van der Knaap, Inge |
Datasets (12) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Datasets |
- Goossens, J.; Verhelst, P.; van der Knaap, I.; Reubens, J.; Woillez, M.; Ghent University, Marine Biology Research Group; Research Institute for Nature and Forest; Flanders Marine Institute: Belgium; Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea: France; (2022): Archival data series and acoustic detections of acoustic data storage tags in the southern North Sea. Marine Data Archive., more
- VVV: Huisman, J. van Rijn, J. da Graça, T. Van Hall Larenstein: Vissen voor verbinding; 2021, more
- Sudle_IMPULS: Huisman, J. van Rijn, J. da Graça, T. van Eerbeek, J. Van Hall Larenstein: Sud le Impuls voor Diadrome Vis; 2021, more
- Sudle_INNOV: Huisman, J. van Rijn, J. da Graça, T. van Eerbeek, J. Van Hall Larenstein: Sud le Innovatieve monitoring; 2021, more
- RBVV2: Huisman, J.; van Eerbeek J.; van der Knaap, I.; Van Hall Larenstein: Ruim baan voor vis 2; 2021, more
- PBARN: Reubens, J.; Hernandez, F; Deneudt, K.; (2017): LifeWatch observatory - Permanent acoustic receiver network in the Belgian Part of the North Sea, more
- Reubens, J.; Hernandez, F; Deneudt, K.; (2017): LifeWatch observatory - Permanent acoustic receiver network in the Western Scheldt; Array 1: Between Breskens & Vlissingen, more
- Reubens, J.; Moens, T; Deneudt,K; Hernandez, F.; (2017): Atlantic cod acoustic telemetry dataset used to assess impact of piling noise on cod movement behaviour, more
- Reubens, J.; van der Knaap, E.; Moens, T.; (2017): Temporarily acoustic receiver network in the Belwind wind farm in the Belgian part of the North Sea;, more
- Reubens, J.; van der Knaap, I; Moens, T.; (2017): Atlantic cod acoustic telemetry dataset to assess impacts of anthropogenic underwater noise on the movement ecology, more
- van der Knaap I.; Reubens J.; Ainslie M.; Thomas L.; Winter H.V.; Hubert J.; Martin B.; Slabbekoorn H.; Leiden University, Institute of Behavioral Biology; Wageningen Marine Research: The Netherlands; Marine Biology Research Group - Ugent; Flanders Marine Institute: Belgium; JASCO Applied Sciences: Canada; Centre for Research into Ecological & Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews: United Kingdom; (2020): Atlantic cod acoustic telemetry dataset used to assess impact of a multi-day full-scale seismic survey experiment on the behaviour of free-ranging cod at a wind farm. Marine Data Archive., more
- van der Knaap I.; Slabbekoorn H.; Winter H.V.; Moens T.; Reubens J.; Leiden University, Institute of Behavioral Biology; Wageningen Marine Research: The Netherlands; Marine Biology Research Group - Ugent; Flanders Marine Institute: Belgium; (2020): Evaluating Acoustic Positional Telemetry designs for research on Atlantic cod with seasonally high site fidelity around wind turbines. Marine Data Archive., more
Publications (14) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Datasets |
A1 Publications (6) [show] |
Berges, B.; van der Knaap, I.; Van Keeken, O.A.; Reubens, J.; Winter, H.V. (2024). Strong site fidelity, residency and local behaviour of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) at two types of artificial reefs in an offshore wind farm. Royal Society Open Science 11(7): 240339., more
van der Knaap, I.; Slabbekoorn, H.; Moens, T.; Van den Eynde, D.; Reubens, J. (2022). Effects of pile driving sound on local movement of free-ranging Atlantic cod in the Belgian North Sea. Environ. Pollut. 300: 118913., more
- van der Knaap, I.; Reubens, J.; Thomas, L.; Ainslie, M.A.; Winter, H.V.; Hubert, J.; Martin, B.; Slabbekoorn, H. (2021). Effects of a seismic survey on movement of free-ranging Atlantic cod. Curr. Biol. 31(7): 1555-1562., more
Van der Knaap, I.; Slabbekoorn, H.; Winter, H.V.; Moens, T.; Reubens, J. (2021). Evaluating receiver contributions to acoustic positional telemetry: A case study on Atlantic cod around wind turbines in the North Sea. Animal Biotelemetry 9(1): 14., more
Reubens, J.; Verhelst, P.; van der Knaap, I; Deneudt, K.; Moens, T.; Hernandez, F. (2019). Environmental factors influence the detection probability in acoustic telemetry in a marine environment: results from a new setup. Hydrobiologia 845(1): 81-94., more
Reubens, J.; Verhelst, P.; van der Knaap, I; Wydooghe, B.; Milotic, T.; Deneudt, K.; Hernandez, F.; Pauwels, I. (2019). The need for aquatic tracking networks: the permanent Belgian Acoustic Receiver Network. Animal Biotelemetry 7(2): 2., more
Thesis [show] |
van der Knaap, I.E.J. (2023). North Sea noise in the Anthropocene: An impact study of human-made impulsive sounds on free-ranging cod. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Leiden: Leiden. ISBN 978-94-6458-787-6. 194 pp., more
Abstracts (5) [show] |
Edwards, J.; Abecasis, D.; Winter, H.; Özgül, A.; Villegas-Rios, D.; Aarestrup, K.; Birnie-Gauvin, K.; Brodin, T.; Macena, B.; Meneses, C.; Verhelst, P.; Alós, J.; Aspillaga, E.; Smederevac-Lalic, M.; van der Knaap, I.; Arechavala-Lopez, P.; Kärgenberg, E. (2023). Transcending boundaries in fish movement ecology through the European Tracking Network, in: 6th International Conference on Fish Telemetry, Sète - France: interactive program and abstract book. pp. 1, more
Van der Knaap, I.; Slabbekoorn, H.; Reubens, J. (2021). Atlantic cod in an anthropogenic North Sea: effects of man-made sounds on cod movement behaviour, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 3 March 2021. VLIZ Special Publication, 87: pp. 121, more
Blanco, C.; van der Knaap, I.; Goossens, J.; Moens, T. (2020). Influence of the seasonal change of seawater temperature on the spatial and temporal distribution of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Belgian Part of the North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 18 March 2020. VLIZ Special Publication, 84: pp. 47, more
van der Knaap, I.; Reubens, J.; Campbell, J.; Winter, W.; Slabbekoorn, H. (2019). Effects of seismic sound on the movement and behaviour of wild Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) in the BPNS, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 27, more
Van der Knaap, I.; Reubens, J.; Winter, W.; Hubert, J.; Campbell, J.; Slabbekoorn, H. (2018). Tracking wild cod in a wild ocean: investigating the effects of man-made sound on Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 59, more
Other publication [show] |
Reubens, J.; Verhelst, P.; van der Knaap, I. (2018). Mysterieuze vistrek: Hoe technologie een tipje van de sluier licht, in: De Grote Rede 47. De Grote Rede: Nieuws over onze Kust en Zee, 47: pp. 14-17, more
Thesis supervisor [show] |
- Blanco, C. (2020). Influence of seasonal changes in water temperature on the spatiotemporal distribution and vertical movement of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Belgian Part of the North Sea and Scheldt Estuary. MSc Thesis. Ghent University/Universiteit Leiden: Gent. 49 pp., more