Latest news

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  • Renewed for an even better unlocking of European marine biodiversity data

    Renewed for an even better unlocking of European marine biodiversity data

    By means of the grand data network project EMODnet (video), Europe aims in the forthcoming years to unlock all available marine observations and data in order to make them accessible to diverse users. Concerning the biological data, heaps of data and attractive data products are made freely available through the recently renewed website
  • The Freshwater Information Platform is launched

    The Freshwater Information Platform is launched

    Four European research institutes have launched an online platform to make information from a large set of freshwater ecosystem research activities accessible to all. The Freshwater Information Platform offers a forum for information exchange and open-access publishing of maps and data, and aims to stimulate cutting-edge research and collaborations in the field. The Platform provides a unique and comprehensive knowledge base for sustainable and evidence-based management of our threatened freshwater ecosystems and the resources they provide.
  • EMODNet Jamboree and Public Conference - 20-22 October 2015

    EMODNet Jamboree and Public Conference - 20-22 October 2015

    The next general EMODnet Biology meeting will take place 21-22 October, 2015 in Oostende, Belgium. The meeting will be co-organised with the other EMODnet thematic project meetings, and will be preceded by a Public Conference with all EMODnet Partners and different external stakeholders (20 October 2015, De Grote Post, Oostende).