Meet Joana, the 100th tagged bird!
The GPS tracking network for large birds now includes over 100 tagged birds

Since the installation of the GPS tracking network for large birds in June 2013, more than 100 European Herring Gulls, Lesser Black-backed Gulls and Western Marsh Harriers have been tagged with a lightweight, solar powered GPS tag.
On Tuesday June 2nd, about 2 years after the start of the project, Joana, a female European Herring Gull became the 100th tagged individual!
All tagged birds can be followed in real-time here
Since June 2013 the GPS bird GPS data already revealed some interesting behavior and migration patterns
On Tuesday June 2nd, about 2 years after the start of the project, Joana, a female European Herring Gull became the 100th tagged individual!
All tagged birds can be followed in real-time here
Since June 2013 the GPS bird GPS data already revealed some interesting behavior and migration patterns