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Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Oceanology; Departement of Marine Ecology (IOPAN), more
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- Weslawski J.-M., E. Malec, R. Jaskula, M. Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. Kedra, 2002: Polish Arctic Marine Programme. Macrobenthic data from Hornsund from 2002. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oceanology, Poland, more
Publications (48) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
A1 Publications (44) [show] |
Bodur, Y.V.; Renaud, P.E.; Lins, L.; Da Costa Monteiro, L.; Ambrose, W.G., Jr.; Felden, J.; Krumpen, T.; Wenzhöfer, F.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Braeckman, U. (2024). Weakened pelagic-benthic coupling on an Arctic outflow shelf (Northeast Greenland) suggested by benthic ecosystem changes. Elem. Sci. Anth. 12(1): 00005., more
Sokolowski, A.; Mordec, M.; Caban, M.; Øverjordet, I.B.; Wielogórska, E.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Balazy, P.; Chelchowski, M.; Lepoint, G. (2024). Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and stimulants in macrobenthic food web in the European Arctic as determined using stable isotope approach. Sci. Total Environ. 909: 168557., more
- Iglikowska, A.; Przytarska, J.; Humphreys-Williams, E.; Najorka, J.; Chelchowski, M.; Sowa, A.; Hop, H.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Kuklinski, P. (2023). Shell mineralogy and chemistry – Arctic bivalves in a global context. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 189: 114759., more
Jordà-Molina, È.; Sen, A.; Bluhm, B.A.; Renaud, P.E.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Legezynska, J.; Oleszczuk, B.; Reiss, H. (2023). Lack of strong seasonality in macrobenthic communities from the northern Barents Sea shelf and Nansen Basin. Prog. Oceanogr. 219: 103150., more
Jankowska, E.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2022). Habitat-builders complexity boosts associated fauna functional trait richness (Zostera marina meadows, Baltic Sea). Ecol. Indic. 144: 109512., more
Radziejewska, T.; Blazewicz, M.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Józwiak, P.; Pabis, K.; Weslawski, J.M. (2022). Benthic biology in the Polish exploration contract area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: The knowns and the unknowns. A review. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 898828., more
Mazurkiewicz, M.; Górska, B.; Renaud, P.E.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2020). Latitudinal consistency of biomass size spectra - benthic resilience despite environmental, taxonomic and functional trait variability. NPG Scientific Reports 10(1): 12 pp., more
- Górska, B.; Gromisz, S.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2019). Size assessment in polychaete worms—application of morphometric correlations for common North Atlantic taxa. Limnol. Oceanogr., Methods 17(4): 254-265., more
- Jankowska, E.; Michel, L.N.; Lepoint, G.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2019). Stabilizing effects of seagrass meadows on coastal water benthic food webs. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 510: 54-63., more
- Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Mazurkiewicz, M.; Górska, B.; Michel, L.N.; Jankowska, E.; Zaborska, A. (2019). Organic carbon origin, benthic faunal consumption, and burial in sediments of northern Atlantic and Arctic fjords (60–81°N). JGR: Biogeosciences 124(12): 3737-3751., more
- Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Aune, M.; Michel, L.N.; Zaborska, A.; Legezynska, J. (2019). Is the trophic diversity of marine benthic consumers decoupled from taxonomic and functional trait diversity? Isotopic niches of Arctic communities. Limnol. Oceanogr. 64(5): 2140-2151., more
Degen, R.; Aune, M.; Bluhm, B.A.; Cassidy, C.; Kedra, M.; Kraan, C.; Vandepitte, L.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Zhulay, I.; Albano, P.G.; Bremner, J.; Grebmeier, J.M.; Link, H.; Morata, N.; Nordström, M.C.; Shojaei, M.G.; Sutton, L.; Zuschin, M. (2018). Trait-based approaches in rapidly changing ecosystems: A roadmap to the future polar oceans. Ecol. Indic. 91: 722-736., more
Jankowska, E.; Michel, L.; Zaborska, A.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2016). Sediment carbon sink in low-density temperate eelgrass meadows (Baltic Sea). JGR: Biogeosciences 121(12): 2918-2934., more
- Ronowicz, M.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Kuklinski, P. (2013). Depth- and substrate-related patterns of species richness and distribution of hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) in Arctic coastal waters (Svalbard). Mar. Ecol. (Berl.) 34(s1): 165-176., more
Bluhm, B.A.; Ambrose Jr., W.G.; Bergmann, M.; Clough, L.M.; Gebruk, A.V.; Hasemann, C.; Iken, K.B.; Klages, M.; Macdonald, I.R.; Renaud, P.E.; Schewe, I.; Soltwedel, T.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2011). Diversity of the Arctic deep-sea benthos. Mar. Biodiv. Spec. Issue 41(1): 87-107, more
- Piepenburg, D.; Archambault, P.; Ambrose Jr., W.G.; Blanchard, A.L.; Bluhm, B.A.; Carroll, M.L.; Conlan, K.E.; Cusson, M.; Feder, H.M.; Grebmeier, J.M.; Jewett, S.C.; Lévesque, M.; Petryashev, V.V.; Sejr, M.K.; Sirenko, B.I.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2011). Towards a pan-Arctic inventory of the species diversity of the macro- and megabenthic fauna of the Arctic shelf seas. Mar. Biodiv. Spec. Issue 41(1): 51-70, more
Weslawski, J.M.; Kendall, M.A.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Iken, K.B.; Kędra, M.; Legezynska, J.; Sejr, M.K. (2011). Climate change effects on Arctic fjord and coastal macrobenthic diversity - observations and predictions. Mar. Biodiv. Spec. Issue 41(1): 71-85, more
- Vandepitte, L.; Vanhoorne, B.; Kraberg, A.C.; Anisimova, N.; Antoniadou, C.; Araújo, R.; Bartsch, I.; Beker, B.; Benedetti-Cecchi, L.; Bertocci, I.; Cochrane, S.J.; Cooper, K.M.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Christou, E.; Crisp, D.J.; Dahle, S.; De Boissier, M.; de Kluijver, M.; Denisenko, S.; De Vito, D.; Duineveld, G.; Escaravage, V.; Fleischer, D.; Fraschetti, S.; Giangrande, A.; Heip, C.H.R.; Hummel, H.; Janas, U.; Karez, R.; Kedra, M.; Kingston, P.; Kuhlenkamp, R.; Libes, M.; Martens, P.; Mees, J.; Mieszkowska, N.; Mudrak, S.; Munda, I.; Orfanidis, S.; Orlando-Bonaca, M.; Palerud, R.; Rachor, E.; Reichert, K.; Rumohr, H.; Schiedek, D.; Schubert, P.; Sistermans, W.C.H.; Pinto, I.S.; Southward, A.J.; Terlizzi, A.; Tsiaga, E.; van Beusekom, J.E.E.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Warzocha, J.; Wasmund, N.; Weslawski, J.M.; Widdicombe, C.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Zettler, M.L. (2010). Data integration for European marine biodiversity research: creating a database on benthos and plankton to study large-scale patterns and long-term changes. Hydrobiologia 644(1): 1-13., more
- Arvanitidis, C.; Somerfield, P.J.; Rumohr, H.; Faulwetter, S.; Valavanis, V.D.; Vasileiadou, A.; Chatzigeorgiou, G.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Labrune, C.; Grémare, A.; Zettler, M.L.; Kedra, M.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Aleffi, I.F.; Amouroux, J.M.; Anisimova, N.; Bachelet, G.; Büntzow, M.; Cochrane, S.J.; Costello, M.J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Dahle, S.; Degraer, S.; Denisenko, S.G.; Dounas, C.; Duineveld, G.; Emblow, C.; Escavarage, V.; Fabri, M.-C.; Fleischer, D.; Gray, J.S.; Heip, C.H.R.; Herrmann, M.; Hummel, H.; Janas, U.; Karakassis, I.; Kendall, M.A.; Kingston, P.; Kotwicki, L.; Laudien, J.; Mackie, A.S.Y.; Nevrova, E.L.; Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A.; Oliver, P.G.; Olsgard, F.; Palerud, R.; Petrov, A.; Rachor, E.; Revkov, N.K.; Rose, A.; Sardá, R.; Sistermans, W.C.H.; Speybroeck, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M.; Whomersley, P.; Willems, W.; Zenetos, A. (2009). Biological geography of the European seas: results from the MacroBen database. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 265-278., more
- Escaravage, V.; Herman, P.M.J.; Merckx, B.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Amouroux, J.M.; Degraer, S.; Grémare, A.; Heip, C.H.R.; Hummel, H.; Karakassis, I.; Labrune, C.; Willems, W. (2009). Distribution patterns of macrofaunal species diversity in subtidal soft sediments: biodiversity-productivity relationships from the MacroBen database. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 253-264., more
- Grémare, A.; Labrune, C.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Amouroux, J.M.; Bachelet, G.; Zettler, M.L.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Fleischer, D.; Bigot, L.; Maire, O.; Deflandre, B.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Degraer, S.; Dounas, C.; Duineveld, G.; Heip, C.H.R.; Herrmann, M.; Hummel, H.; Karakassis, I.; Kedra, M.; Kendall, M.A.; Kingston, P.; Laudien, J.; Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A.; Rachor, E.; Sardá, R.; Speybroeck, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M.; Whomersley, P.; Willems, W.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Zenetos, A. (2009). Comparison of the performances of two biotic indices based on the MacroBen database. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 297-311., more
Renaud, P.E.; Webb, T.J.; Bjørgesæter, A.; Karakassis, I.; Kedra, M.; Kendall, M.A.; Labrune, C.; Lampadariou, N.; Somerfield, P.J.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Claus, S.; Aleffi, I.F.; Amouroux, J.M.; Bryne, K.H.; Cochrane, S.J.; Dahle, S.; Degraer, S.; Denisenko, S.G.; Deprez, T.; Dounas, C.; Fleischer, D.; Gil, J.; Grémare, A.; Janas, U.; Mackie, A.S.Y.; Palerud, R.; Rumohr, H.; Sardá, R.; Speybroeck, J.; Taboada, S.; Van Hoey, G.; Weslawski, J.M.; Whomersley, P.; Zettler, M.L. (2009). Continental-scale patterns in benthic invertebrate diversity: insights from the MacroBen database. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 239-252., more
- Somerfield, P.J.; Arvanitidis, C.; Faulwetter, S.; Chatzigeorgiou, G.; Vasileiadou, A.; Amouroux, J.M.; Anisimova, N.; Cochrane, S.J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Dahle, S.; Denisenko, S.; Dounas, C.; Duineveld, G.; Grémare, A.; Heip, C.H.R.; Herrmann, M.; Karakassis, I.; Kedra, M.; Kendall, M.A.; Kingston, K.; Kotwicki, L.; Labrune, C.; Laudien, J.; Nevrova, E.L.; Nicolaidou, A.; Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A.; Palerud, R.; Petrov, A.; Rachor, E.; Revkov, N.K.; Rumohr, H.; Sardá, R.; Janas, U.; Vanden Berghe, E.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2009). Assessing evidence for random assembly of marine benthic communities from regional species pools. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 279-286., more
- Terlizzi, A.; Anderson, M.J.; Bevilacqua, S.; Fraschetti, S.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Ellingsen, K.E. (2009). Beta diversity and taxonomic sufficiency: do higher-level taxa reflect heterogeneity in species composition? Diversity Distrib. 15(3): 450-458., more
- Vanden Berghe, E.; Claus, S.; Appeltans, W.; Faulwetter, S.; Arvanitidis, C.; Somerfield, P.J.; Aleffi, I.F.; Amouroux, J.M.; Anisimova, N.; Bachelet, G.; Cochrane, S.J.; Costello, M.J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Dahle, S.; Degraer, S.; Denisenko, S.; Deprez, T.; Dounas, C.; Duineveld, G.; Emblow, C.; Escaravage, V.; Fabri, M.-C.; Fleischer, D.; Grémare, A.; Herrmann, M.; Hummel, H.; Karakassis, I.; Kedra, M.; Kendall, M.A.; Kingston, P.; Kotwicki, L.; Labrune, C.; Laudien, J.; Nevrova, E.L.; Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A.; Olsgard, F.; Palerud, R.; Petrov, A.; Rachor, E.; Revkov, N.K.; Rumohr, H.; Sardá, R.; Sistermans, W.C.H.; Speybroeck, J.; Janas, U.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M.; Whomersley, P.; Willems, W.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Zenetos, A.; Zettler, M.L.; Heip, C.H.R. (2009). MacroBen integrated database on benthic invertebrates of European continental shelves: a tool for large-scale analysis across Europe. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 225-238., more
- Webb, T.J.; Aleffi, I.F.; Amouroux, J.M.; Bachelet, G.; Degraer, S.; Dounas, C.; Fleischer, D.; Grémare, A.; Herrmann, M.; Hummel, H.; Karakassis, I.; Kedra, M.; Kendall, M.A.; Kotwicki, L.; Labrune, C.; Nevrova, E.L.; Occhipinti-Ambrogi, A.; Petrov, A.; Revkov, N.K.; Sardá, R.; Simboura, N.; Speybroeck, J.; Van Hoey, G.; Vincx, M.; Whomersley, P.; Willems, W.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2009). Macroecology of the European soft sediment benthos: insights from the MacroBen database. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 382: 287-296., more
- Barnes, D.K.A.; Kuklinski, P.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2007). Richness, abundance and shell use of subarctic and arctic hermit crabs. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 152(5): 1133-1142., more
- Renaud, P.E.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Trannum, H.C.; Holte, B.; Weslawski, J.M.; Cochrane, S.J.; Dahle, S.; Gulliksen, B., Bjørn (2007). Multidecadal stability of benthic community structure in a high-Arctic glacial fjord (van Mijenfjord, Spitsbergen). Polar Biol. 30(3): 295-305., more
Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2007). Molluscs in Kongsfjorden (Spitsbergen, Svalbard): a species list and patterns of distribution and diversity. Pol. Res. 26(1): 48-63, more
- Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Sicinski, J.; Gromisz, S.; Kendall, M.A.; Dahle, S. (2007). Similar soft-bottom polychaete diversity in Arctic and Antarctic marine inlets. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 151(2): 607-616., more
Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Kedra, M. (2007). Surrogacy in natural patterns of benthic distribution and diversity: selected taxa versus lower taxonomic resolution. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 351: 53-63., more
Jankowska, K.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Wieczorek, P. (2005). Abundance and biomass of bacteria in two Arctic glacial fjords. Pol. Polar Res. 26(1): 77-84, more
Kaczmarek, H.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Legezynska, J.; Zajaczkowski, M. (2005). Shallow sublittoral fauna in Kongsfjord (west Spitsbergen, Svalbard). Pol. Polar Res. 26(2): 135-155, more
Soltwedel, T.; Bauerfeind, E.; Bergmann, M.; Budaeva, N.; Hoste, E.; Jaeckisch, N.; von Juterzenka, K.; Matthiessen, J.; Mokievsky, V.; Nöthig, E.-M.; Quéric, N.-V.; Sablotny, B.; Sauter, E.; Schewe, I.; Urban-Malinga, B.; Wegner, J.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Klages, M. (2005). HAUSGARTEN: Multidisciplinary investigations at a deep-sea, long-term observatory in the Arctic Ocean. Oceanography 18(3): 46-61, more
Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Pearson, T.H.; Kendall, M.A. (2005). Benthic response to chronic natural physical disturbance by glacial sedimentation in an Arctic fiord. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 303: 31-41, more
Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Kendall, M.A.; Weslawski, J.M.; Klages, M. (2004). Depth gradients of benthic standing stock and diversity on the continental margin At a high latitude ice- free site (off West Spitsbergen, 790N). Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 51: 1903-1915, more
Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Pearson, T.H. (2004). Soft-bottom macrobenthic faunal associations and factors affecting species distributions in an Arctic glacial fjord (Kongsfjord, Spitsbergen). Polar Biol. 27(3): 155-167, more
- Weslawski, J.M.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Legezynska, J. (2003). The occurrence of soft bottom macrofauna along the depth gradient in the High Arctic, 79oN. Pol. Polar Res. 23(4): 73-88, more
Hop, H.; Pearson, T.H.; Hegseth, E.N.; Kovacs, K.M.; Wiencke, C.; Kwasniewski, S.; Eiane, K.; Mehlum, F.; Gulliksen, B., Bjørn; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Lydersen, Ch.; Weslawski, J.M.; Cochrane, S.J.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Leakey, R.J.G.; Lønne, O.J.; Zajaczkowski, M.; Falk-Petersen, S.; Kendall, M. ; Wänberg, S.-Å; Bischof, K.; Voronkov, A.Y.; Kovaltchouk, N.A.; Wiktor, J.; Poltermann, M.; di Prisco, G.; Papucci, C.; Gerland, S. (2002). The marine ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Polar Biol. 21(1): 167-208, more
- Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Weslawski, J.M. (2001). Impact of climate warming on Arctic benthic biodiversity: a case study of two Arctic glacial bays. Clim. Res. 18(1-2): 127-132, more
- Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Szymelfenig, M.; Kotwicki, L. (1999). Macro- and meiobenthic fauna of the Yoldiabukta glacial bay (Isfjorden, Spitsbergen). Pol. Polar Res. 20: 367-386, more
Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Weslawski, J.M.; Kotwicki, L. (1998). Spitsbergen glacial bays macrofauna - a comparative study. Polar Biol. 20: 66-73, more
- Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Janas, U.; Szaniawska, A. (1996). Hydrogen sulphide and other factors influencing the macrobenthic community structure in the Gulf of Gdansk. Oceanologia 38: 379-394, more
- Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Weslawski, J.M.; Gromisz, S. (1996). A comparison of the macrofaunal community structure and diversity in two arctic glacial bays - a ‘cold’ one off Franz Josef Land and a ‘warm’ one off Spitsbergen. Oceanologia 38: 251-283, more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
- Kotwicki, L.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Wieczorek, P. (1999). Macrozoobenthos of the sandy littoral zone in the military area between Hel and Jurata. Oceanol. Stud. 28: 97-107, more
Book chapter [show] |
- Rogers, A.D.; Billett, D.; Berger, W.H.; Flach, E.; Freiwald, A.; Gage, J.; Hebbeln, D.; Heip, C.H.R.; Pfannkuche, O.; Ramirez-Llodra, E.Z.; Medlin, L.; Sibuet, M.; Soetaert, K.; Tendal, O.; Vanreusel, A.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M. (2002). Life at the edge: achieving prediction from environmental variability and biological variety, in: Wefer, G. et al. (Ed.) Ocean margin systems. pp. 387-404, more
Abstract [show] |
Górska, B.; Wlodarska-Kowalczuk, M.; Soltwedel, T.; Schewe, I. (2018). Benthic size spectra, biomass and production along the bathymetric gradient in the Arctic Ocean (Fram Strait, 79°N)., in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 133, more
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |