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Prof. Dr Dehairs, Frank

Institutes (2)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets 
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Mangrove Management Group (MMG), more
  • Direct contact at institute:
  • Oceans & Lakes : Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management, more
  • Function: Lecturer
    Direct contact at institute:
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Previous institutes (2)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets 
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen & Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Chemie; Analytical, Environmental and Geochemistry (AMGC), more
  • www.belspo.be/belspo//fedra/prom.asp?l=nl&promid=1
  • Function: Professor


  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Ecological Marine Management Programme (ECOMAMA), more

Projects (57)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets 
  • Accumulation of metals in bivalves: shells as bio-indicators in estuarian and marine environments, more
  • An assessment of the ecological importance of mangroves in the Kakinada area, Andhra Pradesh, India, more
  • An integrated approach to assess carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean, more
  • Assessing the sensitivity of the Southern Ocean’s biological pump to climate change, more
  • Assessment of mangrove degradation and resilience in the Indian Sub-continent: the cases of Godavari Estuary and South West Sri Lank, more
  • Azores mid-oceanic ridge ecosystem studies: an integrated research programme on deep-sea hydrothermal transfers and fluxes, more
  • Belgian Polar Research Cluster, more
  • Bepaling van delta 13C en delta 15N op biologische materialen, als bijdrage tot de studie van de mariene voedselketen en de oceanische koolstof- en stikstofkringloop, more
  • Biogeochemical cycles of C, N and water balances, more
  • Biogeochemical interactions between the Danube River and the North-Western Black Sea, more
  • Biogeochemische cycli in open oceanen, kustzeeën en estuaria, more
  • Biotic interactions in turbid estuarine systems, more
  • Critical evaluation of marine calcareous skeletons as recorders of global climate change, more
  • Darwin's laatste idee in getallen uitgedrukt: onderzoek naar de invloed van bioturbatie op de biogeochemie van de zeebodem en de impact op de globale koolstofkringloop, more
  • De rol van de biologische koolstofpomp als mechanisme voor koolstofexport naar diepzee en sedimenten in de Zuidelijke Oceaan, more
  • Development, calibration and application of independent salinity proxies, more
  • Dynamics and assessment of Kenyan mangrove ecosystem, more
  • Ecosystem Responses to global change: a multiscale approach in the Southern Ocean, more
  • Een 'multi-proxy' benadering voor de studie van biogeochemische cycli van koolstof en stikstof in tropische en gematigde estuaria, more
  • Effects of dredgings and harbour expansion on the environment, more
  • European Network for marine integrated system analysis, more
  • European River Ocean System: the interactions between the river Danube and the north western Black Sea - Pilot phase, more
  • Fundamental and ecological aspects of the mangrove-ecosystem and its evolution under increasing anthropogenic pressure, more
  • Gather and promote Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere related belgian efforts, more
  • Integrated approach to the assess Carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean, more
  • Integrated Study of Southern Ocean Biogeochemistry and Climate Interactions in the Anthropocene, more
  • Interaction between water column and intertidal zones of Scheldt River: Biogeochemical cycles of C and N, more
  • Interlinkages between Eastern African coastal systems, more
  • Koolstof en stikstof cycli in de Westerschelde : het ontwikkelen van een geïntegreerde visie en de identificatie van de belangrijkste organismen in die cycli, more
  • Koolstofexport en heterotrofe afbraak van planktondetritus in de oceaan., more
  • Macrophytes and nutrient dynamics in the upper reaches of the Schelde basin, more
  • Macrophytes and nutrient dynamics: process and field studies in the upper reaches of river bassins, more
  • Maintenance and exploitation of a laboratory-container aboard the R.V. Belgica, for marine pollution surveillance, more
  • Modelling of biogeochemical processes that define the fluxes of biogenic material in the head of water, more
  • Monitoring deep sea floor hydrothermal environments on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: A Marie Curie Research Training Network, more
  • OA-CL-016 BE-POLES: Belgische Polaire onderzoekscluster, more
  • Ocean margin exchange I, more
  • Ocean Margin Exchange II-phase I, more
  • Onderzoek naar de effecten van fysico-chemische parameters op transport- en incorporatieprocessen van proxies bij Mytilus edulis gebruikmakend van een multi-proxy benadering en in vitro en in situ experimenten., more
  • Onderzoek naar de gevolgen van het Sigmaplan, baggeractiviteiten en havenuitbreiding in de Zeeschelde op het milieu, more
  • Ontwikkeling van een nieuwe geautomatiseerde opstelling voor concentratiebepalingen en stabiele isotopenanalyse van opgelost organisch en anorganisch koolstof : toepassingen in biogeochemische studies van estuariene systemen., more
  • Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan, more
  • Research on the environmental effects of the SIGMA plan: Effects of dredgings and harbour expansion on the environment, more
  • Spatial and seasonal variability of the transport of biogenic compounds in the Southern Ocean, more
  • Studie naar de koolstofcyclus in het Vlaams gedeelte van het Schelde-estuarium, more
  • Systematics, ecology and biogeography of marine organisms in the Indian Ocean. I, more
  • Systematics, ecology and biogeography of marine organisms in the Indian Ocean. II, more
  • The balance between heterotrophic and autotophic processes in the Scheldt estuary: consequences for the carbon and nitrogen cycles, more
  • The C cycle of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary, more
  • The C cycle of the Flemish part of the Scheldt estuary, more
  • The quantitative importance of the Scheldt estuary for marine fish populations: an analysis for the goby species Pomatoschistus minutus using geochemical markers, more
  • Tidal freshwater marshes as processors and sinks of nitrogen in estuaries: a whole ecosystem 15N-labeling study, more
  • Trace elements as proxies of biochemical processes in aquatic systems, more
  • Trophic role and ecological fate of the microbial production and leafs in mangroves, more
  • Use of sclerosponges (Porifera) as biorecorders of environmental changes, more
  • Validation of alternative marine calcareous skeletons as recorders of global climate change, more
  • Zoetwaterschorren als "sinks" voor stikstof: dynamiek van het benthische compartiment en het onderzoek naar hun rol in estuariene stikstofretentie, more

Datasets (6)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets 
  • Laboratory of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry - VUB, Belgium; Waterwegen en Zeekanaal NV; (2016): Examination of the carbon cycle in the flemish part of the Scheldt estuary., more
  • Oteko D.; Dehairs F.; Fundamental and Applied Marine Ecology Post Graduate Program (FAME); Laboratorium voor Analytische Chemie. VUB: Belgium; (2016): Concentration of metals in the sediments of Gazi, Makupa and Tudor Creek sampled between February 1985 and September 1986., more
  • Rao R.G.; Dehairs F.; Baeyens W.; Department of Human Ecology; Research group Analytical, Environmental and Geochemistry. VUB: Belgium; (2016): Carbon and nitrogen fluxes in Gazi Creek (Kenya)., more
  • Riou, V.; Martins A.; Dehairs, F.; Prakya S. R.; Loureiro, C.; Santos, M; Alves, A. V.; (2015): Data from the DIAPICNA cruise: Diazotrophic pico-cyanobacteria in the North Atlantic open ocean: their abundance and importance as a source of new nitrogen at the Azores Current Front, more
  • Woitchik A.F.; Kazungu J.; Dehairs F.; Analytical Chemistry Department, Free University of Brussels: Belgium; Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute: Kenya; (2016): Stable carbon isotope analysis of organisms and sediments in the mangrove ecosystem of Gazi Bay., more
  • Woitchik A.F.; Ohowa B.; Rao R.; Dehairs F.; Analytical Chemistry Department, Free University of Brussels: Belgium; Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute: Kenya; (2016): Mangrove litter as nutritive source in the mangrove ecosystem of Gazi Bay., more

Publications (393)  Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets 
A1 Publications (213) [show]
Peer reviewed publications (15) [show]
Books (4) [show]
Book chapters (65) [show]
Theses (2) [show]
Abstracts (30) [show]
Reports (23) [show]
Other publications (16) [show]
Thesis (co-)promotor (25) [show]

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