Expedition programme PS129 - Polarstern
Sawadkuhi, S.A. (Ed.) (2022). Expedition programme PS129 - Polarstern. Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung: Bremerhaven. 55 pp.
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- Boebel, O.; Hoppema, M.; Engicht, C.; Allerholt, J.; Spiesecke, S.; Tippenhauer, S.; del Rio, P.L.; Pinner, O.; Torrecilla, I.R.; Parcerisas, C. (2022). HAFOS: maintaining the AWI's long-term ocean observatory in the Weddell Sea, in: Sawadkuhi, S.A. (Ed.) Expedition programme PS129 - Polarstern. pp. 6-25, more