

Look, has a new look!

Yes, at this very moment, you are reading the first news item on the brand-new LifeWatch website! Take a moment and plunge into our fresh website full of useful functionalities and modalities.
Homepage LW revamped

There is no better way to start summer than to dive into the new website, which is launched on the first of July 2024. Our aim was to make it more intuitive and user-friendly to reach everyone involved or interested in the LifeWatch Belgium biodiversity data & services.

On the homepage, you find what we are well known for:

  • A selection of user stories. Get inspired by the different and diverse applications and possibilities! Or learn from other users' experiences through documented approaches, workflows, scripts and tutorials.
  • Innovative approaches, taking your research to the next level.
  • Data & services, the core of our LifeWatch services.

Are you specifically looking for a particular organism or region we study with LifeWatch Belgium? The organisms and regions of interest buttons will navigate you to more information.

There’s much more to discover, but we'll leave that up to you! 

You will see some updates in the next months as we finalise the website, but if you notice anything wrong on the website, please let us know through the contact form.

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