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Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie; Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek; Afdeling Biodiversiteit en Natuurlijk Milieu; Onderzoeksgroep Soortendiversiteit, more
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- Preda C, Adriaens T, Strubbe D, Desmet P, Reyserhove L (2020): Checklist of alien birds of Belgium. v1.3. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Dataset/Checklist., more
Publications (4) |
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A1 Publications (3) [show] |
- Pacioni, C.; Sentís, M.; Kerimov, A.; Bushuev, A.; Lens, L.; Strubbe, D. (2023). Seasonal variation in thermoregulatory capacity of three closely related Afrotropical Estrildid finches introduced to Europe. J. Therm. Biol. 113: 103534., more
- Engler, J.O.; Stiels, D.; Schidelko, K.; Strubbe, D.; Quillfeldt, P.; Brambilla, M. (2017). Avian SDMs: current state, challenges, and opportunities. J. Avian Biol. 48(12): 1483-1504., more
Reino, L.; Figueira, R.; Beja, P.; Araujo, M.B.; Capinha, C.; Strubbe, D. (2017). Networks of global bird invasion altered by regional trade ban. Science Advances 3(11): e1700783., more
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Vanderhoeven, S.; Adriaens, T.; Desmet, P.; Strubbe, D.; Backeljau, T.; Barbier, Y.; Brosens, D.; Cigar, J.; Coupremanne, M.; De Troch, R.; Eggermont, H.; Heughebaert, A.; Hostens, K.; Huybrechts, P.; Jacquemart, A.-L.; Lens, L.; Monty, A.; Paquet, J.-Y.; Prévot, C.; Robertson, T.; Termonia, P.; Van De Kerchove, R.; Van Hoey, G.; Van Schaeybroeck, B.; Vercayie, D.; Verleye, T.J.; Welby, S.; Groom, Q.J. (2017). Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS): building a data-driven framework to inform policy. Research Ideas and Outcomes 3: e13414., more