Prof. Dr Mattielli, Nadine |
Institute |
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Université Libre de Bruxelles; Faculté des Sciences; Département Géosciences, Environnement et Société; Laboratoire G-Time, more
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Tel.: +32-(0)2-650 22 69
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Project |
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- Applications of new isotopic systems Cu, Zn, Fe in complement with Pb isotopes to trace metal supplies in continental anthropogenic (Schelde Estuary) and natural environments (Peats in Fagnes), more
Publications (52) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Project |
A1 Publications (48) [show] |
- Van Overmeiren, P.; Demeestere, K.; De Wispelaere, P.; Gili, S.; Mangold, A.; De Causmaecker, K.; Mattielli, N.; Delcloo, A.; Van Langenhove, H.; Walgraeve, C. (2024). Four years of active sampling and measurement of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Environ. Sci. Technol. 58(3): 1577-1588., more
- de Graaff, S.J.; Ross, C.H.; Feignon, J.G.; Kaskes, P.; Gulick, S.P.S.; Goderis, S.; Dehais, T.; Debaille, V.; Ferriere, L.; Koeberl, C.; Mattielli, N.; Stockli, D.F.; Claeys, P. (2023). The Chicxulub impact structure reveals the first in-situ Jurassic magmatic intrusions of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Lithos 436: 106953., more
- de Oliveira Amaral Quaresma, G.; Costa dos Santos, A.; Rocha-Júnior, E.R.V.; Bonifácio, J.; Queiroz Rego, C.A.; Mata, J.; Valeriano, C.M.; Jourdan, F.; Mattielli, N.; Geraldes, M.C. (2023). Isotopic constraints on Davis bank, Vitoria-Trindade Ridge: a revised petrogenetic model. J. South Am. Earth Sci. 122: 104099., more
- Vanderstraeten, A.; Mattielli, N.; Laruelle, G.G.; Gili, S.; Bory, A.; Gabrielli, P.; Boxho, S.; Tison, J.-L.; Bonneville, S. (2023). Identifying the provenance and quantifying the contribution of dust sources in EPICA Dronning Maud Land ice core (Antarctica) over the last deglaciation (7-27 kyr BP): A high-resolution, quantitative record from a new Rare Earth Element mixing model. Sci. Total Environ. 881: 163450., more
Kaskes, P.; de Graaff, S.J.; Feignon, J.-G.; Déhais, T.; Goderis, S.; Ferrière, L.; Koeberl, C.; Smit, J.; Wittmann, A.; Gulick, S.P.S.; Debaille, V.; Mattielli, N.; Claeys, P. (2022). Formation of the crater suevite sequence from the Chicxulub peak ring: a petrographic, geochemical, and sedimentological characterization. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 134(3-4): 895-927., more
Maters, E.C.; Mulholland, D.S.; Flament, P.; de Jong, J.; Mattielli, N.; Deboudt, K.; Dhont, G.; Bychkov, E. (2022). Laboratory study of iron isotope fractionation during dissolution of mineral dust and industrial ash in simulated cloud water. Chemosphere 299: 134472., more
- de Graaff, S.J.; Kaskes, P.; Déhais, T.; Goderis, S.; Debaille, V.; Ross, C.H.; Gulick, S.P.S.; Feignon, J.-G.; Ferrière, L.; Koeberl, C.; Smit, J.; Mattielli, N.; Claeys, P. (2021). New insights into the formation and emplacement of impact melt rocks within the Chicxulub impact structure, following the 2016 IODP-ICDP Expedition 364. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 134(1-2): 293-315., more
- Sauzéat, L.; Costas-Rodriguez, M.; Albalat, E.; Mattielli, N.; Vanhaecke, F.; Balter, V. (2021). Inter-comparison of stable iron, copper and zinc isotopic compositions in six reference materials of biological origin. Talanta 221: 121576., more
Snoeck, C.; Schulting, R.J.; Brock, F.; Rodler, A.S.; Van Ham-Meert, A.; Mattielli, N.; Ostapkowicz, J. (2021). Testing various pre-treatments on artificially waterlogged and pitch-contaminated wood for strontium isotope analyses. Front. Ecol. Evol. 8: 589154., more
- Zeng, Z.; Liu, X.; Chen, S.; de Jong, J.; Mattielli, N.; Qi, H.; Pearce, C.; Murton, B.J. (2021). Iron, copper, and zinc isotopic fractionation in seafloor basalts and hydrothermal sulfides. Mar. Geol. 436: 106491., more
- Beunon, H.; Mattielli, N.; Doucet, L.S.; Moine, B.; Debret, B. (2020). Mantle heterogeneity through Zn systematics in oceanic basalts: evidence for a deep carbon cycling. Earth-Sci. Rev. 205: 103174., more
Debret, B.; Reekie, C.D.J.; Mattielli, N.; Beunon, H.; Ménez, B.; Savov, I.P.; Williams, H.M. (2020). Redox transfer at subduction zones: insights from Fe isotopes in the Mariana forearc. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 12: 46-51., more
- Doucet, L.S.; Li, E.-X.; Gamal El Dien, H.; Pourteau, A.; Murphy, J.B.; Collins, W.J.; Mattielli, N.; Olierook, H.K.H.; Spencer, C.J.; Mitchell, R.N. (2020). Distinct formation history for deep-mantle domains reflected in geochemical differences. Nature Geoscience 13(7): 511-515., more
- Hodel, F.; Triantafyllou, A.; Berger, J.; Macouin, M.; Baele, J.-M.; Mattielli, N.; Monnier, C.; Trindade, R.I.F.; Ducea, M.N.; Chatir, A.; Ennih, N.; Langlade, J.; Poujol, M. (2020). The Moroccan Anti-Atlas ophiolites: timing and melting processes in an intra-oceanic arc-back-arc environment. Gondwana Res. 86: 182-202., more
- Li, C.; Sonke, J.E.; Le Roux, G.; Van der Putten, N.; Piotrowska, N.; Jeandel, C.; Mattielli, N.; Benoit, M.; Wiggs, G.F.S.; De Vleeschouwer, F. (2020). Holocene dynamics of the southern westerly winds over the Indian Ocean inferred from a peat dust deposition record. Quat. Sci. Rev. 231: 106169., more
- Debret, B.; Albers, E.; Walter, B.; Price, R.; Barnes, J.D.; Beunon, H.; Facq, S.; Gillikin, D.P.; Mattielli, N.; Williams, H. (2019). Shallow forearc mantle dynamics and geochemistry: new insights from IODP Expedition 366. Lithos 326-327: 230-245., more
- Debret, B.; Beunon, H.; Mattielli, N.; Andreani, M.; da Costa, I.R.; Escartín, J. (2018). Ore component mobility, transport and mineralization at mid-oceanic ridges: a stable isotopes (Zn, Cu and Fe) study of the Rainbow massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge 36°14′N). Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 503: 170-180., more
- Fagel, N.; Lechenault, M.; Fontaine, F.; Pleuger, E.; Otten, J.; Allan, M.; Ghilardi, M.; Mattielli, N.; Goiran, J.-P. (2017). Record of human activities in the Pb isotopes signatures of coastal sediments from the Roman archaeological site of Cala Francese, Cape Corsica (France). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12: 770-781., more
- Wasilewski, B.; Doucet, L.S.; Moine, B.; Beunon, H.; Delpech, G.; Mattielli, N.; Debaille, V.; Delacour, A.; Grégoire, M.; Guillaume, D.; Cottin, J.-Y. (2017). Ultra-refractory mantle within oceanic plateau: petrology of the spinel harzburgites from Lac Michele, Kerguelen Archipelago. Lithos 272-273: 336-349., more
- Dehant, V.; Asael, D.; Baland, R.-M.; Baludikay, B.K.; Beghin, J.; Belza, J.; Beuthe, M.; Breuer, D.; Chernonozhkin, S.; Claeys, P.; Cornet, Y.; Cornet, L.; Coyette, A.; Debaille, V.; Delvigne, C.; Deproost, M.H.; De Winter, N.; Duchemin, C.; El Atrassi, F.; François, C.; De Keyser, J.; Gillmann, C.; Gloesener, E.; Goderis, S.; Hidaka, Y.; Höning, D.; Huber, M.; Hublet, G.; Javaux, E.J.; Karatekin, O.; Kodolanyi, J.; Lobo Revilla, L.; Maes, L.; Maggiolo, R.; Mattielli, N.; Maurice, M.; McKibbin, S.; Morschhauser, A.; Neumann, W.; Noack, L.; Pham, L.B.S.; Pittarello, L.; Plesa, A.C.; Rivoldini, A.; Robert, S.; Rosenblatt, P.; Spohn, T.; Storme, J.-Y.; Tosi, N.; Trinh, A.; Valdes, M.; Vandaele, A.C.; Vanhaecke, F.; Van Hoolst, T.; Van Roosbroek, N.; Wilquet, V.; Yseboodt, M. (2016). PLANET TOPERS: Planets, Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of their ReservoirS. Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. 46(4): 369-384., more
- De Jong, J.T.M.; Stammerjohn, S.; Ackley, S.; Tison, J.-L.; Mattielli, N.; Schoemann, V. (2015). Sources and fluxes of dissolved iron in the Bellingshausen Sea (West Antarctica): the importance of sea ice, icebergs and the continental margin. Mar. Chem. 177(Part 3): 518-535., more
- Petit, C.; Schafer, J.; Coynel, A.; Blanc, G.; Chiffoleau, J.; Auger, D.; Bossy, C.; Derriennic, H.; Mikolaczyk, M.; Dutruch, L.; Mattielli, N. (2015). The estuarine geochemical reactivity of Zn isotopes and its relevance for the biomonitoring of anthropogenic Zn and Cd contaminations from metallurgical activities: example of the Gironde fluvial-estuarine system, France. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 170: 108-125., more
- Fagel, N.; Not, C; Gueibe, J.; Mattielli, N.; Bazhenova, E (2014). Late Quaternary evolution of sediment provenances in the Central Arctic Ocean: mineral assemblage, trace element composition and Nd and Pb isotope fingerprints of detrital fraction from the Northern Mendeleev Ridge. Quat. Sci. Rev. 92: 140-154., more
- Panizzo, V; Crespin, J; Crosta, X; Shemesh, A; Masse, G; Yam, R; Mattielli, N.; Cardinal, D. (2014). Sea ice diatom contributions to Holocene nutrient utilization in East Antarctica. Paleoceanography 29(4): 328-342., more
- Beier, C.; Mata, J.; Stockhert, F.; Mattielli, N.; Brandl, P.A.; Madureira, P.; Genske, F.S.; Martins, S.; Madeira, J.; Haase, K.M. (2013). Geochemical evidence for melting of carbonated peridotite on Santa Maria Island, Azores. Contrib. Miner. Petrol. = Beitr. Mineral. Petrol. 165(5): 823-841., more
- de Jong, J.; Schoemann, V.; Maricq, N.; Mattielli, N.; Langhorne, P.; Haskell, T.; Tison, J.-L. (2013). Iron in land-fast sea ice of McMurdo Sound derived from sediment resuspension and wind-blown dust attributes to primary productivity in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Mar. Chem. 157: 24-40., more
- Elkins, L.J.; Sims, K.W.W.; Prytulak, J.; Elliott, T.; Mattielli, N.; Blichert-Toft, J.; Blusztajn, J.; Dunbar, N.; Devey, C.; Mertz, D.F.; Schilling, J.-G.; Murrell, M. (2011). Understanding melt generation beneath the slow-spreading Kolbeinsey Ridge using 238U, 230Th, and 231Pa excesses. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75(21): 6300-6329., more
- Fagel, N.; Mattielli, N. (2011). Holocene evolution of deep circulation in the northern North Atlantic traced by Sm, Nd and Pb isotopes and bulk sediment mineralogy. Paleoceanography 26(PA4220): 15 pp., more
- Madureira, P.; Mata, J.; Mattielli, N.; Queiroz, G.; Silva, P. (2011). Mantle source heterogeneity, magma generation and magmatic evolution at Terceira Island (Azores archipelago): constraints from elemental and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Hf, and Pb) data. Lithos 126(3-4): 402-418., more
- Martins, S.; Mata, J.; Munha, J.; Mendes, M.H.; Maerschalk, C.; Caldeira, R.; Mattielli, N. (2010). Chemical and mineralogical evidence of the occurrence of mantle metasomatism by carbonate-rich melts in an oceanic environment (Santiago Island, Cape Verde). Mineral. Petrol. 99(1-2): 43-65., more
- Carpentier, M.; Chauvel, C.; Maury, R.; Mattielli, N. (2009). The "zircon effect" as recorded by the chemical and Hf isotopic compositions of Lesser Antilles forearc sediments. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 287(1-2): 86-99., more
- Carpentier, M.; Chauvel, C.; Mattielli, N. (2008). Pb–Nd isotopic constraints on sedimentary input into the Lesser Antilles arc system. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 272(1-2): 199-211., more
- de Jong, J.; Schoemann, V.; Lannuzel, D.; Tison, J.-L.; Mattielli, N. (2008). High-accuracy determination of iron in seawater by isotope dilution multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ID-MC-ICP-MS) using nitrilotriacetic acid chelating resin for pre-concentration and matrix separation. Anal. Chim. Acta 623(2): 126-139., more
- De Jong, J.T.M.; Schoemann, V.; Lannuzel, D.; Tison, J.L.; Mattielli, N. (2008). High-accuracy determination of Iron in Antarctic waters by isotope dilution MC-ICP-MS using nitrilotriacetic acid chelating resin for preconcentration and matrix separation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72(12): A209-A209, more
- Fagel, N.; Brasseur, R.; Mattielli, N.; Stevenson, R.; Hillaire-Marcel, C. (2008). Nd and Pb isotopic signatures of detrital fractions from Labrador Sea and Iceland Basin sediments: Deep oceanic circulation changes over the Holocene. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72(12): A251-A251, more
- Petit, J.C.J.; Taillez, A.; Chou, L.; Mattielli, N. (2008). Cu and Zn isotopic changes from 1972 to present in the Scheldt estuary. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72(12): A739-A739, more
- Petit, J.C.J.; de Jong, J.; Chou, L.; Mattielli, N. (2008). Development of Cu and Zn isotope MC-ICP-MS measurements: application to suspended particulate matter and sediments from the Scheldt Estuary. Geostand. Geoanal. Res. 32(2): 149-166., more
- Préat, A.R.; de Jong, J.T.M.; Mamet, B.L.; Mattielli, N. (2008). Stable Iron isotopes and microbial mediation in red pigmentation of the Rosso Ammonitico (Mid-Late Jurassic, Verona Area, Italy). Astrobiol. 8(4): 841-857., more
- Scoates, J.S.; Weis, D.; Franssens, M.; Mattielli, N.; Annell, H.; Frey, F.A.; Nicolaysen, K.; Giret, A. (2008). The Val Gabbro Plutonic Suite: a sub-volcanic intrusion emplaced at the end of flood basalt volcanism on the Kerguelen Archipelago. J. Petrol. 49(1): 79-105., more
- de Jong, J.; Schoemann, V.; Tison, J.-L.; Becquevort, S.; Masson, F.; Lannuzel, D.; Petit, J.; Chou, L.; Weis, D.; Mattielli, N. (2007). Precise measurement of Fe isotopes in marine samples by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). Anal. Chim. Acta 589(1): 105-119., more
- Fagel, N.; Brasseur, R.; Mattielli, N.; Stevenson, R.; Hillaire-Marcel, C. (2007). Mineralogy and Nd and Pb isotope signatures of clay-size fraction of northern North Atlantic sediments during the Holocene and Late Glacial: Implications for the inception of modern deep circulation pattern. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71(15): A265-A265, more
- Taillez, A.; Jacqmot, A.; Petit, J.; Maerschalk, C.; Lemadec, D.; Fagel, N.; Verheyden, S.; Chou, L.; Mattielli, N. (2007). Spatial and temporal (30 yr.) variations of lead geochemical signature in a macrotidal highly polluted estuary. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 71(15): A993-A993, more
- Petit, J.; Taillez, A.; Verheyden, S.; Chou, L.; Mattielli, N. (2006). Cu and Zn isotope fractionation along the Scheldt estuary. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70(18): A485-A485., more
Weis, D.; Kieffer, B.; Maerschalk, C.; Barling, J.; de Jong, J.; Williams, G.A.; Hanano, D.; Pretorius, W.; Mattielli, N.; Scoates, J.S.; Goolaerts, A.; Friedman, R.M.; Mahoney, J.B. (2006). High-precision isotopic characterization of USGS reference materials by TIMS and MC-ICP-MS. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 7(Q08006): 30., more
- Scoates, J.S.; Weis, D.; Franssens, M.; Mattielli, N.; Annell, H.; Frey, F.A.; Nicolaysen, K.; Giret, A. (2005). The Val gabbro plutonic suite, Kerguelen Archipelago: Evolution of a volcanic feeder system in an oceanic island. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 69(10): A859-A859, more
- Goolaerts, A.; Mattielli, N.; de Jong, J.; Weis, D.; Scoates, J.S. (2004). Hf and Lu isotopic reference values for the zircon standard 91500 by MC-ICP-MS. Chem. Geol. 206(1-2): 1-9., more
- Weis, D.; Frey, F.A.; Schlich, R.; Schaming, M.; Montigny, R.; Damasceno, D.; Mattielli, N.; Nicolaysen, K.E.; Scoates, J.S. (2002). Trace of the Kerguelen mantle plume: Evidence from seamounts between the Kerguelen Archipelago and Heard Island, Indian Ocean. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 3(6): 27 PP., more
- Gregoire, M.; Mattielli, N.; Nicollet, C.; Cottin, J.Y.; Leyrit, H.; Weis, D.; Shimizu, N.; Giret, A. (1994). Oceanic mafic granulite xenoliths from the Kerguelen archipelago. Nature (Lond.) 367: 360-363., more
Peer reviewed publications (2) [show] |
Verheyden, S.; de Jong, J.; Taillez, A.; Petit, J.; Mattielli, N. (2006). Cd isotope fractionation in a polluted estuary (The Scheldt): preliminary results from MCICPmass spectrometry on reference material, suspended particulate material and sediments. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 8: 09144, more
Petit, J.; Mattielli, N.; Chou, L.; Loijens, M.; Barling, J. (2005). Time and space variations in Cu and Zn isotope compositions of SPM and sediments in an estuarine environment (The Scheldt estuary). Geophys. Res. Abstr. 7: 09841, more
Book chapter [show] |
- Fagel, N.; Mattielli, N.; Hillaire-Marcel, C. (2011). Holocene evolution of deep circulation in the northern North Atlantic constrained by sedimentary radiogenic tracers, in: 43rd international Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics "Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes and ongoing anthropogenic impacts" - May 2-6, 2011. pp. 1, more
Abstract [show] |
Vanderstraeten, A.; Bonneville, S.; Flament, P.; Deboudt, K.; De Vleeschouwer, F.; Le Roux, G.; Giere, R.; Tison, J.-L.; Debaille, V.; Mattielli, N. (2016). Physico-chemical characterisation of dust deposition in snow from NE Antarctica, in: Baele, J.-M. et al. Proceedings of the 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress: 26–29 January 2016 – Mons, Belgium. pp. 291, more