Publications (23) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Project |
A1 Publications (4) [show] |
Vousdoukas, M.I.; Voukouvalas, E.; Annunziato, A.; Giardino, A.; Feyen, L. (2016). Projections of extreme storm surge levels along Europe. Clim. Dyn. 47(9): 3171-3190., more
Giardino, A.; Van den Eynde, D.; Monbaliu, J. (2010). Wave effects on the morphodynamic evolution of an offshore sand bank. J. Coast. Res. SI 51: 127-140., more
Van den Eynde, D.; Giardino, A.; Portilla, J.; Fettweis, M.; Francken, F.; Monbaliu, J. (2010). Modelling the effects of sand extraction, on sediment transport due to tides, on the Kwinte Bank. J. Coast. Res. SI 51: 101-116., more
- Giardino, A.; Ibrahim, E.; Adam, S.; Toorman, E.A.; Monbaliu, J. (2009). Hydrodynamics and cohesive sediment transport in the IJzer estuary, Belgium: Case study. J. Waterway Port Coast. Ocean Eng. 135(4): 176-184., more
Book chapters (6) [show] |
- Giardino, A.; Monbaliu, J. (2007). Wave effects on sand bank morphodynamics, in: Tomasicchio, G.R. 2nd Internatioanl Short Course and Workshop on Coastal Processes and Port Engineering, May 29 - June 1, 2006, Cosenza, Italy: Proceedings. pp. 165-175, more
- Van Lancker, V.; Deleu, S.; Bellec, V.; Du Four, I.; Schelfaut, K.; Verfaillie, E.; Fettweis, M.; Van den Eynde, D.; Francken, F.; Monbaliu, J.; Giardino, A.; Portilla, J.; Lanckneus, J.; Moerkerke, G.; Degraer, S. (2007). MAREBASSE: Bridging gaps with other disciplines and end-users, in: Calewaert, J.-B. et al. (Ed.) Science and sustainable management of the North Sea: Belgian case studies. pp. 83-136, more
- Delgado Blanco, M.R.; Olabarrieta, M.; Giardino, A.; Banasiak, R.; Monbaliu, J. (2006). Observed suspended sediment profiles under double peaked wave spectra, in: Sánchez-Arcilla, A. (Ed.) Coastal Dynamics 2005: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain (4th - 8th April 2005). pp. 14, more
- Delgado Blanco, M.R.; Lizaso, M.; Giardino, A.; Banasiak, R.; Verhoeven, R.; Monbaliu, J. (2006). Observed suspended sediment profiles under the effect of single and double peaked wave spectra, in: Sánchez-Arcilla, A. (Ed.) Coastal Dynamics 2005: state of the practice - Fifth International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, April 4-8, 2005, Barcelona, Spain. pp. [1-14]., more
- Monbaliu, J.; Giardino, A. (2006). Shear stress effects on sand bank morphodynamics and sand sorting, in: Tubielewicz, A. (Ed.) Coastal dynamics, geomorphology and protection. EuroCoast - Littoral 2006, : pp. 88-96, more
- Giardino, A.; Monbaliu, J. (2005). Flow, wave and sand dynamics at the Kwinte Bank (Belgian shelf), in: Telemac User Club, Bristol, 6-7 October 2005. , more
Thesis [show] |
- Giardino, A. (2008). Numerical modelling of sediment transport in shelf seas and estuaries. Case studies: the Kwinte Bank and the Ijzermonding. PhD Thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL): Leuven. ISBN 978-90-5682-929-2. 182 pp., more
Abstracts (2) [show] |
Van Lancker, V.; Du Four, I.; Fettweis, M.; Van den Eynde, D.; Degraer, S.; Devolder, M.; Francken, F.; Luyten, P.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.; Giardino, A.; Portilla, J.; Verwaest, T.; Janssens, J.; Houziaux, J.-S.; Vandenberghe, N.; Zeelmaekers, E.; Goffin, A. (2008). QUantification of Erosion/Sedimentation patterns to Trace the natural versus anthropogenic sediment dynamics - QUEST4D, in: TIDALITES 2008, September 24-27, Qingdao (China). pp. 1, more
Giardino, A.; Van den Eynde, D.; Monbaliu, J. (2006). Sand banks dynamics: Kwinte Bank study case, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 31 March 2006: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 30: pp. 35-36, more
Reports (9) [show] |
Giardino, A.; den Heijer, K.; Santinelli, G. (2014). The state of the coast - Toestand van de Kust - Case study: the South-Westerly Delta. Deltares: [s.l.]. ii, 70 + appendices pp., more
Giardino, A. (2013). Overzicht data, beschikbaarheid Open Earth, ftp. IMDC NV/Deltares/Svasek Hydraulics/ARCADIS Nederland: Antwerpen. 4 + bijlage pp., more
van Kessel, T.; van der Werf, J.; Giardino, A. (2013). Analyse alle havenstortvakken Westerschelde. International Marine & Dredging Consultants/Deltares/Svašek Hydraulics BV/ARCADIS Nederland BV: Antwerpen. 56 + bijlagen pp., more
van Kessel, T.; van der Werf, J.J.; Giardino, A. (2013). Analyse havenstortvak W13. International Marine & Dredging Consultants/Deltares/Svašek Hydraulics BV/ARCADIS Nederland BV: Antwerpen. 34 pp., more
van der Werf, J.J.; Giardino, A.; Santinelli, G. (2011). Aanzanding en onderhoudsbaggerwerkzaamheden in de Sardijngeul. Deltares Report, 1204421-004. Deltares: [s.l.]. 36 + bijlagen pp., more
van der Werf, J.; Giardino, A. (2009). Effect van zeer grootschalige zandwinning langs de Nederlandse kust op de waterbeweging, zandtransporten en morfologie. RWS Waterdienst: [s.l.]. 66 pp., more
- Van Lancker, V.; Du Four, I.; Verfaillie, E.; Deleu, S.; Schelfaut, K.; Fettweis, M.; Van den Eynde, D.; Francken, F.; Monbaliu, J.; Giardino, A.; Portilla, J.; Lanckneus, J.; Moerkerke, G.; Degraer, S. (2007). Management, research and budgetting of aggregates in shelf seas related to end-users (Marebasse). Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 139 pp., more
- Giardino, A.; Monbaliu, J. (2006). Wave effects on the morphodynamic evolution of an offshore sandbank, in: Telemac User Club, Chamrousse, 19-20 October 2006. , more
- Giardino, A.; Monbaliu, J. (2005). Morphodynamic evolution of a sand bank: Code changes to SISYPHE coupled to TELEMAC-2D: Internal Report. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Laboratorium voor Hydraulica: Leuven. 104 + 1 cd-rom pp., more
Other publication [show] |
- Giardino, A.; Monbaliu, J. (2007). Hydrodynamics and cohesive sediment transport in a highly human impacted estuary, in: Telemac User Club, Wallingford, U.K, 8-9 november 2007. , more