Datasets (2) |
Top | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
- HOUBIN C, THIEBAUT É, HOEBEKE M (2019): Specific diversity data of macrobenthic communities in the "Rivière de Morlaix" study site in the English Channel from 1977 to 1996., more
- Houbin C, Thiebaut E, Hoebeke M (2019): Specific diversity data of macrobenthic communities in the "Pierre Noire" study site in the English Channel from 1977 on, more
Publications (39) |
Top | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
A1 Publications (28) [show] |
- Chauvel, N.; Raoux, A.; Weill, P.; Dezilleau, L.; Mear, Y.; Murat, A.; Poizot, E.; Foveau, A.; Desroy, N.; Thiebaut, E.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Pezy, J.-P. (2024). Sediment grain size and benthic community structure in the eastern English Channel: species-dependent responses and environmental influence. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 200: 116042., more
Campagne, C.S.; Roy, L.-A.; Langridge, J.; Claudet, J.; Mongruel, R.; Beillouin, D.; Thiebaut, E. (2023). Existing evidence on the impact of changes in marine ecosystem structure and functioning on ecosystem service delivery: a systematic map. Environmental Evidence 12(1): 13., more
Toumi, C.; De Cáceres, M.; Grall, J.; Boyé, A.; Thiebaut, E.; Maguer, M.; Le Garrec, V.; Broudin, C.; Houbin, C.; Gauthier, O. (2023). Long‐term coastal macrobenthic Community Trajectory Analysis reveals habitat‐dependent stability patterns. Ecography 2023(6): e06489., more
Aguión, A.; Cruz, T.; Acuña, J.L.; Broudin, C.; Castro, J.J.; Davoult, D.; Dubert, J.; Fernandes, J.N.; Geiger, K.J.; Jacinto, D.; Mateus, D.; Muñiz, C.; Nolasco, R.; Perrier, L.; Queiroga, H.; Román, S.; Silva, T.; Thiebaut, E.; Vázquez, E.; Macho, G. (2022). A large-scale comparison of reproduction and recruitment of the stalked barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes across Europe. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 169(5): 63., more
Caracciolo, M.; Rigaut-Jalabert, F.; Romac, S.; Mahé, F.; Forsans, S.; Gac, J.-P.; Arsenieff, L.; Manno, M.; Chaffron, S.; Cariou, T.; Hoebeke, M.; Bozec, Y.; Goberville, E.; Le Gall, F.; Guilloux, L.; Baudoux, A.-C.; de Vargas, C.; Not, F.; Thiebaut, E.; Henry, N.; Simon, N. (2022). Seasonal dynamics of marine protist communities in tidally mixed coastal waters. Mol. Ecol. 31(14): 3761-3783., more
Geiger, K.J.; Rivera, A.; Aguión, A.; Álvarez, J.; Arrontes, J.; Borrell, Y.J.; Cruz, T.; Davoult, D.; Dubert, J.; Feis, M.E.; Fernandes, J.N.; Fernández, C.; García-Flórez, L.; Jacinto, D.; Jollivet, D.; Macho, G.; Mateo, E.; Mateus, D.; Móran, P.; Muñiz, C.; Nicolle, A.; Nolasco, R.; Parrondo, M.; Queiroga, H.; Rico, J.; Sousa, A.; Román, S.; Silva, T.; Thiebaut, E.; Vázquez, E.; Acuña, J.L. (2022). Coping with poachers in European stalked barnacle fisheries: insights from a stakeholder workshop. Mar. Policy 135: 104826., more
- Sturbois, A.; Cormy, G.; Le Moal, A.; Schaal, G.; Broudin, C.; Thiebaut, E.; Ponsero, A.; Le Mao, P.; Jones, A.; Riera, P.; Gauthier, O.; Desroy, N. (2021). Using ecological trajectories to track long‐term taxonomic and functional changes in benthic shallow soft‐bottom communities (Bay of Saint‐Brieuc, English Channel). Aquat. Conserv. 31(11): 3013-3033., more
- Bacouillard, L.; Baux, N.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Desroy, N.; Geiger, K.J.; Gentil, F.; Thiebaut, E. (2020). Long-term spatio-temporal changes of the muddy fine sand benthic community of the Bay of Seine (eastern English Channel). Mar. Environ. Res. 161: 105062., more
Guillam, M.; Bessin, C.; Blanchet-Aurigny, A.; Cugier, P.; Nicolle, A.; Thiebaut, E.; Comtet, T. (2020). Vertical distribution of brittle star larvae in two contrasting coastal embayments: implications for larval transport. NPG Scientific Reports 10(1)., more
- Gaudin, F.; Desroy, N.; Dubois, S.F.; Broudin, C.; Cabioch, L.; Fournier, J.; Gentil, F.; Grall, J.; Houbin, C.; Le Mao, P.; Thiebaut, E. (2018). Marine sublittoral benthos fails to track temperature in response to climate change in a biogeographical transition zone. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 75(6): 1894-1907., more
- Gallon, R.K.; Lavesque, N.; Grall, J.; Labrune, C.; Grémare, A.; Bachelet, G.; Blanchet, H.; Bonifacio, P.; Bouchet, V.M.P.; Dauvin, J.C.; Desroy, N.; Gentil, F.; Guérin, L.; Houbin, C.; Jourde, J.; Laurand, S.; Le Duff, M.; Le Garrec, V.; de Montaudouin, X.; Gauthier, O.; Orvain, F.; Sauriau, P.-G.; Thiebaut, E. (2017). Regional and latitudinal patterns of soft-bottom macrobenthic invertebrates along French coasts: Results from the RESOMAR database. J. Sea Res. 130: 96-106., more
- Cabral, P.; Levrel, H.; Schoenn, J.; Thiébaut, E.; Le Mao, P.; Mongruel, R.; Rollet, C.; Dedieu, K.; Carrier, S.; Morisseau, F.; Daurés, F. (2015). Marine habitats ecosystem service potential: a vulnerability approach in the Normand-Breton (Saint Malo) Gulf, France. Ecosystem Services 16: 306-318., more
- Rigolet, C.; Thiebaut, E.; Dubois, S.F. (2014). Food web structures of subtidal benthic muddy habitats: evidence of microphytobenthos contribution supported by an engineer species. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 500: 25-41., more
Jourde, J.; Alizier, S.; Dancie, C.; Dauvin, J.C.; Desroy, N.; Dubut, S.; Gentil, F.; Grall, J.; Hanin, C.; Lanshere, J.; Thiebaut, E. (2012). First and repeated records of the tropical-temperate crab Asthenognathus atlanticus Monod, 1932 (Decapoda: Brachyura) in the eastern part of the Bay of Seine (eastern English Channel, France). Cah. Biol. Mar. 53(4): 525-532., more
- Philippart, C.J.M.; Amaral, A.; Asmus, R.; van Bleijswijk, J.; Bremner, J.; Buchholz, F.; Cabanellas-Reboredo, M.; Catarino, D.; Cattrijsse, A.; Charles, F.; Comtet, T.; Cunha, A.; Deudero, S.; Duchêne, J.-C.; Fraschetti, S.; Gentil, F.; Gittenberger, A.; Guizien, K.; Gonçalves, J.M.; Guarnieri, G.; Hendriks, I.; Hussel, B.; Pinheiro Vieira, R.; Reijnen, B.T.; Sampaio, I.; Serrão, E.; Sousa Pinto, I.; Thiebaut, E.; Viard, F.; Zuur, A.F. (2012). Spatial synchronies in the seasonal occurrence of larvae of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) and mussels (Mytilus edulis/galloprovincialis) in European coastal waters. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 108: 52-63., more
- Rigolet, C.; Dubois, S.F.; Droual, G.; Caisey, X.; Thiebaut, E. (2012). Life history and secondary production of the amphipod Haploops nirae (Kaim-Malka, 1976) in the Bay of Concarneau (South Brittany). Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 113: 259-271., more
- Jolly, M.T.; Guyard, P.; Ellien, C.; Gentil, F.; Viard, F.; Thiebaut, E.; Jollivet, D. (2009). Population genetics and hydrodynamic modeling of larval dispersal dissociate contemporary patterns of connectivity from historical expansion into European shelf seas in the polychaete Pectinaria koreni. Limnol. Oceanogr. 54(6): 2089-2106., more
- Matabos, M.; Thiébaut, E.; Le Guen, D.; Sadosky, F.; Jollivet, D.; Bonhomme, F. (2008). Geographic clines and stepping-stone patterns detected along the East Pacific Rise in the vetigastropod Lepetodrilus elevatus reflect species crypticism. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 153(4): 545-563., more
Dauvin, J.-C.; Ruellet, T.; Thiebaut, E.; Gentil, F.; Desroy, N.; Janson, A.-L.; Duhamel, S.; Jourde, J.; Simon, S. (2007). The presence of Melinna palmata (Annelida: Polychaeta) and Ensis directus (Mollusca: Bivalvia) related to sedimentary changes in the Bay of Seine (English Channel, France). Cah. Biol. Mar. 48(4): 391-401, more
- Dubois, S.F.; Comtet, T.; Retière, Ch.; Thiebaut, E. (2007). Distribution and retention of Sabellaria alveolata larvae (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae) in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel, France. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 346: 243-254., more
Sarrazin, J.; Walter, C.; Sarradin, P.-M.; Brind'Amour, A.; Desbruyères, D.; Briand, P.; Fabri, M.-C.; Van Gaever, S.; Vanreusel, A.; Bachraty, C.; Thiébaut, E. (2006). Community structure and temperature dynamics within a mussel assemblage on the southern East Pacific Rise. Cah. Biol. Mar. 47(4): 483-490., more
- Ellien, C.; Thiébaut, E.; Dumas, F.; Salomon, J.C.; Nival, P. (2004). A modelling study of the respective role of hydrodynamic processes and larval mortality on larval dispersal and recruitment of benthic invertebrates : example of Pectinaria koreni (Annelida : Polychaeta) in the bay of Seine (English Channel). J. Plankton Res. 26(2): 117-132., more
Barnay, A.-S.; Ellien, C.; Gentil, F.; Thiebaut, E. (2003). A model study on variations in larval supply: are populations of the polychaete Owenia fusiformis in the English Channel open or closed? Helgol. Mar. Res. 56: 229-237., more
Jolly, M.T.; Viard, F.; Weinmayr, G.; Gentil, F.; Thiébaut, E.; Jollivet, D. (2003). Does the genetic structure of Pectinaria koreni (Polychaeta: Pectinariidae) conform to a source - sink metapopulation model at the scale of the Baie de Seine? Helgol. Mar. Res. 56: 238-246., more
Sadosky, F.; Thiebaut, E.; Jollivet, D.; Shillito, B. (2002). Recruitment and population structure of the vetigastropod Lepetodrilus elevatus at 13°N hydrothermal vent sites on East Pacific Rise. Cah. Biol. Mar. 43(3-4): 399-402., more
- Thiébaut, E.; Lagadeuc, Y.; Olivier, F.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Retière, C. (1998). Do hydrodynamic factors affect the recruitment of marine invertebrates in a macrotidal area? The case study of Pectinaria koreni (Polychaeta) in the Bay of Seine (English Channel). Hydrobiologia 375: 165-176., more
- Wang, Z.; Thiebaut, E.; Dauvin, J.C. (1995). Spring abundance and distribution of the ctenophore Pleurobrachia pileus in the Seine estuary: advective transport and diel vertical migration. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 124(2): 313-324., more
Wang, Z.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Thiébaut, E. (1994). Preliminary data on the near-bottom meso- and macrozooplanktonic fauna from the eastern Bay of Seine: faunistic composition, vertical distribution and density variation. Cah. Biol. Mar. 35(2): 157-176, more
Peer reviewed publications (3) [show] |
- Thiébaut, E. (2006). Influence des facteurs abiotiques et biotiques sur la dynamique des sédiments et des écosystèmes intertidaux = Roles of abiotic and biotic factors on the sediment dynamics of intertidal ecosystems, in: Davoult, D. (Ed.) Fonctionnement des écosystèmes intertidaux en milieu tempéré: Séminaire de l'Institut océanographique de Paris, Mardi 14 février 2006. Océanis (Paris), 32(2): pp. 145-161, more
- Ellien, C.; Thiebaut, E.; Barnay, A.-S.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Gentil, F.; Salomon, J.-C. (2000). Influence de la variabilité de la dispersion larvaire sur la dynamique d'une métapopulation marine en Manche = The influence of variability in larval dispersal on the dynamics of a marine metapopulation in the eastern Channel. Oceanol. Acta 23(4): 423-442, more
Dauvin, J.-C.; Thiébaut, E. (1994). Is Owenia fusiformis Delle Chiaje a cosmopolitan species? Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 383-404, more
Books (4) [show] |
La Rivière, M.; Delavenne, J.; Janson, A.-L.; Andres, S.; De Bettignies, T.; Blanchet, H.; Decaris, F.-X.; Derrien, R.; Derrien-Courtel, S.; Grall, J.; Houbin, C.; Latry, L.; Le Gal, A.; Lutrand, A.; Menot, L.; Percevault, L.; Tauran, A.; Thiebaut, E. (2022). Fiches descriptives des habitats marins benthiques de la Manche, de la Mer du Nord et de l’Atlantique. PatriNat (OFB-CNRS-MNHN): Paris. 578 pp., more
Le Mao, P.; Godet, L.; Fournier, J.; Desroy, N.; Gentil, F.; Thiebaut, E.; Pourinet, L.; Cabioch, L.; Retière, Ch.; Chambers, P. (2020). Atlas de la faune marine invertébrée du golfe Normano - Breton: Volume 3. Mollusques. Éditions de la Station biologique de Roscoff: Roscoff. ISBN 9782951802957. 190 pp., more
Le Mao, P.; Godet, L.; Fournier, J.; Desroy, N.; Gentil, F.; Thiebaut, E.; Pourinet, L.; Retière, Ch.; Chambers, P. (2019). Atlas de la faune marine invertébrée du golfe Normano - Breton: Volume 7. Bibliographie, glossaire et index. Éditions de la Station biologique de Roscoff: Roscoff. ISBN 9782951802995. 173 pp., more
Le Mao, P.; Godet, L.; Fournier, J.; Desroy, N.; Gentil, F.; Thiebaut, E.; Pourinet, L. (2019). Atlas de la faune marine invertébrés du golfe Normano-Breton: Volume 6. Espèces d'intérêt particulier. Editions de la Station Biologique de Roscoff: Roscoff. ISBN 978-2-9518029-8-8 . 130 pp., more
Book chapters (2) [show] |
- Thiébaut, E.; Lagadeuc, Y.; Olivier, F.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Retière, C. (1998). Do hydrodynamic factors affect the recruitment of marine invertebrates in a macrotidal area? The case study of Pectinaria koreni (Polychaeta) in the Bay of Seine (English Channel), in: Baden, S. et al. Recruitment, colonization, and physical-chemical forcing in marine biological systems: Proceedings of the 32nd European Marine Biology Symposium, held in Lysekil, Sweden, 16-22 August 1997. Developments in Hydrobiology, 132: pp. 165-176., more
- Thiebaut, E.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Wang, Z. (1997). Are polychaete larvae passive in the water column? Examples from a macrotidal estuary (Baie de Seine, English Channel), in: Hawkins, L.E. et al. (Ed.) The Responses of Marine Organisms to their Environments: Proceedings of the 30th European Marine Biology Symposium. pp. 153-162, more
Abstract [show] |
- Thiebaut, E.; Dauvin, J.-C. (1991). Modelling of population dynamics of Owenia fusiformis (Annelida, Polychaeta) in eastern Bay of Seine, in: Herman, P.M.J. et al. (Ed.) Report of the workshop Modelling the Benthos Yerseke, The Netherlands 20-22 March 1991. Delta Institute Communication, 538: pp. 189-190, more
Report [show] |
Santi, I.; Casotti, R.; Comtet, T.; Cunliffe, M.; Koulouri, Y.; Macheriotou, L.; Not, F.; Obst, M.; Pavloudi, C.; Romac, S.; Thiebaut, E.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Pade, N. (2021). European Marine Omics Biodiversity Observation Network (EMO BON) – Handbook. Version 1.0. European Marine Biological Resource Centre: Paris. 63 pp., more