Wolf, T.; Breugem, W.A.; Verheyen, B.; Decrop, B. (2023). Two-way-coupling near-field and far-field models for the simulation of plumes, in: Kopmann, R. et al. Proceedings of the XXIXth TELEMAC Users Conference 12-13 October 2023. pp. 226-231, more
Chu, K.; Breugem, W.A.; Wang, L.; Wolf, T.; Koutrouveli, T.; Decrop, B. (2022). Automatic calibration of a tidal estuary model of the Scheldt using data assimilation algorithm, in: Bourban, S.E. et al. Proceedings of the XXVIIIth TELEMAC user conference, 18-19 October 2022, Paris-Saclay. pp. 289-296, more