.Focus 13(1): 4-10, more
Books (2) [show] |
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Vigin, L. (2018). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: assessing and managing effect spheres of influence. Memoirs on the Marine Environment. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, OD Natural Environment, Marine Ecology and Management Section: Brussels. ISBN 978-9-0732-4242-5. 136 pp., more
Peeters, M.; Antoine, M.; Boitsios, S.; Franklin, A.; Van Goethem, J.; Brabant, R.; Degraer, S.; Haelters, J.; Houziaux, J.-S.; Kerckhof, F.; Maebe, S.; Raeymaekers, G. (2012). La mer du Nord belge - Une eau vive! Biodiversité et Natura 2000 dans la partie belge de la mer du Nord. Service public fédéral Santé publique, Sécurité de la chaîne alimentaire et Environnement: Bruxelles. ISBN 978-90-78772-11-8. 40 pp., more
Book chapters (37) [show] |
Brabant, R.; Degraer, S. (2023). Offshore wind turbine curtailment strategies in North Sea countries to reduce bird collisions, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Progressive insights in changing species distribution patterns informing marine management. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 103-115, more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Vigin, L.; Braeckman, U.; Buyse, J.; Courtens, W.; De Backer, A.; Haelters, J.; Hostens, K.; Jammar, C.; Lefaible, N.; Moens, T.; Paoletti, S.; Reynés-Cardona, A.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Van de walle, M.; Vanermen, N.; Van Maele, T.M.; Verstraete, H. (2023). Executive summary: Progressive insights in changing species distribution patterns informing marine management, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Progressive insights in changing species distribution patterns informing marine management. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 7-9, more
Rumes, B.; Brabant, R.; Van Maele, T.M.; Vigin, L. (2023). Offshore renewable energy in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Progressive insights in changing species distribution patterns informing marine management. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 11-19, more
Brabant, R.; Vanermen, N.; Degraer, S. (2022). Turbine size impacts the number of seabird collisions per installed megawatt and offers possibilities for mitigation, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Getting ready for offshore wind farm expansion in the North Sea. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 81-92, more
Rumes, B.; Brabant, R.; Vigin, L. (2022). Offshore renewable energy in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Getting ready for offshore wind farm expansion in the North Sea. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 13-18, more
Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Degraer, S. (2021). Occurrence of intense bird migration events at rotor height in Belgian offshore wind farms and curtailment as possible mitigation to reduce collision risk, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Attraction, avoidance and habitat use at various spatial scales. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 47-60, more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Vigin, L.; Braeckman, U.; Buyse, J.; Courtens, W.; De Backer, A.; Hostens, K.; Lefaible, N.; Moens, T.; Stienen, E.; Van de walle, M.; Vanermen, N.; Van Vooren, K.; Verstraete, H.; Wyns, L.; Zupan, M. (2021). Executive summary: Attraction, avoidance and habitat use at various spatial scales, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Attraction, avoidance and habitat use at various spatial scales. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 7-10, more
Rumes, B.; Brabant, R. (2021). Offshore renewable energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea – 2021, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Attraction, avoidance and habitat use at various spatial scales. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 11-17, more
Brabant, R.; Vanermen, N. (2020). Collision risk for six seabird species in the first Belgian offshore wind farm zone, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Empirical evidence inspiring priority monitoring, research and management. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 43-52, more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Vigin, L.; Braeckman, U.; Bruns, E.; Buyse, J.; Courtens, W.; De Backer, A.; Hostens, K.; Lefaible, N.; Mavraki, N.; Moens, T.; Norro, A.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Van de walle, M.; Vanermen, N.; Verstraete, H. (2020). Executive summary: Empirical evidence inspiring priority monitoring, research and management, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Empirical evidence inspiring priority monitoring, research and management. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 7-11, more
Rumes, B.; Brabant, R. (2020). Offshore renewable energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Empirical evidence inspiring priority monitoring, research and management. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 13-18, more
Brabant, R.; Laurent, Y.; Muteti, J.; Jonge Poerink, B.; Degraer, S. (2019). The influence of meteorological conditions on the presence of Nathusius' pipistrelle (Pipistrellus nathusii) at sea, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: making a decade of monitoring, research and innovation. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 117-124, more
Rumes, B.; Brabant, R. (2019). Offshore renewable energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: making a decade of monitoring, research and innovation. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 13-18, more
Brabant, R.; Laurent, Y.; Jonge Poerink, B. (2018). First ever detections of bats made by an acoustic recorder installed on the nacelle of offshore wind turbines in the North Sea, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: assessing and managing effect spheres of influence. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 129-136, more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Braeckman, U.; Courtens, W.; De Backer, A.; Daelemans, R.; De Bosschere, J.; Hostens, K.; Jonge Poerink, B.; Kerckhof, F.; Laurent, Y.; Lefaible, N.; Moens, T.; Norro, A.; Rumes, B.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanermen, N.; Van de walle, M.; Verstraete, H. (2018). Executive summary: Assessing and managing the effect sphere of influence, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: assessing and managing effect spheres of influence. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 7-11, more
Rumes, B.; Brabant, R. (2018). Offshore renewable energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: assessing and managing effect spheres of influence. Memoirs on the Marine Environment, : pp. 13-17, more
Brabant, R.; Degraer, S. (2017). Autumn bird migration registered with vertical radar at the Thornton Bank in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: A continued move towards integration and quantification. pp. 115-127, more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Braeckman, U.; Colson, L.; Courtens, W.; De Backer, A.; Debusschere, E.; Deneudt, K.; Haelters, J.; Hostens, K.; Kerckhof, F.; Moens, T.; Norro, A.; Reubens, J.; Ranson, J.; Rumes, B.; Stienen, E.; Vanermen, N.; Van de walle, M.; Verstraete, H. (2017). Executive summary: A continued move towards integration and quantification, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: A continued move towards integration and quantification. pp. 7-11, more
Rumes, B.; Brabant, R. (2017). Offshore renewable energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Degraer, S. et al. Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: A continued move towards integration and quantification. pp. 13-17, more
Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Degraer, S. (2016). Offshore renewable energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea - 2016, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Environmental impact monitoring reloaded. pp. 17-22, more
Brabant, R.; Vidao, J.; Smith, A.; Degraer, S. (2016). Bird radar study in the Belgian part of the North Sea: developments to improve bird detection, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Environmental impact monitoring reloaded. pp. 223-232, more
Brabant, R.; Laurent, Y.; Vigin, L.; Lafontaine, R.-M.; Degraer, S. (2016). Bats in the Belgian part of the North Sea and possible impacts of offshore wind farms, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Environmental impact monitoring reloaded. pp. 235-246, more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; De Mesel, I. (2016). Reloading basic environmental monitoring of offshore wind farms in Belgium: Phase II, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Environmental impact monitoring reloaded. pp. 1-14, more
Degraer, S.; Rumes, B.; Alsebai, M.; Botteldooren , D.; Brabant, R.; Courtens, W.; Debusschere, E.; Derweduwen, J.; De Mesel, I.; Erkman, A.; Haelters, J.; Hostens, K.; Kerckhof, F.; Lafontaine, R.-M.; Laurent, Y.; Moens, T.; Norro, A.; Persoon, K.; Ranson, J.; Reubens, J.; Smith, A.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Ribeiro da Costa, A.M.; Torreele, E.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Vandendriessche, S.; Vanermen, N.; Van de walle, M.; Verstraete, H.; Vigin, L.; Vidao, J.; Vincx, M.; Wittoeck, J. (2016). Executive summary, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Environmental impact monitoring reloaded. pp. i-ix, more
Brabant, R.; Degraer, S.; Rumes, B. (2013). Monitoring offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Setting the Scene, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Learning from the past to optimise future monitoring programmes. pp. 15-23, more
Degraer, S.; Baeye, M.; Botteldooren, D.; Brabant, R.; Coates, D.; Courtens, W.; Debusschere, E.; Dekoninck, L.; De Maersschalk, V.; De Mesel, I.; Deschutter, Y.; Derweduwen, J; Di Marcantonio, M.; Dulière, V.; Fettweis, M.; Francken, F.; Haelters, J.; Haerens, P.; Hostens, K.; Houthaeve, R.; Houziaux, J.-S.; Kerckhof, F.; Mathys, M.; Norro, A.; Onkelinx, T.; Reubens, J.; Rumes, B.; Sas, M.; Stienen, E.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Vandendriessche, S.; Vanden Eede, S.; Van den Eynde, D.; Van de walle, M.; Vanermen, N.; Van Hoey, G.; Vanhulle, A.; Van Lancker, V.; Van Renterghem, T.; Verstraete, H.; Vigin, L.; Vincx, M. (2013). Executive summary, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Learning from the past to optimise future monitoring programmes. pp. 9-13, more
Degraer, S.; De Mesel, I.; Baeye, M.; Botteldooren, D.; Brabant, R.; Coates, D.; Courtens, W.; Debusschere, E.; Dekoninck, L.; De Maersschalck, V.; Deschutter, Y.; Derweduwen, J; Di Marcantonio, M.; Dulière, V.; Fettweis, M.; Francken, F.; Haelters, J.; Haerens, P.; Hostens, K.; Houthaeve, R.; Houziaux, J.-S.; Kerckhof, F.; Mathys, M.; Norro, A.; Onkelinx, T.; Reubens, J.; Rumes, B.; Sas, M.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Vandendriessche, S.; Vanden Eede, S.; Van den Eynde, D.; Van de walle, M.; Vanermen, N.; Van Hoey, G.; Vanhulle, A.; Van Lancker, V.; Van Renterghem, T.; Verstraete, H.; Vigin, L.; Vincx, M. (2013). Optimising the future Belgian offshore wind farm monitoring programme, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Learning from the past to optimise future monitoring programmes. pp. 193-197, more
Van den Eynde, D.; Baeye, M.; Brabant, R.; Fettweis, M.; Francken, F.; Haerens, P.; Mathys, M.; Sas, M.; Van Lancker, V. (2013). All quiet on the sea bottom front? Lessons from the morphodynamic monitoring, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Learning from the past to optimise future monitoring programmes. pp. 35-47, more
Vanermen, N.; Brabant, R.; Stienen, E.; Courtens, W.; Onkelinx, T.; Van de walle, M.; Verstraete, H.; Vigin, L.; Degraer, S. (2013). Bird monitoring at the Belgian offshore wind farms: results after five years of impact assessment, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Learning from the past to optimise future monitoring programmes. pp. 49-61, more
- Brabant, R.; Degraer, S.; Rumes, B. (2012). Offshore wind energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea & anticipated impacts: an update, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Heading for an understanding of environmental impacts. pp. 9-16, more
- Brabant, R.; Vigin, L.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanermen, N.; Degraer, S. (2012). Radar research on the impact of offshore wind farms on birds: Preparing to go offshore, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Heading for an understanding of environmental impacts. pp. 110-126, more
- Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Coates, D.; Courtens, W.; Derweduwen, J.; Haelters, J.; Hostens, K.; Houziaux, J.-S.; Kerckhof, F.; Norro, A.; Onkelinx, T.; Rumes, B.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Vandendriessche, S.; Van de Walle, M.; Vanermen, N.; Van Roy, W.; Verschelde, P.; Vigin, L.; Vincx, M.; Willems, T. (2012). Executive summary, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Heading for an understanding of environmental impacts. pp. 1-8, more
- Brabant, R.; Degraer, S.; Rumes, B. (2011). Offshore wind energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea & anticipated impacts: an update, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Selected findings from the baseline and targeted monitoring. pp. 9-16, more
- Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Courtens, W.; Derweduwen, J.; Haelters, J.; Hostens, K.; Kerckhof, F.; Norro, A.; Onkelinx, T.; Rabaut, M.; Reubens, J.; Rumes, B.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Vandendriessche, S.; Van de walle, M.; Vanermen, N.; Van Hoey, G.; Vigin, L.; Vincx, M. (2011). Executive summary, in: Degraer, S. et al. Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Selected findings from the baseline and targeted monitoring. pp. 1-7, more
- Brabant, R.; Jacques, T.G. (2010). Offshore wind energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea & anticipated impacts, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Early environmental impact assessment and spatio-temporal variability. pp. 9-18, more
- Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Coates, D.; Courtens, W.; Derweduwen, J.; Di Marcantonio, M.; Fettweis, M.; Francken, F.; Haelters, J.; Hostens, K.; Houthave, R.; Kerckhof, F.; Melotte, J.; Onkelinx, T.; Reubens, J.; Rumes, B.; Sas, M.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vandendriessche, S.; Van den Eynde, D.; Van de walle, M.; Vanermen, N.; Vanhulle, A.; Van Lancker, V.; Verstraete, H.; Vincx, M.; Jacques, T.G. (2010). Executive summary, in: Degraer, S. et al. Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Early environmental impact assessment and spatio-temporal variability. pp. 1-8, more
- Van den Eynde, D.; Brabant, R.; Fettweis, M.; Francken, F.; Melotte, J.; Sas, M.; Van Lancker, V. (2010). Monitoring of hydrodynamic and morphological changes at the C-Power and the Belwind offshore wind farm sites: A synthesis, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Early environmental impact assessment and spatio-temporal variability. pp. 19-36, more
Thesis [show] |
- Brabant, R. (2004). Vergelijkende studie van het dieet van de grote stern Sterna sandvicensis. MA Thesis. Universiteit Gent: Gent. 69 + annexes pp., more
Abstracts (5) [show] |
Vandenberghe, T.; Brabant, R.; Laurent, Y.; Brabant, C.; Vandendriessche, B.; Willems, W.; Degraer, S.; Lagring, R. (2024). Digital Animal Sound Archive: a collaborative repository for bio-acoustics, in: Simoncelli, S. et al. International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems: Proceedings Volume, IMDIS 2024 Bergen (Norway) 27-29 May 2024. Miscellanea INGV, 80: pp. 165-167, more
Brabant, R.; Vigin, L.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanermen, N.; Degraer, S. (2013). Radar research on the impact of offshore wind farms on birds: preparing to go offshore, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 15 February 2013. VLIZ Special Publication, 63: pp. 18, more
Brabant, R.; Degraer, S.; Di Marcantonio, M.; Haelters, J.; Jacques, T.; Kerckhof, F.; Vigin, L.; Van den Eynde, D.; Vincx, M.; De Maersschalck, V.; Vanden Eede, S.; Reubens, J.; Hostens, K.; Wittoeck, J.; Cooreman, K.; Stienen, E.; Courtens, W.; Van de walle, M.; Vanermen, N.; Henriet, J.-P.; Versteeg, W.; Staelens, P.; Vercruysse, J.; Van Rooij, D. (2009). Scientific monitoring of the impact of offshore windfarms on the marine environment, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 6 March 2009: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 41: pp. 28, more
Brabant, R.; Degraer, S.; Jacques, T. (2009). Research strategy and equipment to continuously study flying birds in wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: an overview of marine research in Belgium anno 2009. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day. Special edition at the occasion of 10 years VLIZ. VLIZ Special Publication, 43: pp. 22, more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Braeckman, U.; Coates, D.; Courtens, W.; Derweduwen, J.; Di Marcantonio, M.; Haelters, J.; Hostens, K.; Jacques, T.; Kerckhof, F.; Norro, A.; Reubens, J.; Stienen, E.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Van Colen, C.; Vandendriessche, S.; Van den Eynde, D.; Van de walle, M.; Vanermen, N.; Van Hoey, G.; Vigin, L.; Vincx, M.; Wittoeck, J. (2009). Monitoring the impact of offshore windfarms on the marine environment: an obligate multidisciplinary and integrated programme, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts: an overview of marine research in Belgium anno 2009. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day. Special edition at the occasion of 10 years VLIZ. VLIZ Special Publication, 43: pp. 49, more
Reports (30) [show] |
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Vigin, L. (Ed.) (2023). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Progressive insights in changing species distribution patterns informing marine management. Memoirs on the Marine Environment. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, OD Natural Environment, Marine Ecology and Management: Brussels. ISBN 978-9-0732-4274-6. 115 pp., more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Vigin, L. (Ed.) (2022). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Getting ready for offshore wind farm expansion in the North Sea. Memoirs on the Marine Environment. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, OD Natural Environment, Marine Ecology and Management: Brussels. ISBN 978-9-0732-4267-8. 106 pp., more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Vigin, L. (Ed.) (2021). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Attraction, avoidance and habitat use at various spatial scales. Memoirs on the Marine Environment. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, OD Natural Environment, Marine Ecology and Management: Brussels. ISBN 978-9-0732-4254-8. 104 pp., more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Vigin, L. (Ed.) (2020). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Empirical evidence inspiring priority monitoring, research and management. Memoirs on the Marine Environment. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, OD Natural Environment, Marine Ecology and Management: Brussels. ISBN 978-9-0732-4252-4. 131 pp., more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Vigin, L. (2019). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: making a decade of monitoring, research and innovation. Memoirs on the Marine Environment. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, OD Natural Environment, Marine Ecology and Management Section: Brussels. ISBN 978-9-0732-4249-4. 134 pp., more
- Haelters, J.; Brabant, R.; De Cauwer, K.; De Mesel, I.; Kerckhof, F.; Rumes, B.; Stienen, E.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Degraer, S. (2019). Evaluatie van de instandhoudingsdoelstellingen voor Natura 2000: naar aanleiding van de actualisatie van de omschrijving van de goede milieutoestand en de vaststelling van de milieudoelen voor de Belgische mariene wateren. Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen (KBIN) in opdracht van de FOD Volksgezondheid, veiligheid van de voedselketen en leefmilieu, Dienst Marien Milieu. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen (KBIN): Brussel. 25 pp., more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Vigin, L. (2017). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: A continued move towards integration and quantification. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, OD Natural Environment, Marine Ecology and Management Section: Brussels. ISBN 978-9-0732-4237-1. 146 pp., more
Haelters, J.; Brabant, R.; Devolder, M.; Degraer, S.; De Mesel, I.; Norro, A.; Rumes, B.; Van den Eynde, D.; Lauwaert, B. (2017). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van de bouw en de exploitatie van een tijdelijke testinstallatie voor golfenergieconversie nabij de haven van Oostende. BMM: Brussel. 57 pp., more
Lagerveld, S.; Gerla, D.; van der Wal, J.T.; de Vries, P.; Brabant, R.; Stienen, E.; Deneudt, K.; Manshanden, J.; Scholl, M. (2017). Spatial and temporal occurrence of bats in the southern North Sea area. IMARES Wageningen Report, C090/17. Wageningen Marine Research (University & Research centre): Den Helder. 52 pp., more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B.; Vigin, L. (Ed.) (2016). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Environmental impact monitoring reloaded. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, OD Natural Environment, Marine Ecology and Management Section: Brussels. ISBN 978-90-8264-120-2. ix, 287 pp., more
Degraer, S.; Vigin, L.; Brabant, R. (Ed.) (2015). WinMon Activity Report 2013-2014. Operational Directorate Natural Environment: Brussel. 39 pp., more
Rumes, B.; Di Marcantonio, M.; Brabant, R.; De Mesel, I.; Dulière, V.; Haelters, J.; Kerckhof, F.; Norro, A.; Van den Eynde, D.; Vigin, L.; Lauwaert, B. (2015). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het MERMAID offshore energiepark ten noordwesten van de Bligh Bank. BMM: Brussel. x, 209 pp., more
Rumes, B.; Di Marcantonio, M.; Brabant, R.; De Mesel, I.; Degraer, S.; Haelters, J.; Kerckhof, F.; Norro, A.; Schallier, R.; Van den Eynde, D.; Vigin, L.; Lauwaert, B. (2014). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het Belgian Offshore Grid. BMM: Brussel. vii, 172 pp., more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B. (Ed.) (2013). Environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Learning from the past to optimise future monitoring programmes. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), Operational Directorate Natural Environment, Marine Ecology and Management Section: Brussels. ISBN 978-90-9027-928-2. 239 pp., more
Rumes, B.; Di Marcantonio, M.; Brabant, R.; Haelters, J.; Kerckhof, F.; Norro, A.; Van den Eynde, D.; Vigin, L.; Lauwaert, B. (2013). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NEMO Link Project. BMM: Brussel. v, 80 pp., more
Rumes, B.; Di Marcantonio, M.; Brabant, R.; Haelters, J.; Kerckhof, F.; Vigin, L.; Lauwaert, B. (2013). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NORTHER offshore windmolenpark ten zuidoosten van de Thorntonbank – configuratie 4. BMM/Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen: Brussel. v, 67 pp., more
Rumes, B.; Di Marcantonio, M.; Brabant, R.; De Mesel, I.; Dulière, V.; Haelters, J.; Kerckhof, F.; Norro, A.; Van den Eynde, D.; Vigin, L.; Lauwaert, B. (2013). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het SEASTAR offshore windmolenpark ten noordwesten van de Lodewijkbank en ten zuidoosten van de Bligh Bank: Onderzoek van de aanvraag van de THV Seastar voor een vergunning en machtiging voor de aanleg en de exploitatie van verbindingskabels voor elektriciteit van een windmolenpark in de zeegebieden onder de rechtsbevoegdheid van België. BMM: Brussel. v, 187 pp., more
- Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B. (Ed.) (2012). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Heading for an understanding of environmental impacts. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models, Marine Ecosystem Management Unit: Brussel. 155 + annexes pp., more
Rumes, B.; Di Marcantonio, M.; Brabant, R.; Degraer, S.; Haelters, J.; Kerckhof, F.; Norro, A.; Van den Eynde, D.; Vigin, L.; Lauwaert, B. (2012). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het RENTEL offshore windmolenpark ten noordwesten van de Thorntonbank en ten zuidoosten van de Lodewijkbank. BMM: Brussel. x, 206 pp., more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B. (Ed.) (2011). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Selected findings from the baseline and targeted monitoring. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models. Marine Ecosystem Management Unit: Brussels. 157 pp., more
Rumes, B.; Di Marcantonio, M.; Brabant, R.; Dulière, V.; Degraer, S.; Haelters, J.; Kerckhof, F.; Legrand, S.; Norro, A.; Van den Eynde, D.; Vigin, L.; Lauwaert, B. (2011). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NORTHER offshore windmolenpark ten zuidoosten van de Thorntonbank. BMM: Brussel. VIII, 190 pp., more
Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B. (Ed.) (2010). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Early environmental impact assessment and spatio-temporal variability. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models. Marine Ecosystem Management Unit: Brussel. III, 212 pp., more
- Brabant, R.; Degraer, S.; Partnership (2009). A brief introduction to offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Degraer, S. et al. Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: State of the art after two years of environmental monitoring. pp. 13-16, more
- Brabant, R.; Jacques, Th. (2009). Research strategy and equipment for studying flying birds in wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Degraer, S. et al. Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: State of the art after two years of environmental monitoring. pp. 223-235, more
- Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Partnership (2009). Recommendations for a future monitoring of wind farms in Belgium’s marine waters, in: Degraer, S. et al. Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: State of the art after two years of environmental monitoring. pp. 275-279, more
- Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Partnership (2009). Conclusions: the main messages…, in: Degraer, S. et al. Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: State of the art after two years of environmental monitoring. pp. 281-285, more
- Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Partnership (2009). Executive summary: the monitoring results in a nutshell, in: Degraer, S. et al. Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: State of the art after two years of environmental monitoring. pp. 1-11, more
- Degraer, S.; Brabant, R. (2009). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: State of the art after two years of environmental monitoring. Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models, Marine Ecosystem Management Unit/Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences: Brussel. 287 + annexes pp., more
Di Marcantonio, M.; Brabant, R.; Haelters, J.; Kerckhof, F.; Van den Eynde, D.; Vigin, L.; Jacques, T. (2009). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het ELDEPASCO offshore windmolenpark op de Bank zonder Naam. MUMM: Brussel. XIV, 169 pp., more
Marcantonio, M.D.; Brabant, R.; Haelters, J.; Kerckhof, F.; Van den Eynde, D.; Vigin, L.; Jacques, T.G. (2007). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het BELWIND offshore windmolenpark op de Bligh Bank. BMM: Brussel. xiv, 182 pp., more
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Degraer, S.; Brabant, R.; Rumes, B. (2012). Environmental monitoring of offshore renewable energy installations: A plea for timely knowledge sharing. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2012(O:23). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 1 pp., more