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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Geologie; Laboratorium voor Toegepaste Geologie en Hydrogeologie, more
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Publications (8) |
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A1 Publications (5) [show] |
Alfarrah, N.; Walraevens, K. (2018). Groundwater overexploitation and seawater intrusion in coastal areas of arid and semi-arid regions. Water 10(2): 143., more
- Alfarrah, N.; Berhane, G.; Bakundukize, C.; Walraevens, K. (2017). Degradation of groundwater quality in coastal aquifer of Sabratah area, NW Libya. Environ. Earth Sci. 76(19): 664., more
- Alfarrah, N.; Berhane, G.; Mjemah, I.C.; Van Camp, M.; Walraevens, K. (2016). The origin of high sulfate concentrations and hydrochemistry of the Upper Miocene-Pliocene-Quaternary aquifer complex of Jifarah Plain, NW Libya. Environ. Earth Sci. 75(20)., more
- Van Camp, M.; Mjemah Chikira, I.; Al Farrah, N.; Walraevens, K. (2013). Modeling approaches and strategies for data-scarce aquifers: example of the Dar es Salaam aquifer in Tanzania. Hydrogeol. J. 21(2): 341-356., more
Al Farrah, N.; Martens, K.; Walraevens, K. (2011). Hydrochemistry of the upper Miocene-Pliocene-Quaternary aquifer complex of Jifarah Plain, NW-Libya. Geol. Belg. 14(3-4): 159-174, more
Thesis [show] |
- Al Farrah, N. (2011). Hydrogeological and Hydrogeochemical Investigation of the Coastal Area of Jifarah Plain, NW Libya. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Geologie en Bodemkunde, Onderzoekseenheid Toegepaste Geologie en Hydrogeologie: Gent. 577 pp., more
Abstracts (2) [show] |
Alfarrah, N.; Walraevens, K. (2018). Seawater intrusion in coastal areas of arid and semi-arid regions, in: 6th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2018. , more
Alfarrah, N.; Hweesh, A.; Van Camp, M.; Walraevens, K. (2016). Groundwater flow and chemistry of the oases of Al Wahat, NE – Libya, in: Baele, J.-M. et al. Proceedings of the 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress: 26–29 January 2016 – Mons, Belgium. pp. 120, more