

Launch of the regional prototype portal

The new website of the Flemish LifeWatch project went live on 12 November, 2012.
On the homepage, the user can see a continuously updated register of ongoing LifeWatch related activities. The map shows the real-time position of the Simon Stevin research vessel in relation to the Belgian part of the North Sea. Other real-time operations (shown under the map) include research activities on board the RV Simon Stevin (such as biological sampling, measuring of environmental parameters, etc.), the checking or editing of a taxon in WoRMS by a taxonomic editor, the editing of a coastal wiki article, etc. Furthermore, any news related to the Flemish LifeWatch project will be posted on the homepage.

The Project pages contain detailed information about the different contributions of the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) and the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) to the LifeWatch research infrastructure: a taxonomic backbone; marine, freshwater and terrestrial observatories; and several biodiversity data systems, web services and models.

The section Data services makes up the interactive part of the portal. Here, registered users are able to upload standardized data files containing their own observation and biodiversity data, and choose from several data services (e.g. taxon match) to be delivered. After processing the data file, the user receives the same file with the added information.

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