de Luca Peña, Laura Vittoria |
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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Groene Chemie en Technologie; Onderzoeksgroep Organische Milieuchemie en -Technologie (EnVOC), more
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- de Luca Peña, L.V.; Department of Green Chemistry and Technology, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University: Belgium; (2024): Life cycle assessment results for an offshore wind energy case study., more
Publications (9) |
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A1 Publications (6) [show] |
de Luca Peña, L.V.; Taelman, S.E.; Bas, B.; Staes, J.; Mertens, J.; Clavreul, J.; Préat, N.; Dewulf, J. (2024). Monetized (socio-)environmental handprint and footprint of an offshore windfarm in the Belgian Continental Shelf: An assessment of local, regional and global impacts. Appl. Energy 353: 122123., more
De Luca Peña, L.V.; Bas, B.; Dewulf, J.; van den Burg, S.W.K.; Taelman, S.E. (2024). Environmental life cycle assessment of multi-use of marine space: A comparative analysis of offshore wind energy and mussel farming in the Belgian Continental Shelf with terrestrial alternatives. J. Clean. Prod. 470: 143271., more
- Demuytere, C.; Vanderveken, I.; Thomassen, G.; Godoy León, M.F.; De Luca Peña, L.V.; Blommaert, C.; Vermeir, J.; Dewulf, J. (2024). Prospective material flow analysis of the end-of-life decommissioning: Case study of a North Sea offshore wind farm. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 200: 107283., more
Taelman, S.E.; de Luca Peña, L.V.; Préat, N.; Bachmann, T.M.; Van der Biest, K.; Maes, J.; Dewulf, J. (2024). Integrating ecosystem services and life cycle assessment: A framework accounting for local and global (socio-)environmental impacts. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 29: 99-115., more
Van de Pol, L.; Van der Biest, K.; Taelman, S.E.; De Luca Peña, L.; Everaert, G.; Hernandez, S.; Culhane, F.; Borja, A.; Heymans, J.J.; Van Hoey, G.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Meire, P. (2023). Impacts of human activities on the supply of marine ecosystem services: A conceptual model for offshore wind farms to aid quantitative assessments. Heliyon 9: e13589., more
de Luca Peña, L.V.; Taelman, S.E.; Préat, N.; Boone, L.; Van der Biest, K.; Custódio, M.; Hernandez, S.L.; Everaert, G.; Dewulf, J. (2022). Towards a comprehensive sustainability methodology to assess anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems: Review of the integration of Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Risk Assessment and Ecosystem Services Assessment. Sci. Total Environ. 808: 152125., more
Abstract [show] |
De Luca Peña, L.V.; Taelman, S.E.; Staes, J.; Bas, B.; Préat, N.; Dewulf, J. (2023). How sustainable are offshore windfarms? An assessment to quantify local to global (socio-) environmental impacts of a case study in the Belgian Continental Shelf, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 1 March 2023, Bruges. VLIZ Special Publication, 90: pp. 22, more
Reports (2) [show] |
- Van der Biest, K. (2024). SUMES ES-model: A quantative marine ecosystem services model. Deliverable 3.3. SUMES Consortium: Antwerpen/Gent/Oostende. 109 pp., more
- Van der Biest, K. (2024). Methodologies for quantifying ecosystem services supply: A case-study for a multi-use platform (mussel aquaculture and offshore wind energy) in the Belgian Continental Shelf. Deliverable 3.2. SUMES Consortium: Antwerpen/Gent/Oostende. 37 pp., more