| Expertise> |
Thesaurus terms: Environmental management; Marine ecology
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Institutes (2) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
- Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more
Function: Blue Innovation Officer
Direct contact at institute:
Tel.: +32-(0)59-33 61 17
GSM: +32-(0)479-21 79 66
- Jan De Nul Group, more
Projects (4) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
- A biological valuation map for the Belgian Continental Shelf, more
- Evaluatie van de Warrelnet- en boomKOrvisserij op het Belgisch Continentaal Plat, more
- Study of Post-extraction ecological effects in the Kwintebank sand dredging area, more
- Sustainable Marine Ecosystem Services , more
Datasets (2) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
- Custodio, M.; Everaert, G.; Moulaert, I.; Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Belgium; (2022): SUMES stakeholder workshop: live polling responses of participants. Marine Data Archive., more
- Leone, G.; Moulaert, I.; Devriese, L.I.; Sandra, M.; Pauwels, I.; Goethals, P.L.M.; Everaert, G.; Catarino, A.I.; Research Group Aquatic Ecology: Ghent University; Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ); Aquatic Management: Research Institute for Nature and Forest: Belgium; (2023): Plastic clean-up and prevention overview. Marine Data Archive., more
Publications (66) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
A1 Publications (7) [show] |
Islam, M.; Semeraro, A.; Langedock, K.; Moulaert, I.; Stratigaki, V.; Sterckx, T.; Van Hoey, G. (2024). Inducing mussel beds, based on an aquaculture long-line system, as nature-based solutions: effects on seabed dynamics and benthic communities. Nature-Based Solutions 6: 100142. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nbsj.2024.100142, more
Peck, C.J.; Langedock, K.; Boone, W.; Fourie, F.; Moulaert, I.; Semeraro, A.; Sterckx, T.; Geldhof, R.; Groenendaal, B.; Ponsoni, L. (2024). The use of autonomous underwater vehicles for monitoring aquaculture setups in a high-energy shallow water environment: case study Belgian North Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 11: 1386267. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2024.1386267, more
Leone, G.; Moulaert, I.; Devriese, L.I.; Sandra, M.; Pauwels, I.; Goethals, P.L.M.; Everaert, G.; Catarino, A.I. (2023). A comprehensive assessment of plastic remediation technologies. Environ. Int. 173: 107854. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2023.107854, more
Custódio, M.; Moulaert, I.; Asselman, J.; van der Biest, K.; van de Pol, L.; Drouillon, M.; Hernandez Lucas, S.; Taelman, S.E.; Everaert, G. (2022). Prioritizing ecosystem services for marine management through stakeholder engagement. Ocean Coast. Manag. 225: 106228. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2022.106228, more
- Degraer, S.; Moulaert, I.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M. (2007). Sieving alive or after fixation: effects of sieving procedure on macrobenthic diversity, density and community structure. Helgol. Mar. Res. 61(2): 143-152. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10152-007-0062-y, more
Derous, S.; Agardy, M. Tundi; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K.; Jamieson, G.; Lieberknecht, L.; Mees, J.; Moulaert, I.; Olenin, S.; Paelinckx, D.; Rabaut, M.; Rachor, E.; Roff, J.C.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Van der Wal, J.T.; Van Lancker, V.; Verfaillie, E.; Vincx, M.; Weslawski, J.M.; Degraer, S. (2007). A concept for biological valuation in the marine environment. Oceanologia 49(1): 99-128, more
Derous, S.; Austen, M.; Claus, S.; Daan, N.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Deneudt, K.; Depestele, J.; Desroy, N.; Heessen, H.; Hostens, K.; Marboe, A.H.; Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Moreno, M.P.; Moulaert, I.; Paelinckx, D.; Rabaut, M.; Rees, H.; Ressurreição, A.; Roff, J.C.; Santos, P.T.; Speybroeck, J.; Willems, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Tatarek, A.; ter Hofstede, R.; Vincx, M.; Zarzycki, T.; Degraer, S. (2007). Building on the concept of marine biological valuation with respect to translating it to a practical protocol: Viewpoints derived from a joint ENCORA-MARBEF initiative. Oceanologia 49(4): 579-586, more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Boerema, A.; Moulaert, I.; Apitz, S.E.; Hack, J.; Boon, A. (2021). Applying the ecosystem services concept in marine projects. Terra et Aqua 164: 40-53, more
Books (5) [show] |
Devriese, L.I.; Catarino, A.I.; Moulaert, I.; Van den Auwelant, C.; Dhondt, C.A.L.; Meneses, C.; Rondelez, J.; Nitschke, T.; Everaert, G.; Roelofsen, F.; Fierens, N.; Decrop, B.; Koutrouveli, T.; van Welij, D.; Depypere, T.; Amara, R.; Doyen, P.; Depoorter, M.; Maelfait, H. (2023). TREASURE – Living Lab Nieuwpoort. Blueprint and Roadmap. 1.0. Flanders Marine Institute: Ostend. 40 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/67, more
Dauwe, S.; Verleye, T.; Pirlet, H.; Martens, C.; Sandra, M.; De Raedemaecker, F.; Devriese, L; Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Depoorter, M.; Moulaert, I.; Mees, J. (Ed.) (2022). Knowledge Guide Coast and Sea 2022 - Compendium for Coast and Sea. Compendium voor Kust en Zee = Compendium for Coast and Sea. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Ostend. 267 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/25, more
Dauwe, S.; Verleye, T.; Pirlet, H.; Martens, C.; Sandra, M.; De Raedemaecker, F.; Devriese, L.; Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Depoorter, M.; Moulaert, I.; Mees, J. (Ed.) (2022). Kennisgids Gebruik Kust en Zee 2022 - Compendium voor Kust en Zee. Compendium voor Kust en Zee = Compendium for Coast and Sea. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. ISBN 9789464206128. 275 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/20, more
Moulaert, I.; Devriese, L.I.; Sandra, M.; Pirlet, H. (2021). Aquatic plastic catchers: Overview of current technologies, knowledge gaps and future opportunities. VLIZ Beleidsinformerende Nota's, 2021_004. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Oostende. 53 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/3, more
Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Vandendriessche, S.; Wittoeck, J. (2008). Zandwinning gerelateerd aan de biologische waarde van de Belgische Noordzee. Workshop: Evolution et innovation dans l’extraction d’agrégats marins sur le Plateau continental belge. SPF Economie: Bruxelles. 18 pp., more
Book chapters (17) [show] |
Goethals, A.; Mentens, J.; Mathys, P.; Rumes, B.; Moerman, D.; Heylen, B.; Mouffe, L.; Gabriëls, S.; Deleu, P.; Paladin, P.; Weijtjens, W.; Jordaens, P.J.; Moulaert, I.; Dauwe, S. (2023). Energie (inclusief kabels en leidingen). Compendium voor Kust en Zee = Compendium for Coast and Sea 2023: 1-26. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/45, more
Goethals, A.; Mentens, J.; Mathys, P.; Rumes, B.; Moerman, D.; Heylen, B.; Mouffe, L.; Gabriëls, S.; Deleu, P.; Paladin, P.; Weijtjens, W.; Jordaens, P.J.; Moulaert, I.; Dauwe, S. (2023). Energy (including cables and pipes). Compendium voor Kust en Zee = Compendium for Coast and Sea 2023: 1-25. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/46, more
Martens, C.; Moulaert, I.; Pirlet, H.; Loosvelt, L.; Overmeire, A.; Verreet, G. (2023). Blue economy and innovation. Compendium voor Kust en Zee = Compendium for Coast and Sea 2023: 1-16. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/62, more
Martens, C.; Moulaert, I.; Pirlet, H.; Loosvelt , L.; Overmeire, A.; Verreet, G. (2023). Blauwe economie en innovatie. Compendium voor Kust en Zee = Compendium for Coast and Sea 2023: 1-17. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/61, more
Verwaest, T.; Thoon, D.; Monbaliu, J.; Mostaert, F.; Van Besien, P.; Martens, C.; Moulaert, I.; Mertens, T. (2023). Veiligheid tegen overstromingen. Compendium voor Kust en Zee = Compendium for Coast and Sea 2023: 1-15. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/65, more
Verwaest, T.; Thoon, D.; Monbaliu, J.; Mostaert, F.; Van Besien, P.; Martens, C.; Moulaert, I.; Mertens, T. (2023). Safety against flooding. Compendium voor Kust en Zee = Compendium for Coast and Sea 2023: 1-15. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/66, more
Goethals, A.; Mentens, J.; Mathys, P.; Rumes, B.; Moerman, D.; Heylen, B.; Mouffe, L.; Gabriëls, S.; Deleu, P.; Paladin, P.; Weijtjens, W.; Jordaens, P.J.; Moulaert, I.; Dauwe, S. (2022). Energy (including cables and pipes), in: Dauwe, S. et al. Knowledge Guide Coast and Sea 2022 - Compendium for Coast and Sea. pp. 79-102, more
Goethals, A.; Mentens, J.; Mathys, P.; Rumes, B.; Moerman, D.; Heylen, B.; Mouffe, L.; Gabriëls, S.; Deleu, P.; Paladin, P.; Weijtjens, W.; Jordaens, P.J.; Moulaert, I.; Dauwe, S. (2022). Energie (inclusief kabels en leidingen), in: Dauwe, S. et al. Kennisgids Gebruik Kust en Zee 2022 - Compendium voor Kust en Zee. pp. 79-104, more
Martens, C.; Moulaert, I.; Pirlet, H.; Loosvelt, L.; Overmeire, A.; Verreet, G. (2022). Blue economy and innovation, in: Dauwe, S. et al. Knowledge Guide Coast and Sea 2022 - Compendium for Coast and Sea. pp. 237-252, more
Martens, C.; Moulaert, I.; Pirlet, H.; Loosvelt , L.; Overmeire, A; Verreet, G. (2022). Blauwe economie en innovatie, in: Dauwe, S. et al. Kennisgids Gebruik Kust en Zee 2022 - Compendium voor Kust en Zee. pp. 243-259, more
Verwaest, T.; Thoon, D.; Monbaliu, J.; Mostaert, F.; Van Besien, P.; Martens, C.; Moulaert, I.; Mertens, T. (2022). Veiligheid tegen overstromingen, in: Dauwe, S. et al. Kennisgids Gebruik Kust en Zee 2022 - Compendium voor Kust en Zee. pp. 201-215, more
Verwaest, T.; Thoon, D.; Monbaliu, J.; Mostaert, F.; Van Besien, P.; Martens, C.; Moulaert, I.; Mertens, T. (2022). Safety against flooding, in: Dauwe, S. et al. Knowledge Guide Coast and Sea 2022 - Compendium for Coast and Sea. pp. 197-211, more
- Derous, S.; Agardy, M. Tundi; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K.; Jamieson, G.; Lieberknecht, L.; Mees, J.; Moulaert, I.; Olenin, S.; Paelinckx, D.; Rabaut, M.; Rachor, E.; Roff, J.C.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Van der Wal, J.T.; Van Lancker, V.; Verfaillie, E.; Vincx, M.; Weslawski, J.M.; Degraer, S. (2008). A concept for biological valuation in the marine environment, in: Derous, S. Mariene biologische waardering als een beslissingsondersteunende techniek voor marien beheer. pp. 67-90, more
- Derous, S.; Austen, M.; Claus, S.; Daan, N.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Deneudt, K.; Depestele, J.; Desroy, N.; Heessen, H.; Hostens, K.; Marboe, A.H.; Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Moreno, M.P.; Moulaert, I.; Paelinckx, D.; Rabaut, M.; Rees, H.; Ressurreição, A.; Roff, J.C.; Santos, P.T.; Speybroeck, J.; Willems, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Tatarek, A.; ter Hofstede, R.; Vincx, M.; Zarzycki, T.; Degraer, S. (2008). Building on the concept of marine biological valuation with respect to translating it to a practical protocol: Viewpoints derived from a joint ENCORA-MARBEF initiative, in: Derous, S. Mariene biologische waardering als een beslissingsondersteunende techniek voor marien beheer. pp. 91-98, more
- Derous, S.; Courtens, W.; Deckers, P.; Deneudt, K.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Paelinckx, D.; Rabaut, M.; Roff, J.C.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Van Lancker, V.R.M.; Verfaillie, E.; Vincx, M.; Degraer, S. (2008). Biological valuation: guidelines for a transparant and generally applicable protocol for the marine environment, in: Derous, S. Mariene biologische waardering als een beslissingsondersteunende techniek voor marien beheer. pp. 99-118, more
- Derous, S.; Courtens, W.; Deckers, P.; Deneudt, K.; Forero, C.E.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Vanden Eede, S.; Van Lancker, V.R.M.; Verfaillie, E.; Vincx, M.; Degraer, S. (2008). Application of the protocol for marine biological valuation to selected case study areas, in: Derous, S. Mariene biologische waardering als een beslissingsondersteunende techniek voor marien beheer. pp. 119-160, more
Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I. (2006). De macro-, epi- en visfauna op de Vlakte van de Raan, in: Coosen, J. et al. (Ed.) Studiedag: De Vlakte van de Raan van onder het stof gehaald, Oostende, 13 oktober 2006. VLIZ Special Publication, 35: pp. 116-135, more
Abstracts (12) [show] |
Leone, G.; Moulaert, I.; Devriese, L.; Pauwels, I.; Sandra, M.; Goethals, P.; Everaert, G.; Catarino, A.I. (2023). Assessing characteristics, uses, and potential environmental impact of plastic remediation technologies, in: SETAC Europe 33rd annual meeting, 30 April–4 Day 2023 | Dublin, Ireland + online “Data-driven environmental decision-making”: Abstract Book. pp. 672, more
Leone, G.; Moulaert, I.; Devriese, L.I.; Sandra, M.; Pauwels, I.; Goethals, P.; Everaert, G.; Catarino, A.I. (2023). Assessing the state-of-the-art of plastic clean-up and prevention technologies based on a systematic review of scientific literature in combination with resources from practical applications, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 1 March 2023, Bruges. VLIZ Special Publication, 90: pp. 68, more
Pepi, Y.; Langedock, K.; Moulaert, I.; Semeraro, A.; Ponsoni, L.; De Geeter, C.; Van Hoey, G.; Sterckx, T.; Boone, W. (2023). An accelerometer-based monitoring system for mussel aquaculture off the Belgian coast, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 1 March 2023, Bruges. VLIZ Special Publication, 90: pp. 84-85, more
Pint, S.; Moulaert, I.; Pirlet, H.; Langedock, K.; Semeraro, A.; Van Hoey, G.; Sterckx, T.; Boone, W.; Everaert, G.; Hablützel, P. (2023). Subtidal mussel reefs: A feasible nature-based approach for coastal protection along the Belgian coast?, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 1 March 2023, Bruges. VLIZ Special Publication, 90: pp. 88, more
Leone, G.; Moulaert, I.; Devriese, L.; Sandra, M.; Pauwels, I.; Goethals, P.; Catarino, A.I.; Everaert, G. (2022). Challenges, prospects, and opportunities for plastic remediation technologies, in: MICRO 2022, Online Atlas Edition: Plastic Pollution from MACRO to nano, 14-18 November 2022. pp. 427076. https://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7216628, more
Moulaert, I.; Langedock, K.; Boone, W.; Carpentier, J.-B.; Delbare, D.; Devriese, S.; Geldhof, R.; Groenendaal, B.; Huyghens, M.; Mascart, T.; Semeraro, A.; Van Hoey, G.; Sterckx, T. (2022). Coastbusters, nature-based solutions for sustainable coastal management, in: ECSA 59: Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas 5 - 8 September 2022, San Sebastian, Spain. , more
Semeraro, A.; Langedock, K.; Boone, W.; Carpentier, J.-B.; Delbare, D.; De Neve, M.; Devriese, S.; Geldhof, R.; Groenendaal, B.; Huygens, M.; Mascart, T.; Moulaert, I.; Van Hoey, G.; Sterckx, T. (2022). Coastbusters, innovative nature-based solutions for sustainable coastal management, in: Strypsteen, G. et al. Book of abstracts: building coastal resilience 2022, Bruges, Belgium, 12-13 April 2022. VLIZ Special Publication, 89: pp. 61-62, more
Depestele, J.; Courtens, W.; Degraer, S.; Derous, S.; Haelters, J.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Polet, H.; Rabaut, M.; Stienen, E.; Vandendriessche, S.; Vincx, M. (2009). An integrated impact assessment of trammel net and beam trawl fisheries: Project WAKO, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: an overview of marine research in Belgium anno 2009. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day. Special edition at the occasion of 10 years VLIZ. VLIZ Special Publication, 43: pp. 54, more
Degraer, S.; Derous, S.; Rabaut, M.; Vincx, M.; Courtens, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Paelinckx, D.; Deckers, P.; Deneudt, K.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Roff, J.C.; Van Lancker, V.; Verfaillie, E. (2008). Biological valuation: guidelines for a transparant and generally applicable protocol for the marine environment, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia, Spain, 11-15 November 2008: book of abstracts. pp. 1, more
Derous, S.; Verfaillie, E.; Van Lancker, V.R.M.; Courtens, W.; Stienen, E.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Hillewaert, H.; Mees, J.; Deneudt, K.; Deckers, P.; Cuvelier, D.; Vincx, M.; Degraer, S. (2007). A marine biological valuation map for the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 34, more
Moulaert, I.; Hostens, K.; Hillewaert, H. (2006). Post-extraction study of the macrobenthos on the Kwintebank, in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 31 March 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 30: pp. 46, more
Moulaert, I.; Hostens, K.; Hillewaert, H. (2005). Effects of 30 years of sand extraction on the structural characteristics of the macrofauna communities of the Kwintebank (Belgian Continental Shelf), in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 48, more
Reports (23) [show] |
Devriese, L.I.; De Buyser, S.; Catarino, A.I.; Moulaert, I.; Dhondt, C.A.L.; Meneses, C.; Rondelez, J.; Nitschke, T.; Everaert, G.; Roelofsen, F.; Fierens, N.; van Welij, D.; Monballieu, J.; Decrop, B.; Koutrouveli, T.; Wang, L.; Breugem, A.; Stellamanse, G.; Amara, R.; Doyen, P.; Depoorter, M.; Maelfait, H. (2024). TREASURE – Living Lab Nieuwpoort. Blueprint and Roadmap. 2.0. Flanders Marine Institute: Ostend. 53 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/91, more
Everaert, G.; Devriese, L.; Catarino, A.I.; Knaeps, E.; De Keukelaere, L.; Toorman, E.; Achutha Shettigar, N.; Bouwens, J.; Janssen, C.; Teunkens, B.; Blust, R.; Van Damme, S.; Moulaert, I.; Vercauteren, M.; Asselman, J. (2024). PLUXIN Deliverable D1.4: Final scientific report. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Ostend. 35 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/85, more
- Pint, S.; Moulaert, I.; Langedock, K.; Hablützel, P.; Everaert, G. (2024). Coastbusters 2.0: Habitat suitability model. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Ostend. 34 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/83, more
- Devriese, L.; Moulaert, I.; Janssen, C.; Asselman, J.; Vercauteren, M.; De Keukelaere, L.; Knaeps, E.; Toorman, E.; Achutha Shettigar, N.; Van Damme, S.; Teunkens, B.; Veys, K.; Everaert, G. (2022). PLUXIN – Roadmap to innovation. D6.2 v2.0. Flanders Marine Institute: Ostend. 26 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/32, more
Dauwe, S.; Verleye, T.; Pirlet, H.; Martens, C.; Sandra, M.; Moulaert, I.; De Raedemaecker, F.; Devriese, L.; Chisala, C.; Mees, J. (2021). Mariene klimaatmitigatie: een wetenschappelijke synthese van de meest pertinente oplossingsrichtingen voor het Noordzeegebied. VLIZ Beleidsinformerende Nota's, 2021_003. Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ): Oostende. 70 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/2, more
- Devriese, L.; Moulaert, I.; Bouwens, J.; Janssen, C.; Asselman, J.; Vercauteren, M.; De Keukelaere, L.; Knaeps, E.; Toorman, E.; Van Damme, S.; Teunkens, B.; Veys, K.; Loosvelt, L.; Everaert, G. (2021). PLUXIN – Roadmap to innovation. D6.2. Flanders Marine Institute: Ostend. 41 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48470/17, more
Semeraro, A.; Delbare, D.; Fordeyn, J.; Groenendaal, B.; Huygens, M.; Lemey, E.; Mascart, T.; Moulaert, I.; Schellekens, T.; Sterckx, T.; Van Hoey, G. (2020). Enhancing a Lanice reef report of field trials 2017-2020. ILVO Mededeling, 265. Instituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij- en Voedingsonderzoek: Oostende. 13 pp., more
- De Backer, A.; Moulaert, I.; Hillewaert, H.; Vandendriessche, S.; Van Hoey, G.; Wittoeck, J.; Hostens, K. (2010). Monitoring the effects of sand extraction on the benthos of the Belgian part of the North Sea. Report ILVO-Animal Sciences-Fisheries, 2. ILVO: Oostende. 117 pp., more
Depestele, J.; Courtens, W.; Degraer, S.; Derous, S.; Haelters, J.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Polet, H.; Rabaut, M.; Stienen, E.; Vincx, M. (2008). Evaluatie van de milieu-impact van WArrelnet- en boomKOrvisserij op het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee (WAKO). Eindrapport. ILVO Visserij: Oostende. 185 pp., more
- Lauwaert, B.; Bekaert, K.; Berteloot, M.; De Brauwer, D.; Fettweis, M.; Hillewaert, H.; Hoffman, S.; Hostens, K.; Mergaert, K.; Moulaert, I.; Parmentier, K.; Van Hoey, G.; Verstraeten, J. (2008). Synthesis report on the effects of dredged material disposal on the marine environment (licensing period 2006-'08). MUMM, ILVO Fisheries, Maritime Access Division (aMT), and Coast Division (CD): Oostende. 109 + 2 maps [cd-rom] pp., more
Lauwaert, B.; Bekaert, K.; Berteloot, M.; De Brauwer, D.; Fettweis, M.; Hillewaert, H.; Hoffman, S.; Hostens, K.; Mergaert, K.; Moulaert, I.; Parmentier, K.; Vanhoey, G.; Verstraeten, J. (2008). Syntheserapport over de effecten op het mariene milieu van baggerspeciestortingen (vergunningsperiode 2006-2008). Afdeling Maritieme Toegang/BMM/ILVO/Vlaamse Overheid. Afdeling Kust: [s.l.]. 128 + 2 maps, CD-ROM pp., more
- Derous, S.; Vincx, M.; Degraer, S.; Deneudt, K.; Deckers, P.; Cuvelier, D.; Mees, J.; Courtens, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Van Lancker, V.R.M.; Verfaillie, E. (2007). A biological valuation map for the Belgian part of the North Sea (BWZEE). Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 161 pp., more
- Goffin, A.; Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Calewaert, J.-B.; Mees, J.; Seys, J.; Delbare, D.; Demaré, W.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Parmentier, K.; Redant, F.; Mergaert, K.; Vanhooreweder, B.; Maes, F.; De Meyer, P.; Belpaeme, K.; Maelfait, H.; Degraer, S.; De Maersschalck, V.; Derous, S.; Gheskiere, T.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Kuijken, E.; Stienen, E.; Haelters, J.; Kerckhof, F.; Overloop, S.; Peeters, B. (2007). MIRA Milieurapport Vlaanderen, Achtergronddocument 2006: Kust & zee. Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij: Erembodegem. 180 pp., more
- Moulaert, I. (2007). Langetermijnvariabiliteit van het macro-endo- en epibenthos van het Belgisch Continentaal Plat. ILVO Mededeling, 7. ILVO: Merelbeke. , more
- Moulaert, I. (2007). Macrobenthos as an indicator of the impact of sand extraction. ILVO Mededeling, 6. ILVO: Merelbeke. , more
- Moulaert, I.; Hostens, K.; Hillewaert, H.; Wittoeck, J. (2007). Spatial variation of the macrobenthos species and communities of the Belgian Continental Shelf and the relation to environmental variation. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2007(A:09). ICES: Copenhagen. 13 pp., more
- Moulaert, I.; Hostens, K. (2007). Post-extraction evolution of a macrobenthic community on the intensively extracted Kwintebank site in the Belgian part of the North Sea. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2007(A:12). ICES: Copenhagen. 13 pp., more
- Vanaverbeke, J.; Bellec, V.; Bonne, W.; Deprez, T.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Van Lancker, V.; Vincx, M. (2007). Study of post-extraction ecological effects in the Kwintebank sand dredging area (SPEEK). Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 92 pp., more
- Lauwaert, B.; Bekaert, K.; De Brauwer, D.; Fettweis, M.; Hillewaert, H.; Hoffman, S.; Hostens, K.; Mergaert, K.; Moulaert, I.; Parmentier, K.; Verstraeten, J. (2006). Syntheserapport over de effecten op het mariene milieu van baggerspeciestortingen (vergunningsperiode 2004-2006). Afdeling Maritieme Toegang/BMM/ILVO/Vlaamse Overheid. Afdeling Kust: [s.l.]. 87 + 30 p. Appendices, 8 maps pp., more
Calewaert, J.-B.; Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Mees, J.; Seys, J.; Hostens, K.; Redant, F.; Moulaert, I.; Raemaekers, M.; Demaré, W.; Vanhooreweder, B.; Mergaert, K.; Maes, F.; Douvere, F.; Belpaeme, K.; Maelfait, H.; Kyramarios, M.; Tak, P.; Overloop, S.; Peeters, B. (2005). MIRA achtergronddocument 2005: Kust en Zee. Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM): Erembodegem. 140 pp., more
- Moulaert, I.; Hillewaert, H.; Hostens, K. (2005). Analysis of the long-term consequences of sand extraction on the macrofauna communities, in: Programmatorische Federale Overheidsdienst Wetenschapsbeleid: Tweede plan voor wetenschappelijke ondersteuning van een beleid gericht op duurzame ontwikkeling: Deel II. "Global change, Ecosystemen en Biodiversiteit": Netwerkovereenkomst EV/02/38A. SPEEK - Study of Post-extraction Ecological Effects in the Kwintebank sand dredging area: Wetenschappelijk verslag voor de periode 01/01/2004-31/12/2004. pp. 25-36, more
- Lauwaert, B.; Fettweis, M.; Cooreman, K.; Hillewaert, H.; Moulaert, I.; Raemaekers, M.; Mergaert, K.; De Brauwer, D. (2004). Syntheserapport 2004 (voorbereid voor de minister die de bescherming van het mariene milieu onder zijn bevoegdheid heeft, dhr. Johan Vande Lanotte). Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM): Brussel. 51 pp., more
- Lauwaert, B.; Fettweis, M.; Cooreman, K.; Hillewaert, H.; Moulaert, I.; Raemaekers, M.; Mergaert, K.; De Brauwer, D. (2004). Syntheserapport over de effecten op het maritieme milieu van baggerspeciestortingen (vergunningsperiode 2002-2004). MUMM: Brussel. 52 + appendices pp., more
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- Depestele, J.; Courtens, W.; Degraer, S.; Derous, S.; Haelters, J.; Hostens, K.; Moulaert, I.; Polet, H.; Rabaut, M.; Stienen, E.; Vandendriessche, S.; Vincx, M. (2009). An integrated impact assessment of trammel net and beam trawl fisheries - Project Wako [Poster]. Gent University/ILVO/INBO/MUMM: Oostende. 1 poster pp., more