Publications (16) |
Top | Institute | Publications |
A1 Publications (12) [show] |
Paauw, M.; Smith, G.; Crabbe, A.; Fournier, M.; af Rosenschold, J.M.; Priest, S.; Rekola, A. (2024). Recognition of differences in the capacity to deal with floods - A cross-country comparison of flood risk management. J. Flood Risk Man. Early View: e12965., more
Driessen, P.P.J.; Hegger, D.L.T.; Kundzewicz, Z.W.; van Rijswick, H.F.M.W.; Crabbé, A.; Larrue, C.; Matczak, P.; Pettersson, M.; Priest, S.; Suykens, C.; Raadgever, G.T.; Wiering, M. (2018). Governance strategies for improving flood resilience in the face of climate change. Water 10(11): 1595., more
Mees, H.; Crabbé, A.; Suykens, C. (2018). Belgian flood risk governance: explaining the dynamics within a fragmented governance arrangement. J. Flood Risk Man. 11(3): 271-280., more
Liefferink, D.; Wiering, M.; Crabbé, A.; Hegger, D. (2017). Explaining stability and change. Comparing flood risk governance in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Poland. J. Flood Risk Man. 11(3): 281-290., more
Wiering, M.; Liefferink, D.; Crabbé, A. (2017). Stability and change in flood risk governance: on path dependencies and change agents. J. Flood Risk Man. 11(3): 230-238., more
Fournier, M.; Larrue, C.; Alexander, M.; Hegger, D.; Bakker, M.; Pettersson, M.; Crabbé, A.; Mees, H.; Chorynski, A. (2016). Flood risk mitigation in Europe: how far away are we from the aspired forms of adaptive governance? Ecol. Soc. 21(4): 49., more
Gralepois, M.; Larrue, C.; Wiering, M.; Crabbé, A.; Tapsell, S.; Mees, H.; Ek, K.; Szwed, M. (2016). Is flood defense changing in nature? Shifts in the flood defense strategy in six European countries. Ecol. Soc. 21(4): 37., more
Hegger, D.L.T.; Driessen, P.P.J.; Wiering, M.; van Rijswick, H.F.M.W.; Kundzewicz, Z.W.; Matczak, P.; Crabbé, A.; Raadgever, G.T.; Bakker, M.H.N.; Priest, S.J.; Larrue, C.; Ek, K. (2016). Toward more flood resilience: is a diversification of flood risk management strategies the way forward? Ecol. Soc. 21(4): 52., more
- Kaufmann, M.; Mees, H.; Liefferink, D.; Crabbé, A. (2016). A game of give and take: the introduction of multi-layer (water) safety in the Netherlands and Flanders. Land Use Policy 57: 277-286., more
Mees, H.; Crabbé, A.; Alexander, M.; Kaufmann, M.; Bruzzone, S.; Lévy, L.; Lewandowski, J. (2016). Coproducing flood risk management through citizen involvement: insights from cross-country comparison in Europe. Ecol. Soc. 21(3): 7., more
- Crabbé, A.; Wiering, M; Liefferink, D (2015). Adapting flood management to climate change: comparing policy frames and governance practices in the Low Countries. J. Water Clim. Chang. 6(1): 55-70., more
- Bourblanc, M; Crabbé, A.; Liefferink, D; Wiering, M (2013). The marathon of the hare and the tortoise: implementing the EU Water Framework Directive. Journal of environmental planning and management 56(10): 1449-1467., more
Book [show] |
- Vicca, S.; Crabbé, A. (Ed.) (2022). Van klimaatverandering naar systeemverandering: Een veelzijdige blik op een complexe globale uitdaging. University Press Antwerp (UPA): Antwerpen. ISBN 978 94 6117 332 4. 208 pp., more
Thesis [show] |
Crabbé, A. (2008). Integraal waterbeleid in Vlaanderen: van fluïde naar solide. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Antwerpen: Antwerpen. 276 pp., more
Reports (2) [show] |
Hegger, D.; Green, C.; Driessen, P.; Bakker, M.; Dieperink, C.; Crabbé, A.; Deketelaere, K.; Delvaux, B.; Suykens, C.; Beyers, J.-C.; Fournier, M.; Larrue, C.; Manson, C.; van Doorn-Hoekveld, W.; van Rijswick, M.; Kundzewicz, Z.; Goytia Casermeiro, S. (2013). Flood risk management in Europe: similarities and differences between the STAR-FLOOD consortium countries. STAR-FLOOD Consortium: Utrecht. ISBN 978-94-91933-05-9. vii, 91 pp., more
- Crabbé, A.; Opdebeeck, S.; Bogaert, J.; Leroy, P.; De Sutter, R.; Brion, C.; Lamote, A.; Vanneuville, W.; Calcoen, S.; Van Zeebroeck, M.; Zaman, J.; Peeters, B. (2011). Klaar voor wat komt? Over de invoering van klimaatadaptatiebeleid in Vlaanderen: onderzoeksrapport van de Universiteit Antwerpen in opdracht van de dienst Milieurapportering van de Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij, MIRA. MIRA-onderzoeksrapporten, 06. Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM): Mechelen. ISBN 9789080402089. 103 pp., more