Dr Cuvelier, Daphne |
Projects (7) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
- Creating a long term infrastructure for marine biodiversity research in the European Economic Area and the Newly Associated States, more
- Deep-sea & Extreme Environments, Patterns of Species and Ecosystem Time Series, more
- Development of an Integrated Database for the Management of Accidental Spills, more
- Endocrine disruption in the Scheldt Estuary: distribution, exposure and effects, more
- Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, more
- Marine Incidents Management cluster - MIMAc, more
- Meiobenthic And Nematode biodiversity: Unraveling Ecological and Latitudinal Aspects, more
Dataset |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
- Macroben: MarBEF (2005). Macroben, an integrated database on benthic invertebrates of European continental shelves. http://www.vliz.be/imis/imis.php?module=dataset&dasid=631, more
Publications (33) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
A1 Publications (12) [show] |
Campanyà-Llovet, N.; Bates, A.E.; Cuvelier, D.; Giacomello, E.; Catarino, D.; Gooday, A.J.; Berning, B.; Figuerola, B.; Malaquias, M.A.E.; Moura, C.J.; Xavier, J.R.; Sutton, T.T.; Fauconnet, L.; Ramalho, S.P.; Neves, B.M.; Machado, G.M.; Horton, T.; Gebruk, A.V.; Minin, K.; Bried, J.; Molodtsova, T.; Silva, M.A.; Dilman, A.; Kremenetskaia, A.; Costa, E.F.S.; Clarke, J.; Martins, H.R.; Pham, C.K.; Carreiro-Silva, M.; Colaço, A. (2023). FUN Azores: a FUNctional trait database for the meio-, macro-, and megafauna from the Azores Marine Park (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). Front. Ecol. Evol. 11: 1050268. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2023.1050268, more
Simon-Lledó, E.; Amon, D.J.; Bribiesca-Contreras, G.; Cuvelier, D.; Durden, J.M.; Ramalho, S.P.; Uhlenkott, K.; Arbizu, P.M.; Benoist, N.; Copley, J.; Dahlgren, T.G.; Glover, A.G.; Fleming, B.; Horton, T.; Ju, S.-J.; Mejía-Saenz, A.; McQuaid, K.; Pape, E.; Park, C.; Smith, C.R.; Jones, D.O.B. (2023). Carbonate compensation depth drives abyssal biogeography in the northeast Pacific. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7(9): 1388-1397. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41559-023-02122-9, more
Boehringer, L.; Ramalho, S.P.; Marcon, Y.; Boetius, A.; Cuvelier, D.; Purser, A. (2021). Recovery of Paleodictyon patterns after simulated mining activity on Pacific nodule fields. Mar. Biodiv. 51(6): 97. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12526-021-01237-1, more
- Silva, A.P.; Colaço, A.; Ravara, A.; Jakobsen, J.; Jakobsen, K.; Cuvelier, D. (2021). The first whale fall on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: monitoring a year of succession. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 178: 103662. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2021.103662, more
Cuvelier, D.; Ribeiro, P.A.; Ramalho, S.P.; Kersken, D.; Arbizu, P.M.; Colaço, A. (2020). Are seamounts refuge areas for fauna from polymetallic nodule fields? Biogeosciences 17(9): 2657-2680. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-2657-2020, more
Schoening, T.; Purser, A.; Langenkämper, D.; Suck, I.; Taylor, J.; Cuvelier, D.; Lins, L.; Simon-Lledó, E.; Marcon, Y.; Jones, D.O.B.; Nattkemper, T.W.; Köser, K.; Zurowietz, M.; Greinert, J.; Gomes-Pereira, J. (2020). Megafauna community assessment of polymetallic-nodule fields with cameras: platform and methodology comparison. Biogeosciences 17(12): 3115-3133. https://hdl.handle.net/10.5194/bg-17-3115-2020, more
Chapman, Abbie S. A.; Beaulieu, Stace E.; Colaço, Ana; Gebruk, Andrey V.; Hilario, Ana; Kihara, Terue C.; Ramirez‐Llodra, Eva; Sarrazin, Jozée; Tunnicliffe, Verena; Amon, Diva J.; Baker, Maria C.; Boschen‐Rose, Rachel E.; Chen, Chong; Cooper, Isabelle J.; Copley, Jonathan T.; Corbari, Laure; Cordes, Erik E.; Cuvelier, Daphne; Duperron, Sébastien; Du Preez, Cherisse; Gollner, Sabine; Horton, Tammy; Hourdez, Stéphane; Krylova, Elena M.; Linse, Katrin; LokaBharathi, P. A.; Marsh, Leigh; Matabos, Marjolaine; Mills, Susan Wier; Mullineaux, Lauren S.; Rapp, Hans Tore; Reid, William D. K.; Rybakova (Goroslavskaya), Elena; A. Thomas, Tresa Remya; Southgate, Samuel James; Stöhr, Sabine; Turner, Phillip J.; Watanabe, Hiromi Kayama; Yasuhara, Moriaki; Bates, Amanda E. (2019). sFDvent: A global trait database for deep‐sea hydrothermal‐vent fauna. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 28(11): 1538-1551. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/geb.12975, more
- Jones, D.O.B.; Durden, J.M.; Murphy, K.; Gjerde, K.M.; Gebicka, A.; Colaço, A.; Morato, T.; Cuvelier, D.; Billett, D.S.M. (2019). Existing environmental management approaches relevant to deep-sea mining. Mar. Policy 103: 172-181. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2019.01.006, more
Cuvelier, D.; Gollner, S.; Jones, D.O.B.; Kaiser, S.; Arbizu, P.M.; Menzel, L.; Mestre, N.C.; Morato, T.; Pham, C.K.; Pradillon, F.; Purser, A.; Raschka, U.; Sarrazin, J.; Simon-Lledó, E.; Stewart, I.M.; Stuckas, H.; Sweetman, A.K.; Colaço, A. (2018). Potential mitigation and restoration actions in ecosystems impacted by seabed mining. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 467. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2018.00467, more
Gollner, S.; Kaiser, S.; Menzel, L.; Jones, D.O.B.; Brown, A.; Mestre, N.C.; Van Oevelen, D.; Menot, L.; Colaço, A.; Canals, M.; Cuvelier, D.; Durden, J.M.; Gebruk, A.; Egho, G.A.; Haeckel, M.; Marcon, Y.; Mevenkamp, L.; Morato, T.; Pham, C.K.; Purser, A.; Sanchez-Vidal, A.; Vanreusel, A.; Vink, A.; Martinez Arbizu, P. (2017). Resilience of benthic deep-sea fauna to mining activities. Mar. Environ. Res. 129: 76-101. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2017.04.010, more
- Cuvelier, D.; Beesau, J.; Ivanenko, V.N.; Zeppilli, D.; Sarradin, P.-M.; Sarrazin, J. (2014). First insights into macro- and meiofaunal colonisation patterns on paired wood/slate substrata at Atlantic deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 87: 70-81. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2014.02.008, more
- Glover, A.G.; Gooday, A.J.; Bailey, D.M.; Billett, D.S.M.; Chevaldonne, P.; Colaco, A.; Copley, J.; Cuvelier, D.; Desbruyeres, D.; Kalogeropoulou, V.; Klages, M.; Lampadariou, N.; Lejeusne, C.; Mestre, N.C.; Paterson, G.L.J.; Perez, T.; Ruhl, H.; Sarrazin, J.; Soltwedel, T.; Soto, E.H.; Thatje, S.; Tselepides, A.; Van Gaever, S.; Vanreusel, A. (2010). Temporal change in deep-sea benthic ecosystems: a review of the evidence from recent time-series studies, in: Lesser, M. (Ed.) Adv. Mar. Biol. 58. Advances in Marine Biology, 58: pp. 1-95. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-381015-1.00001-0, more
Books (3) [show] |
- Emblow, C.S.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; Cuvelier, D.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Hummel, H.; Heip, C.H.R.; Mees, J. (Ed.) (2004). Electronic conference on ‘Sustaining Livelihoods and Biodiversity - attaining the 2010 target in the European Biodiversity Strategy’: summary of discussions, 13 to 30 April, 2004. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. III, 30 pp., more
Heip, C.H.R.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; Cuvelier, D.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Hummel, H.; Mees, J. (2004). Electronic conference on 'Marine biodiversity research that matters!': summary of discussions, 15 to 26 November 2004. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. IX, 35 pp., more
- Magni, P.; Malej, A.; Moncheva, S.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Appeltans, W.; Cuvelier, D.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Hummel, H.; Heip, C.H.R.; Mees, J. (Ed.) (2004). Electronic conference on 'The Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea: new challenges for marine biodiversity research and monitoring': summary of discussions, 6 to 24 September, 2004. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. VIII, 108 pp., more
Theses (2) [show] |
- Cuvelier, D. (2011). Temporal variations of the Mid-Atlantic hydrothermal vent communities from the Lucky Strike vent field. PhD Thesis. Universidade dos Açores. Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas: Horta. 199 pp., more
- Cuvelier, D. (2003). Bathymetrische distributie van de peracaride Crustacea op de Europese continentale helling (Meriadzek Terras, Frankrijk). MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent. Vakgroep Biologie, sectie Mariene Biologie: Gent. 141 pp., more
Abstracts (6) [show] |
Cuvelier, D.; Gunasekera, R.; Millar, K.; Slawinski, D.; Audzijonyte, A. (2008). Community dynamics on a high temperature hydrothermal edifice: a decadal study, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia, Spain, 11-15 November 2008: book of abstracts. pp. 1, more
Derous, S.; Verfaillie, E.; Van Lancker, V.R.M.; Courtens, W.; Stienen, E.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Hillewaert, H.; Mees, J.; Deneudt, K.; Deckers, P.; Cuvelier, D.; Vincx, M.; Degraer, S. (2007). A marine biological valuation map for the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 34, more
Gooday, A.J.; Billett, D.S.M.; Copley, J.; Cuvelier, D.; Colaço, A.; Desbruyéres, D.; Boury-Esnault, N.; Galeron, J.; Klages, M.; Kalogeropoulou, V.; Lampadaiou, N.; Arbizu, P.M.; Paterson, G.; Perez, T.; Santos, R.S.; Sarrazin, J.; Tatje, S.; Tyler, P.; Vanreusel, A. (2007). DEEPSETS – Deep-sea and extreme environments, patterns of species and ecosystem time series, in: Marbef General Assembly - Science Meeting. The value of biodiversity observatories and monitoring for science and society, Sopot & Gdynia, Poland, 14-16 May 2007: book of abstracts. pp. 8, more
- Appeltans, W.; Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2006). Europe counts marine life, in: Konjevic, S. et al. (Ed.) Open Waters - Open Sources: 11th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centres (EURASLIC), 4-6th May 2005, Split, Croatia. pp. 173, more
Appeltans, W.; Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). Europe counts marine life, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 19, more
- Vanhoorne, B.; Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J. (2004). EurOBIS: the European node of the ocean biogeographic information system, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 105, more
Reports (2) [show] |
Arijs, K.; Versonnen, B.; Vangheluwe, M.; Vanhoorne, B.; Cuvelier, D.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Mees, J.; Ghekiere, A.; Janssen, C.R. (2007). DIMAS Development of an integrated database for the management of accidental spills. Part 2. Global change, ecosystems and biodiversity - SPSDII: final report. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 69 pp., more
- Derous, S.; Vincx, M.; Degraer, S.; Deneudt, K.; Deckers, P.; Cuvelier, D.; Mees, J.; Courtens, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Van Lancker, V.R.M.; Verfaillie, E. (2007). A biological valuation map for the Belgian part of the North Sea (BWZEE). Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 161 pp., more
Other publications (8) [show] |
Cuvelier, D.; Claus, S.; Appeltans, W.; Vanhoorne, B.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Costello, M.J. (2006). European Register of Marine Species (ERMS) - plans turning into reality ! MarBEF Newsletter 4: 14-15, more
Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D. (2004). Wat maakt ons Belgisch stukje Noordzee zo uniek? Onze zee rijker dan je denkt. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 1 poster pp., more
Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D. (2004). Het mariene voedselweb. Onze zee rijker dan je denkt. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 1 poster pp., more
Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D. (2004). Het plankton van het Belgisch Continentaal Plat. Onze zee rijker dan je denkt. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 1 poster pp., more
Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D. (2004). Het benthos: de bodembewoners van de zee. Onze zee rijker dan je denkt. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 1 poster pp., more
Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D. (2004). De vissen van het Belgisch Continentaal Plat. Onze zee rijker dan je denkt. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 1 poster pp., more
Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D. (2004). Zeevogels van de Belgische mariene gebieden. Onze zee rijker dan je denkt. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 1 poster pp., more
Claus, S.; Cuvelier, D. (2004). Zeezoogdieren van de Belgische mariene gebieden. Onze zee rijker dan je denkt. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 1 poster pp., more