

LifeWatch citizen scientists trained in ‘identification of fish from beach waters’

In November, the enthusiastic citizen scientists of the SeaWatch-B beach observation network were offered another opportunity for in-depth training. This time, the focus was on identifying small fish in the beach waters. Recently Seawatch-B is included as a citizen science project within LifeWatch VLIZ.
LifeWatch citizen scientists trained in ‘identification of fish from beach waters’
Recognizing the differences between a small flounder and a plaice, turbot and brill, and many other small species of fish in our coastal waters, does not appear to be an easy task. This is what the SeaWatchers also experience during the seasonal crawling. For this reason, VLIZ organized a training course for them on "identification of fish from beach waters". The SeaWatchers tested their knowledge before and after the training. And what turned out? The learning curve showed an increase of no less than 25%.

Are you curious how it all went?  Take a look at the photos on the VLIZ website.

The SeaWatch-B beach observation network consists of engaged citizen scientists who collect reliable long-term data on the state of the North Sea.

The citizen science initiative is supported by the philanthropy project of VLIZ and recently also by the Flemish contribution of the European LifeWatch project, which facilitates research on biodiversity and ecosystems.

Would you like to know more about this project? Then surf to the (Dutch) SeaWatch-B website.

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