

Agouti has a new look! New website and functionalities for improved user experience.

Recently, a new version of Agouti has been released. This time, major improvements have been made to the camera trap platform, based on feedback from the user community
Agouti has a new look! New website and functionalities for improved user experience.
Recently, a new version of Agouti has been released. This time, major improvements have been made to the camera trap platform, based on feedback from the user community. Probably the most visible improvement is the completely revised user interface which is more intuitive, faster and easier to use. New artificial intelligence (AI) functionalities have been added. In addition to the ability to auto-annotate entire sequences of photos in the background which was already available in the previous versions, real-time AI now suggests observations while annotating by hand.

A new project overview page makes it possible to scroll through projects which have been made publicly available. In addition, improvements in the background made the application faster, more performant and secure. The design of the new user interface and the implementation of it, has been coordinated by Wageningen University and INBO and couldn’t have been realized without the financial support of projects such as LifeWatch and Enetwild. 

Meanwhile, developers are already working on a new version of Agouti which incorporates the new data exchange format for camera trap data, camtrap DP. Camtrap DP is a community developed data exchange standard that packs camera trap data and metadata in a standardized frictionless data package (see Bubnicki et al, in prep. for more information). The new export module for Agouti will use the camtrap DP format. By doing so, data exports from Agouti will be interoperable with data exported from other camera trap data management software such as Trapper. This new version of Agouti is expected soon.

Are you a camera trapper dying to try these new functionalities? Visit, register for a new account (if you haven’t one already) and let us set up your project for you. The use of Agouti is free of charge for non-profit and academic purposes.


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