

LifeWatch Belgium Project Meeting

On Thursday June 19th 2014, an important LifeWatch Belgium project meeting was organized at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Oostende (Belgium).
During this meeting the ongoing subprojects of all Belgian LifeWatch partners were brought together for the first time and their first results were presented. The meeting was attended by representatives of all Belgian LifeWatch partners (Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO), Université catholique de Louvain (UcL), Université de Liège (ULg) and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS)), scientists of the Belgian research community and users of the Belgian LifeWatch infrastructure.

In the morning an introduction to the European LifeWatch infrastructure was given and each Belgian LifeWatch partner presented their contributions to the Belgian LifeWatch infrastructure, their milestones of 2013 and their planned actions for 2014-2015.

In the afternoon, the ongoing research projects based on data generated by the Belgian LifeWatch infrastructure each presented their scientific background and questions, the devices and sensors used and some first results.

Overview of presentations:
  • The European LifeWatch infrastructure – F. Hernandez (VLIZ)
  • LifeWatch @ Flanders Marine Institute – F. Hernandez, A. Goffin, K. Deneudt, F. Waumans (VLIZ)
  • LifeWatch @ the Research Institute for Nature and Forest – B. Aelterman (INBO)
  • AntaBIF, The Antarctic Biodiversity Information Facility – A. Van de Putte (RBINS)
  • LifeWatch Wallonie-Bruxelles, Ecotope characterization – J. Radoux (UcL)
  • GPS tracking network for large gulls – E. Stienen (INBO)
  • Bird and bat research with the ‘ROBIN 3D flex’ radar system – J. Everaert (INBO)
  • An acoustic telemetry network in the Belgian part of the North Sea – J. Reubens (Ugent, VLIZ)
  • Flow cytometry – W. Vyverman (Ugent)
  • Video Plankton Recorder – K. De Schamphelaere
  • Biodiversity in the marine environment, Monitoring of aquatic ecosystems based on environmental DNA – P. Boets and J. Asselman (Ugent)
  • About diversification, diversity and ecophylogenetics – O. De Clerck (Ugent)
The report of the meeting, with summary abstracts for each presentation, is available through the link below.

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