Advancing Data Stewardship
On February 28th, the "Advancing Data Stewardship" meeting took place at the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) in Ostend. This meeting was co-organized by VLIZ and VIB and was all about Open Science and Open Data initiatives.

Open Science and Open Data initiatives are currently high on many agendas (cfr. EOSC, FOSB). The implementation of these initiatives rely heavily on the infrastructure and services present. As such, the European Research Infrastructures (ESFRIs) play a central role in this. Many of these infrastructures (such as LifeWatch Belgium and ELIXIR Belgium) offer data platforms, tools and services. However, the handling of data in different domains comes with its specific challenges.
The "Advancing Data Stewardship" meeting aimed at gathering relevant stakeholders involved in data stewardship and management from both environmental and life sciences. It focused on the exchange of knowledge including practices and used services and solutions.
Insightful presentations were given on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the Flemish Open Science Board (FOSB), trends and requirements of research data management, cloud applications and practical data management tools. LifeWatchVLIZ presented an example of the data flow from observations to ecosystem analysis that generates open data.
The meeting brought together both data stewards and researchers from environmental and life science research infrastructures. It allowed the exchange of knowledge, and the plenary discussion afterwards indicated some synergies between research domains and domain specific challenges. All interesting ideas for the implementation ESFRI driven open science and open data in the future!
Thank you to our speakers of the day: Francisco Hernandez from VLIZ, Sadia Vancauwenbergh from University of Hasselt, Paula Oset Garcia from UGent Research Data Managment, Katrina Exter from VLIZ, Alexander Botzki from VIB, Elien Dewitte from VLIZ, Frederik Coppens from VIB, Flora d’anna from Elixir, Lennert Schepers from VLIZ.
Agenda available on the link below.

The "Advancing Data Stewardship" meeting aimed at gathering relevant stakeholders involved in data stewardship and management from both environmental and life sciences. It focused on the exchange of knowledge including practices and used services and solutions.
Insightful presentations were given on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the Flemish Open Science Board (FOSB), trends and requirements of research data management, cloud applications and practical data management tools. LifeWatchVLIZ presented an example of the data flow from observations to ecosystem analysis that generates open data.
The meeting brought together both data stewards and researchers from environmental and life science research infrastructures. It allowed the exchange of knowledge, and the plenary discussion afterwards indicated some synergies between research domains and domain specific challenges. All interesting ideas for the implementation ESFRI driven open science and open data in the future!
Thank you to our speakers of the day: Francisco Hernandez from VLIZ, Sadia Vancauwenbergh from University of Hasselt, Paula Oset Garcia from UGent Research Data Managment, Katrina Exter from VLIZ, Alexander Botzki from VIB, Elien Dewitte from VLIZ, Frederik Coppens from VIB, Flora d’anna from Elixir, Lennert Schepers from VLIZ.
Agenda available on the link below.