Operational oceanography: Implementation at the European and regional scales: Proceedings of the second international conference on EuroGOOS 11-13 March 1999, Rome, Italy
Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) (2002). Operational oceanography: Implementation at the European and regional scales: Proceedings of the second international conference on EuroGOOS 11-13 March 1999, Rome, Italy. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 66. Elsevier: Amsterdam. ISBN 0444503919; e-ISBN 978-0-444-50391-6. IX, 555 pp.
Part of: Elsevier Oceanography Series. Elsevier: Oxford; New york; Amsterdam. ISSN 0422-9894, more
Content |
- Tromp, D. (2002). The Second EuroGOOS Conference; introduction, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 3-4, more
- Woods, J.D. (2002). The EuroGOOS Forward Look, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 5-11, more
- Ehlers, P. (2002). EUROMAR - A new era, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 13-19, more
- Brown, M. (2002). Valuing marine activities in Europe: provisional estimates, concepts and data sources, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 23-33, more
- Fischer J.; Flemming, N.C. (2002). The EuroGOOS data requirements survey, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 35-43, more
- Castellucci, L. (2002). Economic assessments of the value of marine industries and services and user requirements, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 45-56, more
- Summerhayes, C. (2002). The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) in 1998, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 57-66, more
- Holt, M.W. (2002). Real-time forecast modelling for the NW European shelf seas, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 66: pp. 69-76, more
- Wilhelmsson, T.; Schüle, J.; Rantakokko, J.; Funkquist, L. (2002). Increasing resolution and forecast length with a parallel ocean model, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 77-85, more
- Jensen, H.R.; Møller, J.S.; Rasmussen, B. (2002). Operational hydrodynamical model of the Danish waters. Danish National Program for Monitoring the Water Environment, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 87-97, more
- Valdés, L.; Lavín, A.; Fernández de Puelles, M.L.; Varela, M.; Anadón, R. (2002). Spanish Ocean Observation System. IEO core project: Studies on time series of oceanographic data, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 99-105, more
- Gytre, T.; Aure, J.; Sætre, R. (2002). Long-term surface observations from ships of opportunity in Norwegian waters, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 107-115, more
- Marchand, P. (2002). CORIOLIS-Atlantic, an in situ network for operational oceanography, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 117-127, more
- Korhonen, O. (2002). Sea level measuring network in Finland, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 129-137, more
- Ridderinkhof, H.; van Haren, H.; Eijgenraam, F.; Hillebrand, T. (2002). Ferry observations on temperature, salinity and currents in the Marsdiep tidal inlet between the North Sea and Wadden Sea, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 66: pp. 139-147, more
- Funkquist, L. (2002). Operational forecasts during the construction of the Fixed Link across the Öresund, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 149-152, more
- Lozano, I. (2002). Storminess and environmentally sensitive Atlantic coastal areas of the European Union, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 153-161, more
- Johannessen, O.M.; Sandven, S. (2002). Monitoring of the Arctic Ocean, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 165-177, more
- Buch, E. (2002). Forecasting the Baltic, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 179-188, more
- Pinardi, N.; Demirov, E.; Tonani, M.; Giacomelli, L.; Fratianni, C. (2002). Mediterranean ocean forecasting system: First phase of implementation, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 189-197, more
- Le Provost, C. (2002). Forecasting the Atlantic: Towards an Atlantic Pilot Experiment, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 199-207, more
- Nittis, K.; Soukissian, T.; Chronis, G. (2002). Operational forecasting in the Aegean Sea: The POSEIDON system, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 211-218, more
- Le Traon, P.Y.; Larnicol, G.; Dibarboure, G.; Roquet, H.; Le Borgne, P. (2002). Remote sensing data for the Mediterranean Forecasting System Pilot Project, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 219-224, more
- Telenta, B.; Nickovic, S.; Music, S.; Ryabinin, V. (2002). Operational system for marine prediction in the Mediterranean: Description and products, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 225-233, more
- Sorgente, R.; Zavatarelli, M. (2002). Diagnostic simulations of the seasonal circulation in the Sicily Channel, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 235-241, more
- Waldmann, C.; Kotte, N.; Metzler, W. (2002). A newly designed deep sea YOYO-profiler for long term moored deployment, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 245-253, more
- Woerther, P. (2002). Coastal environment of the Seine Bay area monitored by a new French system of automated measurement stations, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 255-264, more
- Wyatt, L.R. (2002). The potential of HF radar for coastal and shelf sea monitoring, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 265-272, more
- Zappalà, G.; Caruso, G.; Crisafi, E. (2002). Design and use of advanced technology devices for sea water monitoring, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 273-280, more
- Alves, M.; Pascoal, A.; Pereira, A.M.; Rodeia, J.; Simões, A. (2002). The use of "CARAVELA 2000®" vehicles in operational oceanography, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 281-288, more
- Mariette, V.; Verbeque, V.; Mouge, P.; Deveaux, M. (2002). A new concept for rapid assessment of oceanic environment, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 289-297, more
- Meinecke, G.; Ratmeyer, V.; Wefer, G. (2002). A bi-directional data link into the deep sea - The DOMEST project, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 299-306, more
- Beranzoli, L.; Braun, T.; Calcara, M.; Calore, D.; Campaci, R. (2002). GEOSTAR - GEophysical and Oceanographic Station for Abyssal Research, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 307-315, more
- Koske, P. (2002). Ferries in operational oceanography - The German Ferry Box project, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 317-324, more
- Barbini, R.; Colao, F.; Fantoni, R.; Palucci, A.; Ribezzo, S. (2002). Mobile lidar fluorosensor equipment for continuous seawaters monitoring and in situ photosynthetic measurements: The ENEA realisation, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 325-334, more
- Ribotti, A.; De Falco, G.; Arrichiello, V. (2002). Experimentation of an innovative Lagrangian coastal drifter, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 335-340, more
- Cattle, H.; Holt, M.W.; Bell, M.J. (2002). Real-time ocean forecast modelling for the Global Ocean and the Atlantic, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 343-351, more
- Holt, M.W. (2002). Meeting the Challenge: Real-time sea-state forecast modelling for the Atlantic at The Met Office, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 353-361, more
- Gérard, F. (2002). European co-ordination in meteorology, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 66: pp. 363-369, more
- Johannessen, O.M.; Sagen, H.; Hamre, T.; Hobaek, H.; Hasselmann, K. (2002). Acoustic Monitoring of Ocean Climate in the Arctic (AMOC), in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 371-378, more
- Mooers, C.N.K.; Gao, L.; Wilson, W.D.; Johns, W.E.; Leaman, K.D. (2002). Initial concepts for IAS-GOOS, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 379-390, more
- Gaspar, P.; Anderson, D.; Boone, C.; Davey, M.; Latif, M. (2002). The DUACS project: towards operational use of altimeter data in coupled ocean-atmosphere models for climate studies and forecasts, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 393-394, more
- Roca, M.; Francis, R. (2002). Absolute calibration of the EnviSat-1 radar altimeter - a new generation dual frequency altimeter, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 395-403, more
- Guymer, T.H.; Challenor, P.G.; Cipollini, P.; Cromwell, D.; Quartly, G.D. (2002). Multi-sensor satellite monitoring of ocean climate, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 405-419, more
- Boone, C.; Le Traon, P.Y.; Gaspar, P. (2002). Near real time processing and validation of T/P and ERS-2 altimeter data (DUACS project), in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 421-427, more
- Gronvall, H.; Seina, A. (2002). Satellite data use in Finnish winter navigation, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 429-436, more
- Lehner, S.; Schulz-Stellenfleth, J.; Schättler, B.; Breit, H.; Weinreich, I. (2002). Complex ERS-2 SAR wave mode, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 437-443, more
- Horstmann, J.; Weinreich, I.; Hauser, D.; Lehner, S.; Koch, W. (2002). SAR wind measurements during the FETCH experiment, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 445-453, more
- Johannessen, O.M.; Espedal, H.A.; Furevik, B.; Akimov, D.; Jenkins, A. (2002). COASTWATCH: Integrating satellite SAR imagery in an operational system for monitoring coastal currents, wind, surfactants and oil spills, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 455-465, more
- Philippart, M.E.; Gebraad, A. (2002). Assimilating satellite altimeter data in operational sea level and storm surge forecasting, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 469-479, more
- Hoogenboom, H.J.; Peters, S.W.M.; Hakvoort, J.H.M.; Dekker, A.G. (2002). The use of SeaWiFS for operational monitoring of water quality in the North Sea, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 481-487, more
- Álvarez, A.; Vélez, P.; Orfila, A.; Vizoso, G.; Tintoré, J. (2002). Evolutionary computation for climate and ocean forecasting: "El Niño forecasting", in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 489-494, more
- Allen, J.I. (2002). Simulating the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Humber Plume (UK) with a variable phytoplankton carbon: chlorophyll-a model, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 497-504, more
- Durand, D.; Pettersson, L.H.; Johannessen, O.M.; Svendsen, E.; Søiland, H.; Skogen, M. (2002). Satellite observation and model prediction of toxic algae bloom, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 66: pp. 505-515, more
- Zaccone, R.; La Ferla, R.; Azzaro, M.; Caruso, G. (2002). Microbial parameters for advanced ecosystem models, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 517-524, more
- Marcelli, M.; Di Maio, A.; Ziantoni, S.; Perilli, A. (2002). New operative methods to study pelagic ecosystems, in: Flemming, N.C. (Ed.) Operational oceanography: implementation at the European and regional scales. pp. 525-531, more
Abstract |
The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is an international programme for a permanent global framework of observations, modelling and analysis of ocean variables that are needed to support operational services around the world. The EuroGOOS strategy has two streams: the first is to improve the quality of marine information in European home waters, and the second is to collaborate with similar organisations in other continents to create a new global ocean observing and modelling system that will provide the open ocean forecasts needed to achieve the best possible performance by local marine information services everywhere. |