Prof. Dr Decostere, Annemie |
Previous institutes (2) |
Top | Publications | Project | Dataset |
- Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Diergeneeskunde; Vakgroep Morfologie, more
- Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Diergeneeskunde; Vakgroep Pathologie, Bacteriologie en Pluimveeziekten, more
Dataset |
Top | Publications | Project | Dataset |
- Vercauteren, M.; Devriese, L.; Cattrijsse, A.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K.; Ghent University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Pathology, Bacteriology and Avian Diseases; Flanders Marine Institute: Belgium; (2020): Flatfish observations and abiotic data from the Belgian part of the North Sea. Marine Data Archive., more
Publications (95) |
Top | Publications | Project | Dataset |
A1 Publications (52) [show] |
Vercauteren, M.; Ampe, B.; Devriese, L.; Moons, C.P.H.; Decostere, A.; Aerts, J.; Chiers, K. (2022). Explorative study on scale cortisol accumulation in wild caught common dab (Limanda limanda). BMC Veterinary Research 18(1): 324., more
Declercq, A.M.; Tilleman, L.; Gansemans, Y.; De Witte, C.; Haesebrouck, F.; Van Nieuwerburgh, F.; Smet, A.; Decostere, A. (2021). Comparative genomics of Flavobacterium columnare unveils novel insights in virulence and antimicrobial resistance mechanisms. Vet. Res. 52(1): 18., more
- Rahmani, A.; Vercauteren, M.; Vranckx, K.; Boyen, F.; Bidault, A.; Pichereau, V.; Decostere, A.; Paillard, C.; Chiers, K. (2021). MALDI-TOF MS as a promising tool to assess potential virulence of Vibrio tapetis isolates. Aquaculture 530: 735729., more
- Vercauteren, M.; Van Hoey, G.; Decostere, A.; Boyen, F.; Ampe , B.; Devriese, L.; Chiers, K. (2021). Influence of pathogens, fish-related characteristics, and environmental factors on the development of skin ulcerations in wild common dab (Limanda limanda) from the North Sea. J. Wildl. Dis. 57(2): 1-11., more
- Vercauteren, M.; De Swaef, E.; Declercq, A.; Aerts, J.; Ampe, B.; Gulla, S.; Haesebrouck, F.; Devriese, L.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K. (2020). Pinpointing the role of Aeromonas salmonicida in the development of skin ulcerations in common dab (Limanda limanda). J. Fish Dis. 43(3): 347-357., more
- Vercauteren, M.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K. (2020). First report of lesions resembling red mark syndrome observed in wild-caught common dab (Limanda limanda). J. Fish Dis. 43(1): 147-151., more
- Vermeersch, X.H.C.; Decostere, A.; Vlaemynck, G.; Chiers, K. (2020). First report of an idiopathic partial tail myonecrosis in European brown shrimp Crangon crangon caught in the North Sea. Dis. Aquat. Org. 138: 35-40., more
Vercauteren, M.; De Swaef, E.; Declercq, A.M.; Polet, H.; Aerts, J.; Ampe, B.; Romalde, J.L.; Haesebrouck, F.; Devriese, L.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K.; Aerts, J. (2019). Scrutinizing the triad of Vibrio tapetis, the skin barrier and pigmentation as determining factors in the development of skin ulcerations in wild common dab (Limanda limanda). Vet. Res. 50(1): 41., more
- Aerts, J.; Schaeck, M.; De Swaef, E.; Ampe, B.; Decostere, A. (2018). Vibrio lentus as a probiotic candidate lowers glucocorticoid levels in gnotobiotic sea bass larvae. Aquaculture 492: 40-45., more
De Swaef, E.; Vercauteren, M.; Duchateau, L.; Haesebrouck, F.; Decostere, A. (2018). Experimental infection model for vibriosis in Dover sole (Solea solea) larvae as an aid in studying its pathogenesis and alternative treatments. Vet. Res. 49: 24., more
- Desender, M.; Duchateau, L.; Adriaens, D.; Delbare, D.; Polet, H.; Chiers, K.; Decostere, A. (2018). Pulse trawling: The impact of pulsed direct current on early life stages of Sole Solea solea. N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 38(2): 432-438., more
Soetaert, M.; Verschueren, B.; Decostere, A.; Saunders, J.; Polet, H.; Chiers, K. (2018). No injuries in European sea bass tetanized by pulse stimulation used in electrotrawling. N. Am. J. Fish. Manage. 38(1): 247-252., more
- Vercauteren, M.; De Swaef, E.; Declercq, A.; Bosseler, L.; Gulla, S.; Balboa, S.; Romalde, J.L.; Devriese, L.; Polet, H.; Boyen, F.; Chiers, K.; Decostere, A.; Devriese, L. (2018). First isolation of Vibrio tapetis and an atypical strain of Aeromonas salmonicida from skin ulcerations in common dab (Limanda limanda) in the North Sea. J. Fish Dis. 41(2): 329-335., more
- Vermeersch, X.H.C.; Chiers, K.; Decostere, A.; Van Weyenberg, S.; Vlaemynck, G. (2018). Evaluation of the effects of onboard sorting and experimental holding practices on the post-catch survival of brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.). Mar. Biol. Res. 14(7): 717-727., more
- De Swaef, E.; Demeestere, K.; Boon, N.; Van Den Broeck, W.; Haesebrouck, F.; Decostere, A. (2017). Development of a reliable experimental set-up for Dover sole larvae Solea solea L. and exploring the possibility of implementing this housing system in a gnotobiotic model. Research in Veterinary Science 115: 418-424., more
- De Swaef, E.; Claeys, M.; Bert, W.; Huysseune, A.; Witten, P.E.; Van Den Broeck, W.; Decostere, A. (2017). Ultrastructural morphology of the envelope of Dover sole Solea solea eggs from fertilization until hatching with emphasis on sample preparation. Micron 99: 9-18., more
- Desender, M.; Kajiura, S.; Ampe, B.; Dumolein, L.; Polet, H.; Chiers, K.; Decostere, A. (2017). Pulse trawling: evaluating its impact on prey detection by small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 486: 336-343., more
Desender, M.; Decostere, A.; Adriaens, D.; Duchateau, L.; Mortensen, A.; Polet, H.; Puvanendran, V.; Verschueren, B.; Chiers, K. (2017). Impact of pulsed direct current on embryos, larvae, and young juveniles of Atlantic cod and its implications for electrotrawling of brown shrimp. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 9(1): 330-340., more
- Knoll, S.; Decostere, A.; Declercq, A.M. (2017). Microplastics: minuscule partikels met grote gevolgen? = Microplastics: minuscule particles with big consequences? Vlaams Diergeneeskd. Tijdschr. 86(4): 203-212, more
- Lange, M.D.; Farmer, B.D.; Declercq, A.M.; Peatman, E.; Decostere, A.; Beck, B.H. (2017). Sickeningly sweet: L-rhamnose stimulates Flavobacterium columnare biofilm formation and virulence. J. Fish Dis. 40(11): 1613-1624., more
- Schaeck, M.; Reyes-López, F.E.; Vallejos-Vidal, E.; Van Cleemput, J.; Duchateau, L.; Van Den Broeck, W.; Tort, L.; Decostere, A. (2017). Cellular and transcriptomic response to treatment with the probiotic candidate Vibrio lentus in gnotobiotic sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 63: 147-156., more
- De Swaef, E.; Van Den Broeck, W.; Dierckens, K.; Decostere, A. (2016). Disinfection of teleost eggs: a review. Reviews in Aquaculture 8(4): 321-341., more
Declercq, A.M.; Aerts, J.; Ampe, B.; Haesebrouck, F.; De Saeger, S.; Decostere, A. (2016). Cortisol directly impacts Flavobacterium columnare in vitro growth characteristics. Vet. Res. 47(1): 84., more
- Desender, M.; Chiers, K.; Polet, H.; Verschueren, B.; Saunders , J.H.; Ampe, B.; Mortensen, A.; Puvanendran, V.; Decostere, A. (2016). Short-term effect of pulsed direct current on various species of adult fish and its implication in pulse trawling for brown shrimp in the North Sea. Fish. Res. 179: 90-97., more
- Jacobs, R.; Decostere, A.; Declercq, A.M. (2016). Bacterial zoonotic agents of fish. Vlaams Diergeneeskd. Tijdschr. 85(3): 115-123, more
- Rekecki, A.; Meeus, W.; Chiers, K.; Adriaen, J.; Boyen, F.; Declercq, A.M.; Van Den Broeck, W.; Decostere, A. (2016). Swimbladder hyperinflation in burbot Lota lota L. larvae. Aquac. Res. 47(2): 673-676., more
Schaeck, M.; De Swaef, E.; Van Den Broeck, W.; Van Nevel, S.; Boon, N.; De Geyter, N.; Morent, R.; Demeestere, K.; Duchateau, L.; Coulombet, C.; Haesebrouck, F.; Decostere, A. (2016). Germ-free sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax larval model: a valuable tool in the study of host-microbe interactions. Dis. Aquat. Org. 117(3): 177-185., more
- Schaeck, M.; Duchateau, L.; Van Den Broeck, W.; Van Trappen, S.; De Vos, P.; Coulombet, C.; Boon, N.; Haesebrouck, F.; Decostere, A. (2016). Vibrio lentus protects gnotobiotic sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) larvae against challenge with Vibrio harveyi. Vet. Microbiol. 185: 41-48., more
Schaeck, M.; De Spiegelaere, W.; De Craene, J.; Van Den Broeck, W.; De Spiegeleer, B.; Burvenich, C.; Haesebrouck, F.; Decostere, A. (2016). Laser capture microdissection of intestinal tissue from sea bass larvae using an optimized RNA integrity assay and validated reference genes. NPG Scientific Reports 6: 21092., more
Soetaert, M.; de Haan, D.; Verschueren, B.; Decostere, A.; Puvanendran, V.; Saunders , J.H.; Polet, H.; Chiers, K. (2016). Atlantic Cod show a highly variable sensitivity to electric-induced spinal injuries. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 8(1): 412-424., more
Soetaert, M.; Verschueren, B.; Chiers, K.; Duchateau, L.; Polet, H.; Decostere, A. (2016). Laboratory study of the impact of repetitive electrical and mechanical stimulation on brown shrimp Crangon crangon. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 8(1): 404-411., more
- Soetaert, M.; Decostere, A.; Verschueren, B.; Saunders, J.; Van Caelenberge, A.; Puvanendran, V.; Mortensen, A.; Duchateau, L.; Polet, H.; Chiers, K. (2016). Side-effects of electrotrawling: Exploring the safe operating space for Dover sole (Solea solea L.) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). Fish. Res. 177: 95-103., more
Aerts, J.; Metz, J.R.; Ampe, B.; Decostere, A.; Flik, G.; De Saeger, S. (2015). Scales tell a story on the stress history of fish. PLoS One 10(4): e0123411., more
Declercq, A.M.; Chiers, K.; Soetaert, M.; Lasa, A.; Romalde, J.; Polet, H.; Haesebrouck, F.; Decostere, A. (2015). Vibrio tapetis isolated from vesicular skin lesions in Dover sole Solea solea. Dis. Aquat. Org. 115(1): 81-86., more
Declercq, A.M.; Chiers, K.; Van den Broeck, W.; Dewulf, J.; Eeckhaut, V.; Cornelissen, M.; Bossier, P.; Haesebrouck, F.; Decostere, A. (2015). Interactions of highly and low virulent Flavobacterium columnare isolates with gill tissue in carp and rainbow trout. Vet. Res. 46(1): 25., more
- Soetaert, M.; Decostere, A.; Polet, H.; Verschueren, B.; Chiers, K. (2015). Electrotrawling: a promising alternative fishing technique warranting further exploration. Fish Fish. 16(1): 104-124., more
Soetaert, M.; Chiers, K.; Duchateau, L.; Polet, H.; Verschueren, B.; Decostere, A. (2015). Determining the safety range of electrical pulses for two benthic invertebrates: brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) and ragworm (Alitta virens S.). ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 72(3): 973-980., more
- Declercq, A.M.; Chiers, K.; Van Den Broeck, W.; Rekecki, A.; Teerlinck, S.; Adriaens, D.; Haesebrouck, F.; Decostere, A. (2014). White necrotic tail tips in estuary seahorses, Hippocampus kuda, Bleeker. J. Fish Dis. 37(5): 501-504., more
- Declercq, A.M.; Chiers, K.; Haesebrouck, F.; Van den Broeck, W.; Dewulf, J.; Cornelissen, M.; Decostere, A. (2014). Gill infection model for columnaris disease in common carp and rainbow trout. J. Aquat. Anim. Health 27(1): 1-11., more
- Geda, F.; Declercq, A.; Decostere, A.; Lauwaerts, A.; Wuyts, B.; Derave, W.; Janssens, G.P.J. (2014). β-Alanine does not act through branched-chain amino acid catabolism in carp, a species with low muscular carnosine storage. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 41(1): 281-287., more
- Declercq, A.M.; Boyen, F.; Van Den Broeck, W.; Bossier, P.; Karsi, A.; Haesebrouck, F.; Decostere, A. (2013). Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Flavobacterium columnare isolates collected worldwide from 17 fish species. J. Fish Dis. 36(1): 45-55., more
Declercq, A.M.; Haesebrouck, F.; Van Den Broeck, W.; Bossier, P.; Decostere, A. (2013). Columnaris disease in fish: a review with emphasis on bacterium-host interactions. Vet. Res. 44(1): 27., more
- Rekecki, A.; Ringø, E.; Olsen, R.; Myklebust, R.; Dierckens, K.; Bergh, Ø; Laureau, S.; Cornelissen, M.; Ducatelle, R.; Decostere, A.; Bossier, P.; Van Den Broeck, W. (2013). Luminal uptake of Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum by shed enterocytes - a novel early defence strategy in larval fish. J. Fish Dis. 36(4): 419-426., more
- Schaeck, M.; Van den Broeck, W.; Hermans, K.; Decostere, A. (2013). Fish as research tools: alternatives to in vivo experiments. ATLA. Altern. lab. anim. 41(3): 219-229, more
- Asanka Gunasekara, R.A.Y.S.; Defoirdt, T.; Rekecki, A.; Decostere, A.; Cornelissen, M.; Sorgeloos, P.; Bossier, P.; Van Den Broeck, W. (2012). Light and transmission electron microscopy of Vibrio campbellii infection in gnotobiotic Artemia franciscana and protection offered by a yeast mutant with elevated cell wall glucan. Vet. Microbiol. 158(3-4): 337-343., more
Vanheule, D.; Nevejan, N.; Chiers, K.; Meeus, W.; Harzevili, A.S.; Van Den Broeck, W.; De Charleroy, D.; Decostere, A. (2012). Hydrocephalus in burbot (Lota lota L.) larvae. Bull. Eur. Assoc. Fish Pathol. 32(3): 87-93, more
Verhaegen, B.; Reckecki, A.; Decostere, A.; Van Den Broeck, W. (2012). Knelpunten in aquacultuur: enkele risicovolle aspecten van de vroege levensstadia van de vis = Bottlenecks in aquaculture: some risky aspects of early life stages of fish. Vlaams Diergeneeskd. Tijdschr. 81(2): 63-69, more
- Ryckaert, J.; Pasmans, F.; Tobback, E.; Duchateau, L.; Decostere, A.; Haesebrouck, F.; Sorgeloos, P.; Bossier, P. (2010). Heat shock proteins protect platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus) from Yersinia ruckeri induced mortality. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 28(1): 228-231., more
- Vercauteren, G.; Chiers, K.; Verschueren, B.; Decostere, A.; Polet, H. (2010). Effects of low-frequency pulsed direct current on captive-housed sea fish. J. Comp. Path. 143(4): 354 (P18)., more
- Dung, T.T.; Haesebrouck, F.; Tuan, N.A.; Sorgeloos, P.; Baele, M.; Decostere, A. (2008). Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of Edwardsiella ictaluri isolates from natural outbreaks of bacillary necrosis of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus in Vietnam. Microb. Drug Resist. 14(4): 311-316., more
- Decostere, A.; Hermans, K.; Haesebrouck, F. (2004). Piscine mycobacteriosis: a literature review covering the agent and the disease it causes in fish and humans. Vet. Microbiol. 99(3-4): 159-166., more
- Decostere, A.; D'Haese, E.; Lammens, M.; Nelis, H.; Haesebrouck, F. (2001). In vivo study of phagocytosis, intracellular survival and multiplication of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), spleen phagocytes. J. Fish Dis. 24(8): 481-487., more
Book [show] |
Sandra, M.; Soetaert, M.; Chiers, K.; Decostere, A.; Devriese, L.; Pirlet, H.; Polet, H.; Verleye, T. (2019). Pulsvisserij in de Zuidelijke Noordzee. VLIZ Beleidsinformerende Nota's, 2019_004. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. ISBN 9789492043818. 48 pp., more
Abstracts (27) [show] |
Vercauteren, M.; De Swaef, E.; Devriese, L; Aerts, J.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K. (2019). Let’s talk about stress: can we measure the stress of a flatfish?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 29, more
Vercauteren, M.; Devriese, L.; De Smet, B.; Fockedey, N.; Maes, P.; Seys, J.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K. (2019). Fishermen help to get to the bottom of fish diseases in a citizen science project, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 164, more
Vroman, S.; Vercauteren, M.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K. (2019). The curious asymmetry of flatfish, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 155, more
Vercauteren, M.; De Swaef, E.; Devriese, L.I.; Polet, H.; Decostere, A; Chiers, K. (2018). Development of an innovative two-chamber skin explant model for marine fish, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 30, more
De Swaef, E.; Vercauteren, M.; Haesebrouck, F.; Decostere, A. (2017). Development of the first standardized biotic challenge model for Dover Sole (Solea solea) and its validation by assessing the protective potential of probiotic candidates, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 25, more
Deprez, T.; Bossier, P.; Cattrijsse, A.; Chiers, K; De Clerck, O.; Decostere, A.; Deneudt, K.; De Troch, M.; Hernandez, F.; Mascart, T.; Moens, T.; Tkint, T.; Vanstappen, G.; Verstraeten, T.; Willems, A.; Vanreusel, A. (2017). - The Belgian node of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 28, more
Vercauteren, M.; De Swaef, E.; Devriese, L.; Polet, H.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K. (2017). Visualization of small lesions in skin of fish using fluorescein dye, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 99, more
Deprez, T.; Bossier, P.; Cattrijsse, A.; Chiers, K.; De Clerck, O.; Decostere, A.; Deneudt, K.; De Troch, M.; Hernandez, F.; Mascart, T.; Moens, T.; Tkint, T. (2016). – The Belgian node of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 49, more
Deprez, T.; Artois, T.; Bossier, P.; Cattrijsse, A.; Chiers, K.; De Clerck, O.; Decostere, A.; Deneudt, K.; De Troch, M.; Hernandez, F.; Mascart, T.; Moens, T.; Plovie, A.; tkint, T.; Van Stappen, G.; Verstraeten, T.; Willems, A.; Vanreusel, A. (2016). – The Belgian node of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre, in: Degraer, S. et al. (Ed.) North Sea Open Science Conference 7-10/11/2016. Abstract Booklet. pp. 129, more
Vercauteren, M.; Declercq, A.; De Swaef, E.; Devriese, L.; Polet, H.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K. (2016). Role of Vibrio tapetis in the development of skin ulceration in common dab (Limanda limanda), in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 131, more
Vermeersch, X.; Chiers, K.; Decostere, A.; Vlaemynck, G. (2016). Tail myonecrosis in brown shrimp (Crangon crangon L.) caught in the North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 135, more
Desender, M.; Chiers, K.; Polet, H.; Verschueren, B.; Saunders, J.H.; Mortensen, A.; Puvanendran, V.; Decostere, A. (2015). Electrotrawling for brown shrimp: short-term effects on various adult fish species, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 60, more
Soetaert, M.; Verschueren, B.; Polet, H.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K. (2015). Electrifying a Benthos Release Panel to retain sole, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 118, more
De Swaef, E.; Schaeck, M.; Van Den Broeck, W.; Bossier, P.; Dierckens, K.; Decostere, A. (2014). Gnotobiotic models for seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and Dover sole (Solea solea): the chain is only as strong as its weakest link…, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67: pp. 41, more
Desender, M.; Chiers, K.; Verschueren, B.; Polet, H.; Duchateau, L.; Velmurugu, P.; Mortensen, A.; Decostere, A. (2014). Electrical trawling for brown shrimp: Impact on young life stages in nurseries and spawning areas?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67: pp. 53, more
Desender, M.; Chiers, K.; Polet, H.; Decostere, A. (2014). Electrotrawling for brown shrimp: short-term effects on various adult fish species, in: ICES symposium. Effects of fishing on benthic fauna, habitat and ecosystem function, June 16-19, 2014, Tromso, Norway: program and abstracts. pp. 77, more
Desender, M.; Chiers, K.; Verschueren, B.; Polet, H.; Duchateau, L.; Velmurugu, P.; Mortensen, A.; Decostere, A. (2014). Electrotrawling for brown shrimp: impact on embryonated eggs, larvae and young juveniles of cod (Gadus morhua), in: ICES symposium. Effects of fishing on benthic fauna, habitat and ecosystem function, June 16-19, 2014, Tromso, Norway: program and abstracts. pp. 78, more
Schaeck, M.; Decostere, A.; De Swaef, E.; Van Den Broeck, W. (2014). Probiotics as biological control agent in sea bass larviculture, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67: pp. 92, more
Schaeck, M.; Decostere, A.; Van Den Broeck, W. (2013). Beneficial effects of probionts in marine fish larvae and their modes of action, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 15 February 2013. VLIZ Special Publication, 63: pp. 82, more
Soetaert, M.; Polet, H.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K. (2013). The impact of electrotrawls on marine organisms, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 15 February 2013. VLIZ Special Publication, 63: pp. 86, more
Desender, M.; Polet, H.; Chiers, K.; Soetaert, M.; Decostere, A. (2012). Evaluation of the impact of electro shrimp trawl fishery, in: Bayrou, C. et al. Proceedings of the 2nd scientific meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Liège - Belgium). pp. 37, more
Desender, M.; Polet, H.; Chiers, K.; Soetaert, M.; Decostere, A. (2012). Evaluation of the impact of electro shrimp trawl fishery, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 29, more
Schaeck, M.; Decostere, A.; Van Den Broeck, W. (2012). Beneficial effects of probionts in marine fish larvae and their modes of action, in: Bayrou, C. et al. Proceedings of the 2nd scientific meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Liège - Belgium). pp. 64, more
Soetaert, M.; Polet, H.; Decostere, A.; Desender, M.; Chiers, K. (2012). Flatfish fishery: impact & challenges, in: Bayrou, C. et al. Proceedings of the 2nd scientific meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Liège - Belgium). pp. 66, more
Soetaert, M.; Polet, H.; Decostere, A.; Desender, M.; Chiers, K. (2012). Flatfish fishery: impact & challenges, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 75, more
Renders, E.; Decostere, A.; Polet, H.; Vincx, M.; Verschueren, B. (2011). Assessment of electric pulse fishing as an environment friendly fishing method in the North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2011: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 48: pp. 71, more
Decostere, A.; Haesebrouck, F.; Van Driessche, E.; Charlier, G.; Ducatelle, R. (1999). Characterization of the adhesion of Flavobacterium columnare (Flexibacter columnaris to gill tissue, in: Book of Abstracts. European Association of Fish Pathologists Ninth International Conference "Diseases of fish and shellfish" 19th-24th September 1999, Rhodes, Greece. pp. O-139, more
Reports (2) [show] |
Devriese, L.; Soetaert, M.; Desender, M.; Chiers, K.; Decostere, A.; Polet, H. (2015). Huidzweren bij vissen in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee: Trends in prevalentie en exploratie van mogelijke oorzaken. ILVO Mededeling, 188. ILVO: Merelbeke. 20 pp., more
Desender, M.; Verschueren, B.; Polet, H.; Chiers, K.; Decostere, A. (2013). Electrical trawling for brown shrimp: consequences for young life stages in spawning areas? CM Documents - ICES, CM 2013(K:15). ICES: Copenhagen. 1 pp., more
Other publications (7) [show] |
Vercauteren, M.; Devriese, L; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K.; Polet, H. (2019). Zeevraag: Keert het tij voor de pulsvisserij?, in: De Grote Rede 49. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 49: pp. 22, more
- Vercauteren, M.; Decostere, A.; Chiers, K.; Devriese, L; De Smet, B; Fockedey, N.; Maes, P.; Seys, J. (2018). Platvisziekten. Public outreach website. VLIZ Communication Award. UGent/VLIZ: Oostende. , more
Desender, M.; Chiers, K.; Verschueren, B.; Polet, H.; Duchateau, L.; Velmurugu, P.; Mortensen, A.; Decostere, A. (2014). Electrical trawling for brown shrimp: Impact on young life stages in nurseries & spawning areas. Poster at the VLIZ Young Scientist's Day 7 March 2014. ILVO/Ghent University/NOFIMA: Gent, Tromsø . 1 poster pp., more
Desender, M.; Verschueren, B.; Soetaert, M.; Polet, H.; Chiers, K.; Decostere, A. (2012). Evaluation of the impact of pulse fishery on a selection of North Sea fish & invertebrates. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2012(C:24). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 1 pp., more
Desender, M.; Polet, H.; Chiers, K.; Soetaert, M.; Decostere, A. (2012). Evaluation of the impact of electro shrimp trawl fishery. ILVO: Oostende. 1 poster pp., more
Soetaert, M.; Polet, H.; Decostere, A.; Desender, M.; Chiers, K. (2012). Flatfish fishery: impact & challenges. ILVO: Oostende. 1 poster pp., more
Chiers, K.; Verschueren, B.; Decostere, A.; Vercauteren, G.; Polet, H. (2010). Effects of low-frequency pulsed direct current on captive-housed sea fish. Poster presented at the 28th Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology and European College of Veterinary Pathologists, ESVP/ECVP2010 , 8-11 September 2010 Belgrade, Serbia . Universiteit Gent. Faculteit Diergeneeskunde: Gent. 1 poster pp., more
Thesis (co-)promotor (6) [show] |