

New version of ETN database online

Acoustic telemetry data were already available. But now the ETN database also allow the upload of (meta)data linked to archival tags and acoustic-data-storage tags (ADST).
New version of ETN database online
The ETN database is back online in a new version. Major changes and updates are:

- An extension of tracking technologies (‘contexts’) in which you can work, dealing with specific metadata types and fields:
  • Acoustic telemetry
  • Archival data (currently only DST data, no satellite data as or yet)
  • Acoustic-archival: ADST (combination of acoustic telemetry and DST)
- A further expansion of brands under acoustic telemetry; within the context acoustic telemetry, detection data of 4 manufacturers is now supported: Lotek; Sonotronics; Thelma-Biotel; Vemco/Innovasea.

- The introduction of the concept ‘tag devices’ for sensor tags.
Sensor tags often have multiple sensors (having different IDs in the acoustic telemetry context) on one physical unit. Therefore, the concept tag device was introduced. A tag device is defined as one physical device (thus having a unique serial number) to which several sensors (each having a unique ID) can be linked.

- An improved metadata upload system, with more and more refined quality checks on data input. Also, the error message provided when an upload failed should be more self-explaining and make error-solving easier.

- The automatic storage of detection/log files
When uploading detection data (acoustic telemetry) or log files (archival and acoustic-archival data) this data is from now on automatically stored in an online data archive (MDA). This secured data archive stores the data in a well-mannered and fully documented way. This eases the work to be performed to create DOIs.

- A better system performance, including an improved logic and structure in the web application.

Any issues or feedback, please contact us at

The Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), as part of the Flemish contribution to LifeWatch, developed the ETN data portal. The portal gives access to the telemetry data and provides an interface to manage, explore and download the (meta)data.


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