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WoRMS celebrates its 10th anniversary! WoRMS celebrates its 10th anniversary!
The World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) can blow out 10 candles this year… Since its launch in 2007, WoRMS has evolved tremendously – including the technology behind it -, and we are celebrating this with a complete make-over of the website. -
Turbellarian WoRMS portal launched Turbellarian WoRMS portal launched
A new World list is made available on the Turbellarian worms, including the Acoelomorpha, Catenulida and Rhabditophora. This World List now contains 3.425 accepted species names and is one of the most complete existing resources for Turbellarian taxa. -
Awardees for the WoRMS Achievement & Early Career Researchers Award known Awardees for the WoRMS Achievement & Early Career Researchers Award known
Ben Thuy has received the first Early Career Researchers Award. The second WoRMS Achievement Award was granted to Geoff Boxshall, long-time supporter of WoRMS. -
EMODnet Data Products Workshop EMODnet Data Products Workshop
Representatives from all four regional sea commissions, transatlantic partnerships, industry, conservation and management organisations met in London on the 10th October for an EMODnet Biology meeting to steer the development of key biological data products. -
WoRMS and the Encyclopedia of Life (EoL) renew their collaboration! WoRMS and the Encyclopedia of Life (EoL) renew their collaboration!
Eight years after the signing of the first MoU between EOL & WoRMS, the content of the MoU has been updated to meet the current content and possibilities of both systems. -
LifeWatch Data Analysis Workshop: LifeWatch Cetacean passive acoustic sensor network LifeWatch Data Analysis Workshop: LifeWatch Cetacean passive acoustic sensor network
On October 5th-6th 2017, 14 experts met at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Ostend to explore and analyze the C-POD data generated by the Belgian LifeWatch Cetacean passive acoustic sensor network. -
MoU between FADA and WoRMS is a fact! MoU between FADA and WoRMS is a fact!
A data exchange agreement between the Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment (FADA) and the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) has been signed! -
Bio-ORACLE v2.0: Marine Data Layers for Bioclimatic Modelling released Bio-ORACLE v2.0: Marine Data Layers for Bioclimatic Modelling released
Bio-ORACLE v2.0 is a set of GIS rasters providing geophysical, biotic and environmental data for surface and benthic marine realms. -
FishBase receives the Le Cren Medal FishBase receives the Le Cren Medal
The Fisheries Society of the British Isles awarded the 2017 Le Cren Medal to FishBase for “a lifelong contribution to all aspects of the study of fish biology and/or fisheries science, with a focus on conservation, training or public understanding of the discipline.” -
Call for applications - LifeWatch funds available to organize editor workshops in 2017-2018 Call for applications - LifeWatch funds available to organize editor workshops in 2017-2018
Through LifeWatch, The Flanders Marine Institute – host of the WoRMS database – has a budget available to financially support editors to address a number of priority gaps within WoRMS. This can be done through the organization of an editor-workshop.