Dr Parmentier, Koen |
Institute |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Natuurlijk Milieu; Fysico-Chemie van Ecosystemen (ECOCHEM), more
Direct contact at institute:
Tel.: +32-(0)59-55 22 41
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Projects (5) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
- 4 Decades of Belgian Marine monitoring: uplifting historical data to today's needs, more
- Dumpsites of munitions: Integrated Science Approach to Risk and Management, more
- Monitoring van metalen en radioactieve stoffen in zeewater en gesuspendeerde stoffen, more
- New Strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of Hazardous chemicals in the marine Environment with Passive Samplers, more
- Ontwikkeling van milieuvriendelijke aftifoulingcomponenten - voorstudie, more
Dataset |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
- Parmentier, K. et al.; Ecosystems Physico-Chemistry group (ECOCHEM). IRScNB/KBIN-OD Natuur: Belgium; (2020): Supporting water quality data for the NewSTHEPS sampling campaigns., more
Publications (62) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
A1 Publications (16) [show] |
Kundu, K.; Van Landuyt, J.; Mattelin, V.; Martin, B.; Neyts, M.; Parmentier, K.; Boon, N. (2023). Enhanced removal of warfare agent tri-nitro-toluene by a Methylophaga-dominated microbiome. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 190: 114866. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114866, more
- Vanavermaete, D.; Hostens, K.; Everaert, G.; Parmentier, K.; Janssen, C.; De Witte, B. (2023). Assessing the risk of booster biocides for the marine environment: A case study at the Belgian part of the North Sea. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 197: 115774. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.115774, more
- De Witte, B.; Coleman, B.; Bekaert, K.; Boitsov, S.; Botelho, M.J.; Castro-Jiménez, J.; Duffy, C.; Habedank, F.; McGovern, E.; Parmentier, K.; Tornero, V.; Viñas, L.; Turner, A.D. (2022). Threshold values on environmental chemical contaminants in seafood in the European Economic Area. Food Control 138: 108978. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.108978, more
Fettweis, M.; Schartau, M.; Desmit, X.; Lee, B.J.; Terseleer, N.; Van der Zande, D.; Parmentier, K.; Riethmüller, R. (2022). Organic matter composition of biomineral flocs and its influence on suspended particulate matter dynamics along a nearshore to offshore transect. JGR: Biogeosciences 127(1): e2021JG006332. https://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2021JG006332, more
Van Landuyt, J.; Kundu, K.; Van Haelst, S.; Neyts, M.; Parmentier, K.; De Rijcke, M.; Boon, N. (2022). 80 years later: Marine sediments still influenced by an old war ship. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 1017136. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.1017136, more
Parmentier, K.F.V.; Verhaegen, Y.; De Witte, B.P.; Hoffman, S.; Delbare, D.H.R.; Roose, P.M.; Hylland, K.D.E.; Burgeot, T.; Smagghe, G.J.; Cooreman, K. (2019). Tributyltin: a bottom-up regulator of the Crangon crangon population? Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 633. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00633, more
- De Witte, B.; Ruttens, A.; Ampe, B.; Waegeneers, N.; Gauquie, J.; Devriese, L.; Cooreman, K.; Parmentier, K. (2016). Chemical analyses of dredged spoil disposal sites at the Belgian part of the North Sea. Chemosphere 156: 172-180. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.04.124, more
- Maes, G.E.; Raeymaekers, J.A.M.; Hellemans, B.; Geeraerts, C.; Parmentier, K.; De Temmerman, L.; Volckaert, F.A.M.; Belpaire, C. (2013). Gene transcription reflects poor health status of resident European eel chronically exposed to environmental pollutants. Aquat. Toxicol. 126: 242-255. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2012.11.006, more
- Verhaegen, Y.; Monteyne, E.; Neudecker, T.; Tulp, I.; Smagghe, G.; Cooreman, K.; Roose, P.; Parmentier, K. (2012). Organotins in North Sea brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) after implementation of the TBT ban. Chemosphere 86(10): 979-984. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.11.028, more
- Verhaegen, Y.; Parmentier, K.; Swevers, L.; Renders, E.; Rougé, P.; De Coen, W.; Cooreman, K.; Smagghe, G. (2011). The heterodimeric ecdysteroid receptor complex in the brown shrimp Crangon crangon: EcR and RXR isoform characteristics and sensitivity towards the marine pollutant tributyltin. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 172(1): 158-169. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ygcen.2011.02.019, more
- Verhaegen, Y.; Parmentier, K.; Swevers, L.; Rougé, P.; Soin, T.; De Coen, W.; Cooreman, K.; Smagghe, G. (2010). The brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) ecdysteroid receptor complex: Cloning, structural modeling of the ligand-binding domain and functional expression in an EcR-deficient Drosophila cell line. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 168(3): 415-423. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ygcen.2010.05.007, more
- Verhaegen, Y.; Parmentier, K.; Robbens, J.; Smagghe, G.; De Coen, W.; Cooreman, K. (2010). Expression profiling of endocrine-disrupting compounds using a shrimp (Crangon crangon) cDNA microarray developed through suppression subtractive hybridization PCR. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Part A Mol. Integr. Physiol. 157(Supplement 1): S9-S9. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpa.2010.06.023, more
- Belpaire, C.G.J.; Goemans, G.; Geeraerts, C.; Quataert, P.; Parmentier, K.; Hagel, P.; de Boer, J. (2009). Decreasing eel stocks: survival of the fattest? Ecol. Freshw. Fish. 18(2): 197-214. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1600-0633.2008.00337.x, more
Belpaire, C.; Goemans, G.; Geeraerts, C.; Quataert, P.; Parmentier, K. (2008). Pollution fingerprints in eels as models for the chemical status of rivers. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 65(8): 1483-1491. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsn112, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Leermakers, M.; De Gieter, M.; Nguyen, H.L.; Parmentier, K.; Panutrakul, S.; Elskens, M. (2005). Overview of trace metal contamination in the Scheldt estuary and effect of regulatory measures. Hydrobiologia 540(1-3): 141-154. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-004-7129-4, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Parmentier, K.; Goeyens, L.; Ducastel, G.; De Gieter, M.; Leermakers, M. (1997). The biogeochemical behaviour of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the Scheldt estuary: results of the 1995 surveys. Hydrobiologia 366: 45-62. https://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1003120226778, more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Vromman, V.; Rettigner, C.; Huyghebaert, A.; Maghuin-Rogister, G.; Bossier, P.; Delbare, D.; Parmentier, K.; Van Camp, J.; Verbeke, W.; Vinkx, C.; Pussemier, L. (2008). L’aquaculture: production, alimentation et présence de contaminants environnementaux et de résidus de médicaments vétérinaires. Ann. Méd. Vét. 152(4): 227-239, more
Book chapters (12) [show] |
Adamopoulou, A.; Baeye, M.; Monteyne, E.; Fettweis, M.; Neyts, M.; Parmentier, K.; Van Langenhove, H. (2016). Integrated monitoring of nonpolar compounds with the use of Passive Samplers, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 61, more
- Larsen, M.M.; Søndergaard, J.; Asmund, G.; Parmentier, K.; Vermaercke, P. (2011). Trace elements, in: Quevauviller, P. et al. (Ed.) Chemical marine monitoring: Policy framework and analytical trends. Water Quality Measurements Series, : pp. 71-99, more
- Belpaire, C.; Goemans, G.; Geeraerts, C.; Quataert, P.; Parmentier, K. (2008). Pollution fingerprints in eels as models for the chemical status of rivers, in: Belpaire, C. Pollution in eel: a cause of their decline? = Verontreiniging in paling: een oorzaak van zijn achteruitgang?. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, M.2008.2: pp. 201-218, more
- Belpaire, C.G.J.; Goemans, G.; Geeraerts, C.; Quataert, P.; Parmentier, K.; Hagel, P.; de Boer, J. (2008). Decreasing eel stocks: survival of the fattest?, in: Belpaire, C. Pollution in eel: a cause of their decline? = Verontreiniging in paling: een oorzaak van zijn achteruitgang?. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, M.2008.2: pp. 115-143, more
- Goemans, G.; Belpaire, C.; Parmentier, K.; De Temmerman, L. (2008). The Eel Pollutant Monitoring Network: results for 1994-2005: data tables, in: Belpaire, C. Pollution in eel: a cause of their decline? = Verontreiniging in paling: een oorzaak van zijn achteruitgang?. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, M.2008.2: pp. 389-452, more
- Belpaire, C.; Goemans, G.; Geeraerts, C.; Quataert, P.; Parmentier, K. (2007). Pollution fingerprints in eels as models for the chemical status of rivers, in: Belpaire, C. (2008). Zendingsverslag : ICES Symposium : Environmental indicators. Zendingsverslagen van het instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek, 2008(10): pp. 10-27, more
- Raemaekers, M.; Derveaux, S.; Parmentier, K. (2006). Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlor pesticides in brown shrimp (Crangon crangon) of the Belgian Continental Shelf, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 489-496, more
- Parmentier, K. (2002). Reactualisatie van de stofstroomdossiers van prioritaire polluenten in België: kwik, in: Baeyens, W.F.J. et al. (Ed.) Evaluatie van de chemische contaminatie van de Noordzee en schatting van de verontreiniging van land = Evaluation de la contamination chimique de la mer du Nord et estimation de la pollution terrigène. Scientific Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy (SPSD I): Programme "Sustainable Management of the North Sea" = Plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling (PODO I): Programma "Duurzaam beheer van de Noordzee", : pp. 129-157, more
- Parmentier, K. (2002). Reactualisatie van de stofstroomdossiers van prioritaire polluenten in België: dioxines, in: Baeyens, W.F.J. et al. (Ed.) Evaluatie van de chemische contaminatie van de Noordzee en schatting van de verontreiniging van land = Evaluation de la contamination chimique de la mer du Nord et estimation de la pollution terrigène. Scientific Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy (SPSD I): Programme "Sustainable Management of the North Sea" = Plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling (PODO I): Programma "Duurzaam beheer van de Noordzee", : pp. 267-315, more
- Parmentier, K. (2002). Reactualisatie van de stofstroomdossiers van prioritaire polluenten in België: organotinverbindingen, in: Baeyens, W.F.J. et al. (Ed.) Evaluatie van de chemische contaminatie van de Noordzee en schatting van de verontreiniging van land = Evaluation de la contamination chimique de la mer du Nord et estimation de la pollution terrigène. Scientific Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy (SPSD I): Programme "Sustainable Management of the North Sea" = Plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling (PODO I): Programma "Duurzaam beheer van de Noordzee", : pp. 317-322, more
- Parmentier, K. (2002). Reactualisatie van de stofstroomdossiers van prioritaire polluenten in België: nutriënten, in: Baeyens, W.F.J. et al. (Ed.) Evaluatie van de chemische contaminatie van de Noordzee en schatting van de verontreiniging van land = Evaluation de la contamination chimique de la mer du Nord et estimation de la pollution terrigène. Scientific Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy (SPSD I): Programme "Sustainable Management of the North Sea" = Plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling (PODO I): Programma "Duurzaam beheer van de Noordzee", : pp. 499-502, more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Parmentier, K.; Goeyens, L.; Ducastel, G.; De Gieter, M.; Leermakers, M. (1998). The biogeochemical behaviour of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the Scheldt estuary: results of the 1995 surveys, in: Baeyens, W.F.J. (Ed.) Trace metals in the Westerschelde Estuary: a case-study of a polluted, partially anoxic estuary. Developments in Hydrobiology, 128: pp. 45-62. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-3573-5_3, more
Abstracts (17) [show] |
Schütte, W.; Van Landuyt, J.; Strehse, J.; Bünning, T.H.; Van Haelst, S.; Parmentier, K.; Maser, E.; Boon, N.; De Rijcke, M. (2024). Bacterial clues of shipwreck TNT pollution in the North Sea, in: SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, 5–9 May 2024, Seville, Spain: Abstract Book. pp. 766, more
Vanavermaete, D.; Hostens, K.; Everaert, G.; Parmentier, K.; Janssen, C.; De Witte, B. (2024). Assessing the risk of booster biocides for the marine environment: a case study at the Belgian Part of the North Sea, in: SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, 5–9 May 2024, Seville, Spain: Abstract Book. pp. 324, more
De Rijcke, M.; Van Landuyt, J.; Kundu, K.; Van Haelst, S.; Neyts, M.; Parmentier, K.; Boon, N. (2023). Microbial community responses to a wartime wreck: the John Mahn case study, in: North Sea Wrecks Project, Steering Group Meeting 13, Bremerhaven, 18 April 2023. , more
Martin, B.; Van Landuyt, J.; Mattelin, V.; Herweyers, R.; Neyts, M.; Parmentier, K.; Kundu, K.; Boon, N. (2021). Spying bacteria for dumped World War I munition at the coast of Knokke-Heist, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 3 March 2021. VLIZ Special Publication, 87: pp. 83-84, more
Van Landuyt, J.; Kundu, K.; Van Haelst, S.; Parmentier, K.; De Rijcke, M.; Boon, N. (2021). How a WW2 shipwreck still influences the surrounding sediment 70 years later, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, Online event 3 March 2021. VLIZ Special Publication, 85: pp. 21, more
Parmentier, K.; Verhaegen, Y.; De Witte, B.; Delbare, D.; Hoffman, S.; Roose, P.; Hylland, K.; Burgeot, T.; Smagghe, G.; Cooreman, K. (2019). Tributyltin: an aggressive bottom-up stressor in a marine multistressor environment. A quality status report, in: Abstracts of the BICEpS19 Colloquium. pp. 13, more
De Cauwer, K.; De Witte, B.; Desmit, X.; Lauwaert, B.; Parmentier, K.; Van der Zande, D.; Van Hoey, G. (2016). Evaluation of the Belgian coastal waters in the frame of the EU Water Framework Directive, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 96, more
De Witte, B.; Ruttens, A.; Ampe, B.; Waegeneers, N.; Gauquie, J.; Devriese, L.; Cooreman, K.; Parmentier, K. (2016). Zn and Cu increases at the Belgian continental shelf: linked to antifouling?, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 21, more
Monteyne, E.; Francken, F.; Coulier, G.; Parmentier, K. (2016). Is TNT leaking into the North Sea?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 76, more
Van Hoey, G.; Devriese, L.; De Witte, B.; Fettweis, M.; Lauwaert, B.; Parmentier, K.; Vanlede, J.; Martens, C. (2016). Environmental impact assessment in line with the EU Nature Directives, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 126, more
Verhaegen, Y.; Parmentier, K.; Cooreman, K.; De Coen, W.M.; Smagghe, G. (2012). Did the use of TBT-based antifouling paints cause severe damage to the common shrimp (Crangon crangon) population of the Southern Bight?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 107, more
Bekaert, K.; Derveaux, S.; Parmentier, K. (2009). Improving the quality and price of fish by separate handling at sea and in the fish auction, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 6 March 2009: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 41: pp. 24, more
Cooreman, K.; Roose, P.; Windal, I.; Parmentier, K. (2009). How do persistent organic pollutants behave in cold-blooded non-hibernating fish?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: an overview of marine research in Belgium anno 2009. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day. Special edition at the occasion of 10 years VLIZ. VLIZ Special Publication, 43: pp. 34, more
Derveaux, S.; Bekaert, K.; Parmentier, K. (2009). Influence of fisheries method on fish quality, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 6 March 2009: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 41: pp. 40, more
Verhaegen, Y.; Smagghe, G; De Coen, W.M.; Parmentier, K. (2009). Molecular markers for chronic toxicity of marine pollutants in North Sea brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.), in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 6 March 2009: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 41: pp. 75, more
Bekaert, K.; Hoffman, S.; Parmentier, K. (2007). Fish diseases and parasites on the Belgian Continental Shelf, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 20, more
Dooms, S.; Hoffman, S.; Parmentier, K.; Sorgeloos, P.; Bossier, P. (2006). DGGE (Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis) as a tool for the characterisation of commercial Brachionus strains, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 31 March 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 30: pp. 32, more
Reports (12) [show] |
Fettweis, M.; Baeye, M.; Francken, F.; Van den Eynde, D. (2020). Monitoring en modellering van het cohesieve sedimenttransport en evaluatie van de effecten op het mariene ecosysteem ten gevolge van bagger- en stortoperatie (MOMO): activiteitsrapport (1 januari - 30 juni 2020). KBIN-OD Natuur - BMM: Brussel. 42 + 18 p. bijl. pp., more
Parmentier, K.; Adamopoulou, A.; Roose, P.; Baetens, K.; Lacroix, G.; Moeris, S.; Hansul, S.; De Schamphelaere, K.; Vanryckeghem, F.; Demeestere, K.; Van Langenhove, H.; Vanhaecke, L.; Huysman, S.; Gaulier, C.; Guo, W.; Baeyens, W.; Gao, Y.; Smedes, F. (2020). New Strategies for monitoring and risk assessment of Hazardous chemicals in the marine Environment with Passive Samplers. Belgian Science Policy Office: Brussels. 136 pp., more
Fettweis, M.; Baeye, M.; Francken, F.; Van den Eynde, D. (2018). Monitoring en modellering van het cohesieve sedimenttransport en evaluatie van de effecten op het mariene ecosysteem ten gevolge van bagger- en stortoperatie (MOMO): activiteitsrapport (1 januari 2019 - 30 juni 2019). KBIN-OD Natuur - BMM: Brussel. 21 + bijl. pp., more
- Lauwaert, B.; Bekaert, K.; Berteloot, M.; De Backer, A.; Derweduwen, J.; Dujardin, A.; Fettweis, M.; Hillewaert, H.; Hoffman, S.; Hostens, K.; Ides, S.; Janssens, J.; Martens, C.; Michielsen, T.; Parmentier, K.; Van Hoey, G.; Verwaest, T. (2009). Synthesis report on the effects of dredged material disposal on the marine environment (licensing period 2008-2009). Agency for Maritime and Coastal Service. Coastal Division/Flanders Hydraulics Research/ILVO/Maritime Access Division/MUMM: [s.l.]. 102 pp., more
- Van Hoey, G.; Hostens, K.; Parmentier, K.; Robbens, J.; Bekaert, K.; De Backer, A.; Derweduwen, J.; Devriese, L.; Hillewaert, H.; Hoffman, S.; Pecceu, E.; Vandendriessche, S.; Wittoeck, J. (2009). Biological and chemical effects of the disposal of dredged material in the Belgian part of the North Sea (period 2007 - 2008). Report ILVO-Animal Sciences-Fisheries. ILVO: Oostende. 97 pp., more
- Van Hoey, G.; Derweduwen, J.; Vandendriessche, S.; Parmentier, K.; Hostens, K. (2009). How will the ecological quality status of benthos in coastal waters evolve (ECOSTAT)? ILVO: Belgium. 63 pp., more
Lauwaert, B.; Bekaert, K.; Berteloot, M.; De Brauwer, D.; Fettweis, M.; Hillewaert, H.; Hoffman, S.; Hostens, K.; Mergaert, K.; Moulaert, I.; Parmentier, K.; Vanhoey, G.; Verstraeten, J. (2008). Syntheserapport over de effecten op het mariene milieu van baggerspeciestortingen (vergunningsperiode 2006-2008). Afdeling Maritieme Toegang/BMM/ILVO/Vlaamse Overheid. Afdeling Kust: [s.l.]. 128 + 2 maps, CD-ROM pp., more
- Lauwaert, B.; Bekaert, K.; Berteloot, M.; De Brauwer, D.; Fettweis, M.; Hillewaert, H.; Hoffman, S.; Hostens, K.; Mergaert, K.; Moulaert, I.; Parmentier, K.; Van Hoey, G.; Verstraeten, J. (2008). Synthesis report on the effects of dredged material disposal on the marine environment (licensing period 2006-'08). MUMM, ILVO Fisheries, Maritime Access Division (aMT), and Coast Division (CD): Oostende. 109 + 2 maps [cd-rom] pp., more
- Goffin, A.; Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Calewaert, J.-B.; Mees, J.; Seys, J.; Delbare, D.; Demaré, W.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Parmentier, K.; Redant, F.; Mergaert, K.; Vanhooreweder, B.; Maes, F.; De Meyer, P.; Belpaeme, K.; Maelfait, H.; Degraer, S.; De Maersschalck, V.; Derous, S.; Gheskiere, T.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Kuijken, E.; Stienen, E.; Haelters, J.; Kerckhof, F.; Overloop, S.; Peeters, B. (2007). MIRA Milieurapport Vlaanderen, Achtergronddocument 2006: Kust & zee. Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij: Erembodegem. 180 pp., more
- De Henauw, S.; Willems, J.; Sioen, I.; Van Camp, J.; Verbeke, W.; De Langhe, I.; Vanhonacker, F.; Cooreman, K.; Raemaekers, M.; Parmentier, K.; Vanrolleghem, P.A.; Verdonck, F.; Van Thuyne, N. (2006). Integrated evaluation of marine food items: nutritional value, safety and consumer perception: final report. Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 103 + annexes pp., more
- Lauwaert, B.; Bekaert, K.; De Brauwer, D.; Fettweis, M.; Hillewaert, H.; Hoffman, S.; Hostens, K.; Mergaert, K.; Moulaert, I.; Parmentier, K.; Verstraeten, J. (2006). Syntheserapport over de effecten op het mariene milieu van baggerspeciestortingen (vergunningsperiode 2004-2006). Afdeling Maritieme Toegang/BMM/ILVO/Vlaamse Overheid. Afdeling Kust: [s.l.]. 87 + 30 p. Appendices, 8 maps pp., more
- Baeyens, W.F.J.; Parmentier, K.; Brion, N.; Leermakers, M.; De Galan, S.; Van Grieken, R.; Joos, P.; Injuk, J.; Wollast, R.; Vanderborght, J.; Piron, C. (2002). Evaluatie van de chemische contaminatie van de Noordzee en schatting van de verontreiniging van land: samenvatting van het onderzoek = Quality status and terrestrial inputs for the North Sea: summary of the research. Scientific Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy (SPSD I): Programme "Sustainable Management of the North Sea" = Plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling (PODO I): Programma "Duurzaam beheer van de Noordzee". DWTC/SSTC: Brussel. 12 pp., more
Other publications (4) [show] |
Monteyne, E.; Francken, F.; Coulier, G.; Parmentier, K. (2016). Is TNT leaking into the North Sea? Poster at the VLIZ Marine Scientist Day 12 February 2016. KBIN - OD Natuur: Brussel, Oostende. 1 poster pp., more
Vandamme, S.G.; Maes, G.E.; Moreau, K.; Hoffman, S.; Parmentier, K.; Torreele, E.; Delbare, D.; Cooreman, K.; Robbens, J.; Volckaert, F.A.M. (2010). Basin-linked population genetic structure of turbot [Poster]. CM Documents - ICES, 2010(Q:34). ICES: Copenhagen. 1 poster pp., more
- Cooreman, K.; Roose, P.; Windal, I.; Parmentier, K. (2009). How do persistent organic pollutants behave in cold-blooded non-hibernating fish? [Poster]. Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek (ILVO-Visserij): Oostende. 1 poster pp., more
Sioen, I.; Verbeke, W.; De Henauw, S.; Parmentier, K.; Raemaekers, M.; Willems, J.; Van Camp, J. (2007). Determining the origin of seafood products on the Belgian market: challenges to traceability and database management. The Open Food Science Journal 1: 33-42. dx.doi.org/10.2174/1874256400701010033, more