

LifeWatch marine technical meeting at HCMR

As an outcome of the 2nd LifeWatch e-Infrastructure Construction Operational Meeting in Granada earlier this year, a LifeWatch - marine meeting was organized from 3rd-5th of June at the Hellenic Centre of Marine Research in Crete.
The meeting was attended by participants of regional LifeWatch projects in Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden, Belgium and the EU funded projects BIOVEL, MicroB3, VIBRANT and EMODNet.

During this productive and successful event foundations were laid for the creation of a marine virtual research environment (VRE) as part of LifeWatch. Following a series of highly relevant presentations each describing valuable components that could contribute to this research environment, a discussion was organized formulating a bottom-up approach to the creation of a marine VRE.

During a number of break-out group sessions specific aspects of the marine VRE were discussed in detail: 1) VRE entry page & VRE components (virtual laboratories); 2) VRE calculation tools and biotic indices; 3) VRE derived products as base layers; 4) Biosensor data collaborative platform. 5) Taxonomic Backbone & species traits; 6) VRE training event & marine LW follow up meetings.

As an outcome of the discussions a number of concrete deliverables were planned for 2014-2015:
  • Launch of an entry page for the marine VRE (before November 2014).
  • Integrated services provided for species traits in a marine/freshwater/Antarctic taxonomic backbone.
  • Creation of a biosensor collaborative platform for automated processing of phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos, eDNA and tracking data etc.
  • Services providing data layers derived from distribution data, modeled data, habitat and environmental data.
  • Incorporation of several existing workflows and virtual labs targeting marine biodiversity data analysis.
Major action points and meetings required to realize the short term deliverables - all based on existing systems - were identified and will be specified in a more detailed plan to be further discussed with the LifeWatch central services. In addition some ideas for a longer term collaboration and increased integration of the marine VRE components were touched upon, but need further discussion.

More information and the agenda of the workshop can be found on the link below.

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