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Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Aard- en Omgevingswetenschappen; Afdeling Geologie, more
Publications (44) |
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A1 Publications (31) [show] |
Babila, T.L.; Penman, D.E.; Standish, C.D.; Doubrawa, M.; Bralower, T.J.; Robinson, M.M.; Self-Trail, J.M.; Speijer, R.P.; Stassen, P.; Foster, G.L.; Zachos, J.C. (2022). Surface ocean warming and acidification driven by rapid carbon release precedes Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Science Advances 8(11): eabg1025., more
- Doubrawa, M.; Stassen, P.; Robinson, M.M.; Babila, T.L.; Zachos, J.C.; Speijer, R.P. (2022). Shelf ecosystems along the US Atlantic Coastal Plain prior to and during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum: insights into the stratigraphic architecture. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 37(10): e2022PA004475., more
- Martens, L.; Stassen, P.; Steurbaut, E.; Speijer, R.P. (2022). Assessing Nummulites geochemistry as a proxy for early Eocene palaeotemperature evolution in the North Sea Basin. J. Geol. Soc. Lond. 179(4): jgs2021-102., more
- Wagner, C.L.; Stassen, P.; Thomas, E.; Lippert, P.C.; Lascu, I. (2022). Magnetofossils and benthic foraminifera record changes in food supply and deoxygenation of the coastal marine seafloor during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 37(10): e2022PA004502., more
- de Winter, N.J.; Vellekoop, J.; Clark, A.J.; Stassen, P.; Speijer, R.P.; Claeys, P. (2020). The giant marine gastropod Campanile giganteum (Lamarck, 1804) as a high-resolution archive of seasonality in the Eocene greenhouse world. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 21(4): e2019GC008794., more
- Stassen, P.; Steurbaut, E.; Speijer, R.P. (2020). Comments on "Paleoecology and paleobiogeography of Paleocene ostracods in Dineigil area, south western Desert, Egypt." by Youssef et al., Journal of African Earth Sciences, 131 (2017) 62-70. J. Afr. Earth Sci. 163: 103461., more
- Vellekoop, J.; Van Tilborgh, K.H.; Van Knippenberg, P.; Jagt, J.W.M.; Stassen, P.; Goolaerts, S.; Speijer, R.P. (2020). Type-Maastrichtian gastropod faunas show rapid ecosystem recovery following the Cretaceous-Palaeogene boundary catastrophe. Palaeontology 63(2): 349-367., more
Hollis, C.J.; Dunkley Jones, T.; Anagnostou, E.; Bijl, P.K.; Cramwinckel, M.J.; Cui, Y.; Dickens, G.R.; Edgar, K.M.; Eley, Y.; Evans, D.; Foster, G.L.; Frieling, J.; Inglis, G.N.; Kennedy, E.M.; Kozdon, R.; Lauretano, V.; Lear, C.H.; Littler, K.; Lourens, L.; Meckler, A.N.; Naafs, B.D.A.; Pälike, H.; Pancost, R.D.; Pearson, P.N.; Röhl, U.; Royer, D.L.; Salzmann, U.; Schubert, B.A.; Seebeck, H.; Sluijs, A.; Speijer, R.P.; Stassen, P.; Tierney, J.E.; Tripati, A.K.; Wade, B.S.; Westerhold, T.; Witkowski, C.R.; Zachos, J.C.; Zhang, Y.G.; Huber, M.; Lunt, D.J. (2019). The DeepMIP contribution to PMIP4: methodologies for selection, compilation and analysis of latest Paleocene and early Eocene climate proxy data, incorporating version 0.1 of the DeepMIP database. Geosci. Model Dev. 12(7): 3149-3206., more
- Adriaens, R.; Zeelmaekers, E.; Fettweis, M.; Vanlierde, E.; Vanlede, J.; Stassen, P.; Elsen, J.; Srodon, J.; Vandenberghe, N. (2018). Quantitative clay mineralogy as provenance indicator for recent muds in the southern North Sea. Mar. Geol. 398: 48-58., more
- Evans, D.; Sagoo, N.; Renema, W.; Cotton, L.J.; Müller, W.; Todd, J.A.; Saraswati, P.K.; Stassen, P.; Ziegler, M.; Pearson, P.N.; Valdes, P.J.; Affek, H.P. (2018). Eocene greenhouse climate revealed by coupled clumped isotope-Mg/Ca thermometry. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115(6): 1174-1179., more
- Giraldo-Gomez, V.M.; Mutterlose, J.; Podlaha, O.G.; Speijer, R.P.; Stassen, P. (2018). Benthic Foraminifera and geochemistry acroos the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum interval in Jordan. J. Foramin. Res. 48(2): 100-120, more
- Van Bael, R.; Deprez, A.; Stassen, P.; Bornemann, A.; Speijer, R.P. (2016). Taphonomic impact of ultrasonic treatment on foraminifera from a deep-sea carbonate ooze. J. Micropalaeontol. 35: 229-231., more
- Deprez, A.; Tesseur, S.; Stassen, P.; D'haenens, S.; Steurbaut, E.; King, C.; Claeys, P.; Speijer, R.P. (2015). Early Eocene environmental development in the northern Peri-Tethys (Aktulagay, Kazakhstan) based on benthic foraminiferal assemblages and stable isotopes (O, C). Mar. Micropaleontol. 115: 59-71., more
- Stassen, P.; Thomas, E.; Speijer, R.P. (2015). Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum environmental change in the New Jersey Coastal Plain: benthic foraminiferal biotic events. Mar. Micropaleontol. 115: 1-23., more
Kost'ak, M.; Jagt, J.W.M.; Speijer, R.P.; Stassen, P.; Steurbaut, E. (2013). New Paleocene sepiid coleoids (Cephalopoda) from Egypt: evolutionary significance and origin of the sepiid 'Rostrum'. PLoS One 8(11): 1-19., more
- Schulte, P.; Schwark, L.; Stassen, P.; Kouwenhoven, T.J.; Bornemann, A.; Speijer, R.P. (2013). Black shale formation during the Latest Danian Event and thePaleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in central Egypt: Two of a kind? Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 371: 9-25., more
- Sprong, J.; Kouwenhoven, T.J.; Bornemann, A.; Dupuis, C.; Speijer, R.P.; Stassen, P.; Steurbaut, E. (2013). In search of the Latest Danian Event in a paleobathymetric transect off Kasserine Island, north-central Tunisia. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 379-380: 1-16., more
- Stassen, P.; Dupuis, C.; Steurbaut, E.; Yans, J.; Storme, J.-Y.; Morsi, A.M.; Lacumin, P.; Speijer, R.P. (2013). Unraveling the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in shallow marine Tethyan environments: the Tunisian stratigraphic record. Newsl. Stratigr. 46(1): 69-91., more
- D'haenens, S.; Bornemann, A.; Stassen, P.; Speijer, R.P. (2012). Multiple early Eocene benthic foraminiferal assemblage and d13C fluctuations at DSDP Site 401 (Bay of Biscay — NE Atlantic). Mar. Micropaleontol. 88-89: 15-35., more
Speijer, R.P.; Scheibner, C.; Stassen, P.; Morsi, A.-M.M. (2012). Response of marine ecosystems to deep-time global warming: a synthesis of biotic patterns across the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM). Austrian J. Earth Sci. 105(1): 6-16, more
Stassen, P.; Thomas, E.; Speijer, R.P. (2012). The progression of environmental changes during the onset of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (New Jersey Coastal Plain). Austrian J. Earth Sci. 105(1): 169-178, more
Stassen, P.; Steurbaut, E.; Morsi, A.-M.M.; Schulte, P.; Speijer, R.P. (2012). Biotic impact of Eocene thermal maximum 2 in a shelf setting (Dababiya, Egypt). Austrian J. Earth Sci. 105(1): 154-160, more
- Stassen, P.; Dupuis, C.; Steurbaut, E.; Yans, J.; Speijer, R.P. (2012). Perturbation of a Tethyan coastal environment during the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum in Tunisia (Sidi Nasseur and Wadi Mezaz). Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 317-318: 66-92., more
- Stassen, P.; Thomas, E.; Speijer, R.P. (2012). Restructuring outer neritic foraminiferal assemblages in the aftermath of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum. J. Micropalaeontol. 31(1): 89-93., more
Stassen, P.; Thomas, E. (2012). Integrated stratigraphy of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in the New Jersey Coastal Plain: Toward understanding the effects of globalwarming in a shelf environment. Paleoceanography 27(4): 17 pp., more
Vanhove, D.; Stassen, P.; Speijer, R.P.; Claeys, P.; Steurbaut, E. (2012). Intra- and intertaxon stable O and C isotope variability of fossil fish otoliths: an early Eocene test case. Austrian J. Earth Sci. 105(1): 200-207, more
- Morsi, A.-M.M.; Speijer, R.P.; Stassen, P.; Steurbaut, E. (2011). Shallow marine ostracode turnover in response to environmental change during the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum in northwest Tunisia. J. Afr. Earth Sci. 59(2-3): 243-268., more
- Nguyen, T.M.P.; Petrizzo, M.R.; Stassen, P.; Speijer, R.P. (2011). Dissolution susceptibility of Paleocene-Eocene planktic foraminifera: implications for palaeoceanographic reconstructions. Mar. Micropaleontol. 81(1-2): 1-21., more
- Sprong, J.; Youssef, M.A.; Bornemann, A.; Steurbaut, E.; Stassen, P.; Kouwenhoven, T.J.; Speijer, R.P. (2011). A multi-proxy record of the Latest Danian Event at Gebel Qreiya, Eastern Desert, Egypt. J. Micropalaeontol. 30(2): 167-182., more
Vanhove, D.; Stassen, P.; Speijer, R.P.; Steurbaut, E. (2011). Assessing paleotemperature and seasonality during the Early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) in the Belgian basin by means of fish otolith stable O and C isotopes. Geol. Belg. 14(3-4): 143-158, more
Stassen, P.; Dupuis, C.; Morsi, A.-M.M.; Steurbaut, E.; Speijer, R.P. (2009). Reconstruction of a latest Paleocene shallow-marine eutrophic paleoenvironment at Sidi Nasseur (Central Tunisia) based on foraminifera, ostracoda, calcareous nannofossils and stable isotopes (delta13C delta18O). Geol. Acta 7(1-2): 93-112., more
Book chapters (2) [show] |
- Adriaens, R.; Zeelmakers, E.; Fettweis, M.; Vanlierde, E.; Vanlede, J.; Stassen, P.; Elsen, J.; Srodon, J.; Vandenberghe, N. (2017). Quantitative clay mineralogy as provenance indicator for the recent muds located at the marine limit of influence of the Scheldt estuary, in: Schelde-Ems workshop 2017. pp. 12-16, more
- Adriaens, R.; Zeelmakers, E.; Fettweis, M.; Vanlierde, E.; Vanlede, J.; Stassen, P.; Elsen, J.; Srodon, J.; Vandenberghe, N. (2017). Quantitative clay mineralogy as provenance indicator for the recent muds in the southern North, in: Pedocchi, F. et al. (Ed.) INTERCOH 2017 - 14th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes, 13 to 17 November 2017, Montevideo, Uruguay: book of abstracts. pp. 61-62, more
Abstracts (10) [show] |
Evans, D.; Rosenthal, Y.; Erez, J.; Hauzer, H.; Cotton, L.; Zhou, X.; Nambiar, R.; Stassen, P.; Pearson, P.; Renema, W.; Saraswati, P.K.; Todd, J.; Müller, W.; Affek, H. (2023). The seawater calcium concentration may be a driver of long-term changes in CO2, in: EGU General Assembly 2023. Vienna, Austria & Online, 23–28 April 2023. pp. EGU23-16325., more
Clark, A.; Vellekoop, J.; De Winter, N.; Claeys, P.; Stassen, P.; Speijer, R.P. (2018). Campanile giganteum (Lamarck 1804) from the middle Lutetian (~45 Ma) Paris Basin:
a potential seasonality archive?, in: 6th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2018. , more
Doubrawa, M.; Stassen, P.; Vanlook, L.; Robinson, M.M.; Speijer, R.P. (2018). Shelf ecosystems prior and during the PETM along the US Atlantic Coastal Plain, in: 6th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2018. , more
Martens, L.; Stassen, P.; Steurbaut, E.; Speijer, R.P. (2018). Geochemistry of Nummulites as a proxy for the Eocene paleotemperature evolution in the
Southern North Sea Basin: an Ypresian test case, in: 6th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2018. , more
Stassen, P.; Steurbaut, E.; Speijer, R.P. (2018). Foraminiferal response to early Eocene climate variability in the North Sea Basin, in: 6th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2018. , more
Stassen, P.; Speijer, R.P.; Devleeschouwer, X.; Abels, H.A.; King, C.; Willems, W.; Steurbaut, E. (2016). Early Eocene climate changes in the North Sea Basin: a Belgian perspective, in: Baele, J.-M. et al. Proceedings of the 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress: 26–29 January 2016 – Mons, Belgium. pp. 237, more
Stassen, P.; Steurbaut, E. (2016). Towards an improved holostratigraphy of the Ypresian Clays, in: Baele, J.-M. et al. Proceedings of the 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress: 26–29 January 2016 – Mons, Belgium. pp. 155, more
Stassen, P.; Thomas, E.; Steurbaut, E.; Speijer, R.P. (2012). Variable benthic foraminiferal ecosystem responses to the PETM in shelf environments, in: Devleeschouwer, X. et al. Abstract Book. 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2012, September 11-14, Brussels, Belgium. pp. 50, more
D'haenens, S.; Bornemann, A.; Stassen, P.; Speijer, R.P. (2011). Transient benthic foraminiferal assemblage fluctuations during early Eocene hyperthermals at DSDP site 401, Bay of Biscay, North East Atlantic, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2011: book of abstracts. pp. 30-31, more
Vanhove, D.; Stassen, P.; Speijer, R.P.; Steurbaut, E. (2011). Assessing paleotemperature and seasonality during the early Eocene climatic optimum (EECO) in the Belgian basin by means of fish otolith stable O and C isotopes, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2011: book of abstracts. pp. 104, more
Report [show] |
- Steurbaut, E.; De Ceukelaire, M.; Lanckacker, T.; Matthijs, J.; Stassen, P.; Van Baelen, H.; Vandenberghe, N (2016). An update of the lithostratigraphy of the Ieper Group. National Commission for Stratigraphy of Belgium: Brussels. 76 pp., more