LifeWatch ERIC touching base with Belgian LifeWatch Distributed Center
Newly appointed CEO and interim CTO of the LifeWatch ERIC visit LifeWatch Belgium.

The LifeWatch General Assembly (GA) invited the newly appointed LifeWatch CEO, Dr. Christos Arvanitidis, to visit all national LifeWatch nodes. The LifeWatch ERIC is a legal entity consisting of three common facilities (the Statutory Seat & ICT Core, the Service Centre and the VLab & Innovation Centre), and several Distributed Centers who contribute with in-kind activities on top of the states’ in-cash contributions. These visits by the LifeWatch CEO are an opportunity to become actively engaged within the LifeWatch ERIC core activities countries that are not Common Facilities.
Each national Distributed Center needs to develop and sign a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the LifeWatch ERIC. Such a SLA specifies the functional relationship between each national node and the LifeWatch ERIC: what in-kind contributions is the Distributed Center offering and where does the Distributed Center fit into the organigram and the deliverables of LifeWatch ERIC.
On Tuesday June 18 2019, Dr. Christos Arvanitidis visited LifeWatch Belgium, at the premises of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), one of the Belgian LifeWatch partners. Furthermore, Juan Miguel González-Aranda, interim CTO of LifeWatch ERIC, accompanied him. This visit from the LifeWatch CEO to LifeWatch Belgium sets a general framework and is a step forward towards formalizing the SLA between LifeWatch Belgium and the LifeWatch ERIC, and provides the first example to be followed by the remaining states.
During his visit, Dr. Christos Arvanitidis declared his full support to LifeWatch Belgium, to all of its activities. Dr. Arvanitidis expressed his gratitude towards LifeWatch Belgium for its active engagement at different levels, and in particular because LifeWatch Belgium trained the people from LifeWatch Greece, Christos’s former affiliation. He further stated that the LifeWatch ERIC would not be the same without the huge efforts of LifeWatch Belgium and the current GA chair Gert Verreet. (Department of Economy, Science and Innovation – EWI).

Each national Distributed Center needs to develop and sign a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with the LifeWatch ERIC. Such a SLA specifies the functional relationship between each national node and the LifeWatch ERIC: what in-kind contributions is the Distributed Center offering and where does the Distributed Center fit into the organigram and the deliverables of LifeWatch ERIC.
On Tuesday June 18 2019, Dr. Christos Arvanitidis visited LifeWatch Belgium, at the premises of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), one of the Belgian LifeWatch partners. Furthermore, Juan Miguel González-Aranda, interim CTO of LifeWatch ERIC, accompanied him. This visit from the LifeWatch CEO to LifeWatch Belgium sets a general framework and is a step forward towards formalizing the SLA between LifeWatch Belgium and the LifeWatch ERIC, and provides the first example to be followed by the remaining states.
During his visit, Dr. Christos Arvanitidis declared his full support to LifeWatch Belgium, to all of its activities. Dr. Arvanitidis expressed his gratitude towards LifeWatch Belgium for its active engagement at different levels, and in particular because LifeWatch Belgium trained the people from LifeWatch Greece, Christos’s former affiliation. He further stated that the LifeWatch ERIC would not be the same without the huge efforts of LifeWatch Belgium and the current GA chair Gert Verreet. (Department of Economy, Science and Innovation – EWI).