Projects (3) |
Top | Publications | Projects |
- Possibilities and consequences of nitrogen removal from the Schelde River by mergent macrophytes, more
- Possibilities and consequences of nitrogen removal from the Scheldt river by emergent macrophytes, more
- Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan, more
Publications (6) |
Top | Publications | Projects |
A1 Publications (3) [show] |
- Soetaert, K.; Hoffmann, M.; Meire, P.; Starink, M.; van Oevelen, D.; Van Regenmortel, S.; Cox, T. (2004). Modeling growth and carbon allocation in two reed beds (Phragmites australis) in the Scheldt estuary. Aquat. Bot. 79(3): 211-234., more
de Bie, M.J.M.; Middelburg, J.J.; Starink, M.; Laanbroek, H.J. (2002). Factors controlling nitrous oxide at the microbial community and estuarine scale. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 240: 1-9., more
- Beukema, J.J.; Flach, E.C.; Dekker, R.; Starink, M. (1999). A long-term study of the recovery of the macrozoobenthos on large defaunated plots on a tidal flat in the Wadden Sea. J. Sea Res. 42: 235-254., more
Book chapter [show] |
Van Damme, S.; Starink, M.; Van der Nat, F.J.W.A.; Struyf, E.; Van Cleemput, O.; Meire, P.M. (2010). Measured denitrification and nitrous oxide fluxes in intertidal mudflats along the Zeeschelde (Scheldt estuary, Belgium), in: Van Damme, S. Water quality and the estuarine environment: Spatio temporal patterns and opportunities for restoration with emphasis on nitrogen removal = Waterkwaliteit en het estuarien milieu: Spatio-temporele patronen en mogelijkheden tot herstel met speciale aandacht voor stikstofverwijdering. pp. 93-112, more
Report [show] |
Starink, M.; v. d. Nat, J.F.W.A.; Herman, P.M.J.; Middelburg, J.J.; Soetaert, K.; Cappenberg, T. (1996). Interimrapport (I) onderzoek milieu-effecten sigma-plan (OMES). Nederlands Instituut voor Oecologisch Onderzoek: [s.l.]. 10 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
- Meire, P.; Starink, M.; Hoffman, H. (1997). Integratie van ecologie en waterbouwkunde in de Zeeschelde: aanleiding tot en situering van het Onderzoek Milieu-Effecten Sigmaplan (OMES). Water 16(95): 147-165, more