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Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more
Function: Senior Researcher
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Tel.: +32-(0)59-33 61 77
Projects (4) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects |
- Deep History : revealing the palaeolandscape and archaeological potential of the southern North Sea, more
- Influence of clay tectonics in the North Sea on offshore wind foundation design and installation, more
- Testerep - Evolution of the Flemish seascape 5000 BP - present, more
- Where are All the (proglacial) Lake seDiments in the NOrth Sea Basin?, more
Publications (67) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects |
A1 Publications (25) [show] |
Waajen, I.M.; Busschers, F.S.; Donders, T.H.; Van Heteren, S.; Plets, R.; Wallinga, J.; Hennekam, R.; Reichart, G.-J.; Kinnaird, T.; Wagner-Cremer, F. (2024). Late MIS5a in the southern North Sea: new chronostratigraphic insights from the Brown Bank Formation. J. Quaternary Sci. 39(3): 408-420. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3592, more
Westley, K.; Cooper, A.; Plets, R. (2023). Holocene animal tracks from the intertidal zone in the west of Ireland. Biol. Environ. (Dublin) 123B(1): 25-37. https://dx.doi.org/10.1353/bae.2023.0003, more
Giglio, C.; Benetti, S.; Sacchetti, F.; Lockhart, E.; Hughes-Clarke, J.; Plets, R.; Van Landeghem, K.; Ó Cofaigh, C.; Scourse, J.; Dunlop, P. (2022). A Late Pleistocene channelized subglacial meltwater system on the Atlantic continental shelf south of Ireland. Boreas 51(1): 118-135. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/bor.12536, more
Giglio, C.; Benetti, S.; Plets, R.M.K.; Dunlop, P.; Ó Cofaigh, C.; Sacchetti, F.; Salomon, E. (2022). Character of advance and retreat of the southwest sector of the British-Irish Ice Sheet during the last glaciation. Quat. Sci. Rev. 291: 107655. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107655, more
Majcher, J.; Quinn, R.; Smyth, T.; Plets, R.; McGonigle, C.; Westley, K.; Sacchetti, F.; Coughlan, M. (2022). Using difference modelling and computational fluid dynamics to investigate the evolution of complex, tidally influenced shipwreck sites. Ocean Eng. 246: 110625. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.110625, more
- Coughlan, M.; Roy, S.; O'Sullivan, C.; Clements, A.; O'Toole, R.; Plets, R. (2021). Geological settings and controls of fluid migration and associated seafloor seepage features in the north Irish Sea. Mar. Pet. Geol. 123: 104762. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104762, more
Majcher, J.; Quinn, R.; Plets, R.; Coughlan, M.; McGonigle, C.; Sacchetti, F.; Westley, K. (2021). Spatial and temporal variability in geomorphic change at tidally influenced shipwreck sites: the use of time‐lapse multibeam data for the assessment of site formation processes. Geoarchaeology 36(3): 429-454. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1002/gea.21840, more
Majcher, J.; Plets, R.; Quinn, R. (2020). Residual relief modelling: Digital elevation enhancement for shipwreck site characterisation. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12(6): 13. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12520-020-01082-6, more
McCullagh, D.; Benetti, S.; Plets, R.; Sacchetti, F.; O'Keeffe, E.; Lyons, K. (2020). Geomorphology and substrate of Galway Bay, Western Ireland. Journal of Maps 16(2): 166-178. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2020.1717656, more
- Plets, R.M.K.; Callard, S.L.; Cooper, J.A.G.; Kelley, J.T.; Belknap, D.F.; Edwards, R.J.; Long, A.J.; Quinn, R.J.; Jackson, D.W.T. (2019). Late Quaternary sea‐level change and evolution of Belfast Lough, Northern Ireland: new offshore evidence and implications for sea‐level reconstruction. J. Quaternary Sci. 34(4-5): 285-298. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3100, more
- Westley, K.; Plets, R.; Quinn, R.; McGonigle, C.; Sacchetti, F.; Dale, M.; McNeary, R.; Clements, A. (2019). Optimising protocols for high-definition imaging of historic shipwrecks using multibeam echosounder. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11(7): 3629-3645. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12520-019-00831-6, more
Westley, K.; Plets, R.; Quinn, R.; McGonigle, C.; Sacchetti, F.; Dale, M.; McNeary, R.; Clements, A. (2019). Correction to: Optimising protocols for high-definition imaging of historic shipwrecks using multibeam echosounder. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11(7): 3647-3648. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12520-019-00844-1, more
- Plets, R.M.K.; Callard, S.L.; Cooper, J.A.G.; Long, A.J.; Quinn, R.J.; Belknap, D.F.; Edwards, R.J.; Jackson, D.W.T.; Kelley, J.T.; Long, D.; Milne, G.A.; Monteys, X. (2015). Late Quaternary evolution and sea-level history of a glaciated marine embayment, Bantry Bay, SW Ireland. Mar. Geol. 369: 251-272. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2015.08.021, more
- Westley, K.; Plets, R.; Quinn, R. (2014). Holocene paleo-geographic reconstructions of the Ramore Head area, Northern Ireland, using geophysical and geotechnical data: paleo-landscape mapping and archaeological implications. Geoarchaeology 29(6): 411-430. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/gea.21489, more
- Plets, G.; Verhoeven, G.; Cheremisin, D.; Plets, R.; Bourgeois, J.; Stichelbaut, B.; Gheyle, W.; De Reu, J. (2012). The deteriorating preservation of the Altai Rock art: assessing three-dimensional image-based modelling in rock art research and management. Rock Art Research 29(2): 139-156, more
Plets, R.; Clements, A.; Quinn, R.; Strong, J.; Breen, J.; Edwards, H. (2012). Marine substratum map of the Causeway Coast, Northern Ireland. Journal of Maps 8(1): 1-13. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2012.661957, more
Strong, J.A.; Service, M.; Plets, R.; Clements, A.; Quinn, R.; Breen, J.; Edwards, H. (2012). Marine substratum and biotope maps of the Maidens/Klondyke bedrock outcrops, Northern Ireland. Journal of Maps 8(2): 129-135. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2012.680746, more
Plets, G.; Gheyle, W.; Plets, R.; Dvornikov, E.P.; Bourgeois, J. (2011). A line through the sacred lands of the Altai mountains: perspectives on the Altai pipeline project. Mountain Research and Development 31(4): 372-379. https://dx.doi.org/10.1659/mrd-journal-d-11-00065.1, more
- Plets, R.; Quinn, R.; Forsythe, W.; Westley, K.; Bell, T.; Benetti, S.; McGrath, F.; Robinson, R. (2011). Using multibeam echo-sounder data to identify shipwreck sites: archaeological assessment of the Joint Irish Bathymetric Survey data. Int. J. Naut. Archaeol. 40(1): 87-98. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-9270.2010.00271.x, more
- Westley, K.; Quinn, R.; Forsythe, W.; Plets, R.; Bell, T.; Benetti, S.; McGrath, F.; Robinson, R. (2011). Mapping submerged landscapes using multibeam bathymetric data: a case study from the north coast of Ireland. Int. J. Naut. Archaeol. 40(1): 99-112. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-9270.2010.00272.x, more
- Masson, D.G.; Plets, R.M.K.; Huvenne, V.A.I.; Wynn, R.B.; Bett, B.J. (2010). Sedimentology and depositional history of Holocene sandy contourites on the lower slope of the Faroe–Shetland Channel, northwest of the UK. Mar. Geol. 268(1-4): 85-96. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2009.10.014, more
- Plets, R.M.K.; Dix, J.K.; Adams, J.R.; Bull, J.M.; Henstock, T.J.; Gutowski, M.; Best, A.I. (2009). The use of a high-resolution 3D Chirp sub-bottom profiler for the reconstruction of the shallow water archaeological site of the Grace Dieu (1439), River Hamble, UK. J. Archaeol. Sci. 36(2): 408-418. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2008.09.026, more
- Plets, R.M.K.; Dix, J.K.; Adams, J.R.; Best, A.I. (2008). 3D reconstruction of a shallow archaeological site from high-resolution acoustic imagery: the Grace Dieu. Applied Acoustics 69(5): 399-411. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2007.04.004, more
- Plets, R.M.K.; Dix, J.K.; Best, A.I. (2008). Mapping of the Buried Yarmouth Roads Wreck, Isle of Wight, UK, using a Chirp Sub-Bottom Profiler. Int. J. Naut. Archaeol. 37(2): 360-373. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-9270.2007.00176.x, more
- Plets, R.; Dix, J.; Bastos, A.; Best, A. (2007). Characterization of buried inundated peat on seismic (Chirp) data, inferred from core information. Archaeological Prospection 14(4): 261-272. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/arp.318, more
Peer reviewed publications (5) [show] |
Callard, S.L.; Long, A.J.; Plets, R.M.; Cooper, J.A.; Belknap, D.F.; Edwards, R.J.; Jackson, D.W.T.; Kelley, J.T.; Long, D.; Milne, G.A.; Monteys, X.; Quinn, R. (2014). Offshore evidence of postglacial relative sea-level change from eastern Ireland. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 16: EGU2014-5332, more
Plets, R.; Callard, L.; Cooper, A.; Long, A.; Belknap, D.; Edwards, R.; Jackson, D.; Kelley, J.; Long, D.; Milne, G.; Monteys, X.; Quinn, R. (2014). Deglacial and post-glacial sea-level history for Bantry Bay (SW Ireland) based on offshore evidence. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 16: EGU2014-5164, more
Cooper, J.A.G.; Jackson, D.W.T.; Quinn, R.J.; Plets, R.; Kelley, J.T.; Belknap, D.F.; Long, A.J.; Long, D.A.; Monteys, X.; Edwards, R.; Milne, G.A. (2012). Topographic and stratigraphic expression of submerged shorelines in the Irish Sea. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 14: EGU2012-1628, more
- Wilson, P.; Westley, K.; Plets, R.; Dempster, M. (2011). Radiocarbon dates from the inter-tidal peat bed at Portrush, County Antrim. Irish Geography 44(2-3): 323-329. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00750778.2011.620415, more
Plets, R.M.K.; Dix, J.K.; Best, A.I.; Adams, J.R.; Mindell, D.A. (2005). High resolution acoustic imagery from a shallowly buried shipwreck: a case study. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 7: 09046, more
Book chapters (7) [show] |
Andikagumi, H.; Mestdagh, T.; Saritas, H.; Plets, R.; Missiaen, T.; De Batist, M.; Stuyts, B.; Pirlet, H. (2024). Tectonics and deformations of the Kortrijk Clay Formation in the Princess Elisabeth Zone, Belgian Continental Shelf, in: Geologica Belgica Luxemburga International Meeting 2024: Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the “Société Géologique de Belgique”, 11-12-13 September 2024. pp. 368-369, more
- Missiaen, T.; Plets, R. (2021). Op weg naar de Bruine Bank: Onderzoek op de Noordzee, in: Amkreutz, L. et al. Doggerland: Verdwenen wereld in de Noordzee. pp. 112-115, more
- Quinn, R.; Saunders, R.; Plets, R.; Westley, K.; Dix, J. (2016). Marine scour of cohesionless sediments, in: Keith, M.E. (Ed.) Site formation processes of submerged shipwrecks. pp. 70-89. https://dx.doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvx070j5.8, more
- Quinn, R.; Lafferty, B.; Westley, K.; Plets, R. (2012). Rathlin Island - Natural Environment, in: Forsythe, W. et al. Rathlin Island: an archaeological survey of a maritime landscape. pp. 20-44, more
- Westley, K.; Bell, T.; Plets, R.; Quinn, R. (2011). Investigating submerged archaeological landscapes: a research strategy illustrated with case studies from Ireland and Newfoundland, Canada, in: Benjamin, J. et al. (Ed.) Submerged prehistory. pp. 129-144, more
- Plets, R.M.K.; Dix, J.K.; Adams, J.R.; Bull, J.M.; Henstock, T.; Gutowski, M.; Best, A.I. (2006). 3D reconstruction of a shallow archaeological site from high-resolution acoustic imagery - a case study, in: Jesus, S.M. et al. Proceedings of the Eight European Conference on Underwater Acoustics - 8th ECUA, 12-15 June 2006, Carvoeiro, Portugal. pp. 1-6, more
- Plets, R.M.K.; Dix, J.K.; Adams, J.R.; Best, A.I.; Mindell, D.A. (2005). High resolution acoustic imagery from a shallow archaeological site: the Grace Dieu a case study, in: Papadakis, J.S. et al. Proceedings of the International Conference on Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies & Results, Heraklion, Greece, 28th June-1st July 2005. pp. 1-6, more
Theses (2) [show] |
- Plets, R.M.K. (2007). The acoustic imaging, reconstruction and characterization of buried archaeological material. PhD Thesis. University of Southampton; Faculty of Engineering, Science and Mathematics; School of Ocean and Earth Sciences: Southampton. xvi, 190 + appendices pp., more
- Plets, R. (2002). Onderzoek van sedimentstabiliteiten langs de Iberische continentale rand: Galicia Bank en epicentrale zone van de aardbeving van Lissabon. MSc Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Geologie en Bodemkunde: Gent. 114 pp., more
Abstracts (23) [show] |
Andikagumi, H.; Mestdagh, T.; Saritas, H.; Plets, R.; Missiaen, T.; De Batist, M.; Stuyts, B.; Pirlet, H. (2024). Clay tectonics and deformations of the Kortrijk Formation in the Princess Elisabeth Zone, Belgian Continental Shelf, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 6 March 2024, Oostende. VLIZ Special Publication, 91: pp. 48, more
Kyriakoudi, D.; Vervoort, M.; Plets, R.; Mestdagh, T.; Missiaen, T.; De Batist, M. (2024). Searching for seismic and sedimentary evidence for proglacial lakes during the last glaciation: First observations in the areas south of Dogger Bank and Oyster Ground (southern North Sea), in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 6 March 2024, Oostende. VLIZ Special Publication, 91: pp. 81, more
Mestdagh, T.; Plets, R.; Missiaen, T.; Saritasa, H.; Andikagumi, H.; De Batist, M.; Stuyts, B.; Pirlet, H. (2024). Clay Tectonics: investigating the influence of clay tectonic deformations on offshore windfarm development on the Belgian Continental Shelf, in: Regnéll, C. et al. 36th Nordic geological winter meeting, Göteborg, January 10–12 2024, Abstract volume. Geologiska Föreningen Specialpublikation , 5: pp. 284, more
Saritas, H.; Mestdagh, T.; Andikagumi, H.; Plets, R.; Missiaen, T.; De Batist, M.; Stuyts, B.; Pirlet, H. (2024). 3D imaging of clay tectonic deformations in the Kortrijk Formation through (ultra-)high-resolution acoustic and seismic reflection profiling in the Princess Elisabeth Zone, offshore Belgium, in: Geologica Belgica Luxemburga International Meeting 2024: Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the “Société Géologique de Belgique”, 11-12-13 September 2024. pp. 327-328, more
Van Wesemael, W.; Cartelle, V.; Plets, R.; Missiaen, T. (2024). Microfossils of Testerep: Foraminifera, radiocarbon anomalies, and sedimentary enigmas, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 6 March 2024, Oostende. VLIZ Special Publication, 91: pp. 126, more
Vervoort, M.; Kyriakoudi, D.; Plets, R.; Mestdagh, T.; Missiaen, T.; De Batist, M. (2024). Understanding the paleogeographic evolution of the North Axial Channel, Southern North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 6 March 2024, Oostende. VLIZ Special Publication, 91: pp. 129, more
Vervoort, M.; Kyriakoudi, D.; Plets, R.; Mestdagh, T.; Missiaen, T.; De Batist, M. (2024). Understanding the paleogeographic evolution of the North Axial Channel, Southern North Sea, in: EGU General Assembly 2024. Vienna, Austria & Online, 14-19 April 2024. pp. EGU24-9993. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9993, more
Waajen, I.; Donders, T.; Busschers, F.; Wesselingh, F.; Wagner-Cremer, F.; Peterse, F.; Van Heteren, S.; Plets, R. (2024). A unique preservation window capturing coastal-marine landscape evolution across the MIS5-4 cooling event (Late Pleistocene, North Sea Basin), in: EGU General Assembly 2024. Vienna, Austria & Online, 14-19 April 2024. pp. EGU24-8147. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8147, more
Cartelle, V.; Plets, R.; Mestdagh, T.; Missiaen, T.; Van Wesemael, W.; Vanbiervliet, Z.; Vervust, S.; Deckers, P. (2023). Buried landscapes offshore Belgium: investigating the drowned Testerep peninsula, in: XXI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA): "Time for change", Rome 13-20 July 2023. , more
Cartelle, V.; Vervust, S.; Plets, R.; Vanbiervliet, Z.; Missiaen, T.; Deckers, P.; Van Wesemael, W.; De Bie, M.; De Smet, B.; Seys, J.; Martens, C.; Vermeulen, V.; Steeland, M.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.; Schwarz, C.; Çiçek, Y.A.; Verwaest, T. (2023). The TESTEREP project: integrated land-sea research to investigate the evolution of a former peninsula along the Belgian coast as a case study for coastal management, in: XXI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) 2023), Rome
14-20 July 2023. , more
Fitch, S.; Gaffney, V.; Harding, R.; Bates, R.; Fraser, A.; Plets, R.; Missiaen, T. (2023). Looking back, moving forward: Going beyond the Lost Frontier’s Project, in: XXI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA): "Time for change", Rome 13-20 July 2023. , more
Kyriakoudi, D.; Vervoort, M.; Plets, R.; DeBatist, M.; Mestdagh, T.; Missiaen, T. (2023). Analysis of a buried post-Eemian erosional feature in the Southern North Sea, in: XXI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA): "Time for change", Rome 13-20 July 2023. , more
Mestdagh, T.; Plets, R.; De Clercq, M.; Missiaen, T. (2023). New insights into the palaeolandscape of the Scheur, a hotspot for Late Pleistocene fossils off the Belgian coast, in: XXI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA): "Time for change", Rome 13-20 July 2023. , more
Plets, R.; Reyniers, P.; Waajen, I.; De Batist, M.; Missiaen, T.; Mestdagh, T. (2023). Refining the offshore Quaternary stratigraphy of the Southern North Sea – an example from the Brown Bank Formation/Member, in: XXI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) 2023), Rome
14-20 July 2023. , more
Vervoort, M.; Kyriakoudi, D.; Plets, R.; Mestdagh, T.; Missiaen, T.; DeBatist, M. (2023). In search of seismic and sedimentary evidence for proglacial North Sea lakes: Insights into their distribution and role during the Elsterian and Saalian glaciations, in: XXI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA): "Time for change", Rome 13-20 July 2023. , more
Vervust, S.; Vanbiervliet, Z.; Deckers, P.; Cartelle, V.; Plets, R. (2023). Shedding light on early embankments and associated landscape change on the Belgian coast using OSL profiling and dating, in: XXI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) 2023), Rome14-20 July 2023. , more
Waajen, I.; Busschers, F.; Donders, T.; Van Heteren, S.; Schokker, J.; Plets, R.; Garritsen, A.; Wesselingh, F.; Peterse, F (2023). Land - sea correlation of late MIS5 deposits in the southern North Sea region, in: XXI Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA): "Time for change", Rome 13-20 July 2023. , more
Cartelle, V.; Plets, R.; Mestdagh, T.; Missiaen, T.; Vanbiervliet, Z.; Vervust, S.; Deckers, P. (2022). Palaeo-landscapes offshore Belgium: the search for the former Testerep peninsula, in: 3rd International NEPTUNE Workshop. Reconstructing Coastal paleo-landscapes: shelf to shore, data to mode, 27 and 28 September, 2022 Naples, Italy. pp. 2 pp, more
Plets, R.; De Batist, M;; Missiaen, T.; De Clercq, M.; Garcia, D.; Mestdagh, T.; Versteeg, W.; Fitch, S.; Harding, R.; Gaffney, V.; Busschers, F.; Van Heteren, S. (2022). Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the Flemish Bight (southern North Sea): a re-evaluation, in: EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria & Online, 23–27 May 2022. pp. EGU22-7244. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7244, more
Vanbiervliet, Z.; Vervust, S.; Deckers, P.; Cartelle, V.; Plets, R.; Missiaen, T. (2022). Introducing the TESTEREP project: the evolution of a former peninsula along the Belgian coast as a case study in the development and sustainable management of the coastal landscape, in: 3rd International NEPTUNE Workshop. Reconstructing Coastal paleo-landscapes: shelf to shore, data to mode, 27 and 28 September, 2022 Naples, Italy. pp. 2 pp, more
Missiaen, T.; Plets, R.; Fitch, S.; Harding, R.; Muru, M.; Fraser, A.; De Clercq, M.; Garcia Moreno, D.; Versteeg, W.; Gaffney, V. (2021). The Brown Bank (Southern North Sea): a geo-archaeological investigation, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 3 March 2021. VLIZ Special Publication, 87: pp. 87, more
Missiaen, T.; Fitch, S.; Muru, M.; Harding, R.; Fraser, A.; De Clercq, M.; Garcia Moreno, D.; Versteeg, W.; Gaffney, V.; Plets, R. (2020). The Brown Bank (Southern North Sea): a geo-archaeological investigation, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 18 March 2020. VLIZ Special Publication, 84: pp. 64, more
- Kelley, J.T.; Cooper, A.; Plets, R.; Belknap, D.F. (2018). Measuring the most complicated post-glacial sea-level changes in the world: Northern Ireland, in: 2018 GSA Northeastern Section - 53rd Annual Meeting. . https://dx.doi.org/10.1130/abs/2018ne-311085, more
Other publications (4) [show] |
Missiaen, T.; Mestdagh, T.; Plets, R.; De Clercq, M. (2022). Walrussen, mammoeten en oerwalvissen op wetenschappelijke safari voor onze kust, in: De Grote Rede 55. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 55: pp. 9-14, more
- Vardy, M.E.; Bull, J.M.; Dix, J.K.; Henstock, T.J.; Plets, R.M.K.; Gutowski, M.; Hogarth, P. (2011). The geological Hubble: a reappraisal for shallow water. Lead. Edge (Tulsa Okla.) 30(2): 154-159. https://dx.doi.org/10.1190/1.3555325, more
- Bell, T.; Westley, K.L.C.; Plets, R.M.K.; Quinn, R.J.; Renouf, M.A.P. (2008). Submerged archaeological landscapes: from ancient myth to new frontier. JOT 3(4): 13-20, more
- Plets, R.M.K.; Dix, J.K.; Adams, J.R.; Best, A.I. (2005). 3D reconstruction of a shallow archaeological site from high resolution acoustic imagery: a case study. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 86(Supplement 53): F16, more
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |