Downloading tidal data to understand the behaviour of a migrating eel
A research use case for the R package wateRinfo (published as rOpenSci blog post).

European eels (Anguilla anguilla) have it tough. Not only are they depicted as monsters in movies, they are critically endangered in real life. One of the many aspects that is contributing to their decline is the reduced connectivity between their freshwater and marine habitats. Eels are catadromous: they live in freshwater, but migrate to the Sargasso Sea to spawn, a route that is blocked by numerous human structures (shipping locks, sluices, pumping stations, etc.). Pieterjan Verhelst (Ghent University) studies the impact of these structures on the behaviour of eels, making use of the fish acoustic receiver network that was established as part of the Belgian LifeWatch observatory.
In a recent blog post (see link below), the LifeWatch INBO team explored if the migration of one eel is influenced by the tide. It’s a research use case for their R package wateRinfo, which was accepted as a community-contributed package to rOpenSci.
Click on the link below to read the entire blog post.
In a recent blog post (see link below), the LifeWatch INBO team explored if the migration of one eel is influenced by the tide. It’s a research use case for their R package wateRinfo, which was accepted as a community-contributed package to rOpenSci.
Click on the link below to read the entire blog post.