Complete: EMODnet Biology workshop on data formatting, QC & publishing
Our (EMODnet Biology’s) first ever, completely online workshop has ended! During the past two weeks, around 50 people have dedicated their time to learning everything about formatting and quality controlling datasets for EMODnet Biology ingestion.

The Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) and the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) have organised a hands-on workshop on data formatting, quality control (QC) & publishing as part of the EMODnet Biology project (phase 3), with the intention to provide training to current and future data providers on how to format and submit their data to the project. The trainers at the workshop were from VLIZ (EurOBIS-EMODnet Bio-LifeWatch Belgium), HCMR (EMODnet Bio-LifeWatch-Greece) & OGS (EMODnet Bio).
EMODnet Biology data partners, associated data partners and external participants to the project were guided through course material that was provided on the Ocean Teacher platform (hosted by IODE). The main goal was to introduce how data should be formatted and quality controlled before they can be integrated into the EurOBIS database and made available through the EMODnet Biology Portal. Additionally to the processing and submission of recent data, the workshop also focused on how to deal with archaeological data, when the original providers can no longer clarify the peculiarities of their data.
During daily one hour Q&A sessions, participants received feedback on the assignments and were able to ask specific questions concerning specific topics.
As a new team, for a first time completely going online, we are very happy with the positive feedback of the, an average of 34 participants over 11 sessions. We would like to thank all the participants for their commitment to the course and for their enthusiasm and cooperation during the daily Q&A sessions. We hope further cooperation with EMODnet Biology will be fruitful for all parties.

EMODnet Biology data partners, associated data partners and external participants to the project were guided through course material that was provided on the Ocean Teacher platform (hosted by IODE). The main goal was to introduce how data should be formatted and quality controlled before they can be integrated into the EurOBIS database and made available through the EMODnet Biology Portal. Additionally to the processing and submission of recent data, the workshop also focused on how to deal with archaeological data, when the original providers can no longer clarify the peculiarities of their data.
During daily one hour Q&A sessions, participants received feedback on the assignments and were able to ask specific questions concerning specific topics.
As a new team, for a first time completely going online, we are very happy with the positive feedback of the, an average of 34 participants over 11 sessions. We would like to thank all the participants for their commitment to the course and for their enthusiasm and cooperation during the daily Q&A sessions. We hope further cooperation with EMODnet Biology will be fruitful for all parties.