Latest news

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  • A DOI for WoRMS
    A DOI for WoRMS

    A DOI for WoRMS

    The WoRMS Steering Committee decided that the WoRMS database should receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), identical to the DOIs that get assigned to scientific publications.
  • Fourth EMODnet Biology Workshop
    Fourth EMODnet Biology Workshop

    Fourth EMODnet Biology Workshop

    On June 17th, 17 experts met in Oostende to further develop a framework for the description, collation and dissemination of traits information relating to marine species.
  • Vemco Telemetry Workshop
    Vemco Telemetry Workshop

    Vemco Telemetry Workshop

    On Friday May 27th 2016, a telemetry workshop was organized by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and Vemco.
  • LifeWatch Belgium, a very active research community!
    LifeWatch Belgium, a very active research community!

    LifeWatch Belgium, a very active research community!

    On Monday May 23rd, the second Infrastructure User Meeting was organized at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Ostend. During this full-day event, users of the infrastructure were given the chance to present their ongoing research and first results. This event was also the perfect networking opportunity for the Belgian LifeWatch partners, researchers, PhD students, LifeWatch Belgium supporters, etc.
  • GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names updated in Marine Regions

    GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names updated in Marine Regions

    The GEBCO Sub-Committee on Undersea Feature Names (SCUFN), which operates under IHO and IOC, maintains and makes available a digital gazetteer of the names and geographic position of features on the sea floor. The gazetteer is linked to Marine Regions, using OGC web services. In April 2016 the list was updated: 122 records were added and coordinates of 185 features have been updated.
  • New: EMODnet Biology Data Download Tool
    New: EMODnet Biology Data Download Tool

    New: EMODnet Biology Data Download Tool

    The data download tool guides the user through a step-wise workflow where one can select datasets, perform predefined geographic and temporal selections, can add specific taxonomic or functional filters, and select for data with a certain quality and precision. The tool is available at:
  • Amphipoda editors meet in Oostende
    Amphipoda editors meet in Oostende

    Amphipoda editors meet in Oostende

    On April 4-5, 22 of the 32 Amphipoda editors met in Oostende, to further complete the World Amphipoda Database (WAD).