Institutes (2) |
Top | Institutes | Publications |
- Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences; Département de Géologie, more
- Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences; Département de Géologie; Premières Traces et Evolution de la Vie - Astrobiologie, more
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Publications (16) |
Top | Institutes | Publications |
A1 Publications (9) [show] |
Baludikay, B.K.; François, C.; Sforna, M.C.; Beghin, J.; Cornet, Y.; Storme, J.-Y.; Fagel, N.; Fontaine, F.; Littke, R.; Baudet, D.; Delvaux, D.; Javaux, E.J. (2018). Raman microspectroscopy, bitumen reflectance and illite crystallinity scale: comparison of different geothermometry methods on fossiliferous Proterozoic sedimentary basins (DR Congo, Mauritania and Australia). Int. J. Coal. Geol. 191: 80-94., more
Beghin, J.; Storme, J.-Y.; Blanpied, C.; Gueneli, N.; Brocks, J.J.; Poulton, S.W.; Javaux, E.J. (2017). Microfossils from the late Mesoproterozoic - early Neoproterozoic Atar/EI Mreiti Group, Taoudeni Basin, Mauritania, northwestern Africa. Precambr. Res. 291: 63-82., more
Beghin, J.; Guilbaud, R.; Poulton, S.W.; Gueneli, N.; Brocks, J.J.; Storme, J.-Y.; Blanpied, C.; Javaux, E.J. (2017). A palaeoecological model for the late Mesoproterozoic - early Neoproterozoic Atar/El Mreiti Group, Taoudeni Basin, Mauritania, northwestern Africa. Precambr. Res. 299: 1-14., more
- Dehant, V.; Asael, D.; Baland, R.-M.; Baludikay, B.K.; Beghin, J.; Belza, J.; Beuthe, M.; Breuer, D.; Chernonozhkin, S.; Claeys, P.; Cornet, Y.; Cornet, L.; Coyette, A.; Debaille, V.; Delvigne, C.; Deproost, M.H.; De Winter, N.; Duchemin, C.; El Atrassi, F.; François, C.; De Keyser, J.; Gillmann, C.; Gloesener, E.; Goderis, S.; Hidaka, Y.; Höning, D.; Huber, M.; Hublet, G.; Javaux, E.J.; Karatekin, O.; Kodolanyi, J.; Lobo Revilla, L.; Maes, L.; Maggiolo, R.; Mattielli, N.; Maurice, M.; McKibbin, S.; Morschhauser, A.; Neumann, W.; Noack, L.; Pham, L.B.S.; Pittarello, L.; Plesa, A.C.; Rivoldini, A.; Robert, S.; Rosenblatt, P.; Spohn, T.; Storme, J.-Y.; Tosi, N.; Trinh, A.; Valdes, M.; Vandaele, A.C.; Vanhaecke, F.; Van Hoolst, T.; Van Roosbroek, N.; Wilquet, V.; Yseboodt, M. (2016). PLANET TOPERS: Planets, Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of their ReservoirS. Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. 46(4): 369-384., more
- Noiret, C.; Steurbaut, E.; Tabuce, R.; Marandat, B.; Schnyder, J.; Storme, J.-Y.; Yans, J. (2016). New bio-chemostratigraphic dating of a unique early Eocene sequence from southern Europe results in precise mammalian biochronological tie-points. Newsl. Stratigr. 49(3): 469-480., more
- Storme, J.-Y.; Golubic, S.; Wilmotte, A.; Kleinteich, J.; Velázquez, D.; Javaux, E.J. (2015). Raman characterization of the UV-protective pigment gloeocapsin and its role in the survival of Cyanobacteria. Astrobiol. 15(10): 843-857., more
- Storme, J.-Y.; Steurbaut, E.; Devleeschouwer, X.; Dupuis, C.; Iacumin, P.; Rochez, G.; Yans, J. (2014). Integrated bio-chemostratigraphical correlations and climatic evolution across the Danian-Selandian boundary at low latitudes. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 414: 212-224., more
- Yans, J.; Marandat, B; Masure, E; Serra-Kiel, J; Schnyder, J; Storme, J.-Y.; Marivaux, L; Adnet, S; Vianey-Liaud, M; Tabuce, R (2014). Refined bio- (benthic foraminifera, dinoflagellate cysts) and chemostratigraphy (delta13Corg) of the earliest Eocene at Albas-Le Clot (Corbieres, France): implications for mammalian biochronology in Southern Europe. Newsl. stratigr. 47(3): 331-353., more
- Stassen, P.; Dupuis, C.; Steurbaut, E.; Yans, J.; Storme, J.-Y.; Morsi, A.M.; Lacumin, P.; Speijer, R.P. (2013). Unraveling the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in shallow marine Tethyan environments: the Tunisian stratigraphic record. Newsl. Stratigr. 46(1): 69-91., more
Book chapter [show] |
- Iakovleva, A.I.; Quesnel, F.; Dupuis, C.; Storme, J.-Y.; Breillat, N.; Magioncalda, R.; Iacumin, P.; Fléhoc, C.; Roche, E.; Smith, T.; Baele, J.-M.; Yans, J.; De Coninck, J. (2014). New integrated high-resolution dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy and litho- and chemostratigraphy from the Paris and Dieppe-Hampshire basins for the "Sparnacian", in: Rocha, R. et al. STRATI 2013. pp. 107-111., more
Abstracts (6) [show] |
Beghin, J.; Poulton, S.W.; Guilbaud, R.; Gueneli, N.; Brocks, J.J.; Storme, J.-Y.; Blanpied, C.; Javaux, E.J. (2016). Palaeoecological model of the Mesoproterozoic Taoudeni Basin and implications for early eukaryotes evolution, in: Baele, J.-M. et al. Proceedings of the 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress: 26–29 January 2016 – Mons, Belgium. pp. 140, more
Storme, J.-Y.; Golubic, S.; Wilmotte, A.; Kleinteich, J.; Velázquez, D.; Javaux, E.J. (2016). Raman characterization of the UV-protective pigment gloeocapsin- potential biosignatures of early Earth records, in: Baele, J.-M. et al. Proceedings of the 5th International Geologica Belgica Congress: 26–29 January 2016 – Mons, Belgium. pp. 163, more
Devleeschouwer, X.; Storme, J.-Y.; Spassov, S.; Yans, J. (2012). Rock magnetism before, during and after the CIE: a comparison between marine and continental sections, in: Devleeschouwer, X. et al. Abstract Book. 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2012, September 11-14, Brussels, Belgium. pp. 41, more
Storme, J.-Y.; Magioncalda, R.; Rochez, G.; Yans, J. (2012). Carbon organic isotope analysis: methodology and application in stratigraphy, in: Devleeschouwer, X. et al. Abstract Book. 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2012, September 11-14, Brussels, Belgium. pp. 51, more
Storme, J.-Y.; Devleeschouwer, X.; Schnyder, J.; Cambier, G.; Baceta, J.I.; Pujalte, V.; Di Matteo, A.; Iacumin, P.; Yans, J. (2012). The Palaeocene/Eocene boundary section at Zumaia (Basque-Cantabric Basin) revisited: new insights from high-resolution magnetic susceptibility and carbon isotope chemostratigraphy on organic matter (δ13Corg), in: Devleeschouwer, X. et al. Abstract Book. 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2012, September 11-14, Brussels, Belgium. pp. 52, more
Yans, J.; Storme, J.-Y.; Iacumin, P.; Dupuis, C.; Gingerich, P.D.; Smith, T.; Magioncalda, R.; Quesnel, F.; Steurbaut, E. (2012). The onset of the negative Carbon Isotope Excursion on dispersed organic matter as criterion for the Paleocene-Eocene boundary: uses, biases and limits, in: Devleeschouwer, X. et al. Abstract Book. 4th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2012, September 11-14, Brussels, Belgium. pp. 54, more