LifeWatch Flanders ready for the next level!
The Flemish LifeWatch Consortium receives additional funding for the next years.

In recent years (2012-2020), Flanders has built a unique set of biodiversity data systems and observation infrastructure. These are part of the Flanders’ commitment to the European LifeWatch ESFRI infrastructure, an ambitious European development to support biodiversity and ecosystem research.
The Flemish LifeWatch Consortium consists of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO).
The LifeWatch Species Information Backbone, developed by VLIZ, provides high quality services to standardize biodiversity data to thousands of users on a daily basis. The regional marine, freshwater and terrestrial observatories and the connected virtual laboratories, maintained by both VLIZ and INBO generate open data through automated and innovative pipelines, serving users from science, industry, policy and civil society.
The previous funding period ended in 2020 (2019-2020), therefore the Flemish LifeWatch Consortium applied for additional funding in the 2020 International Research Infrastructure (IRI) call, organized by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) and financed by the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) of the Flemish government. On December 16th 2020, they received the fantastic news that the funding was granted.
The next phase of the project will enable the project to optimize and valorize the research infrastructure and realize significant impact for Flanders, Europe and beyond. The project will apply a novel approach based on the quadruple helix framework, closely engaging with citizens, industrial players, policy makers and scientists in the data collection, analysis and decision making of the project, and to promote the use of the Flemish LifeWatch infrastructure.
The new phase of the Flemish LifeWatch project started on January 1st 2021. The Kick-Off meeting, last week Friday February 5th, demonstrated the plans and actions for this new phase, and proved that the enthusiastic team is ready to take this infrastructure to the next level.
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The Flemish LifeWatch Consortium consists of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO).
The LifeWatch Species Information Backbone, developed by VLIZ, provides high quality services to standardize biodiversity data to thousands of users on a daily basis. The regional marine, freshwater and terrestrial observatories and the connected virtual laboratories, maintained by both VLIZ and INBO generate open data through automated and innovative pipelines, serving users from science, industry, policy and civil society.
The previous funding period ended in 2020 (2019-2020), therefore the Flemish LifeWatch Consortium applied for additional funding in the 2020 International Research Infrastructure (IRI) call, organized by the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) and financed by the Department of Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) of the Flemish government. On December 16th 2020, they received the fantastic news that the funding was granted.
The next phase of the project will enable the project to optimize and valorize the research infrastructure and realize significant impact for Flanders, Europe and beyond. The project will apply a novel approach based on the quadruple helix framework, closely engaging with citizens, industrial players, policy makers and scientists in the data collection, analysis and decision making of the project, and to promote the use of the Flemish LifeWatch infrastructure.
The new phase of the Flemish LifeWatch project started on January 1st 2021. The Kick-Off meeting, last week Friday February 5th, demonstrated the plans and actions for this new phase, and proved that the enthusiastic team is ready to take this infrastructure to the next level.
Want to be involved or have questions? Subscribe to our mailing list or email to
Follow us on twitter: @LifeWatchVLIZ and @oscibio