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International Marine & Dredging Consultants NV (IMDC), more
Function: Project Engineer
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Tel.: +32-(0)3-287 25 22
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Publications (15) |
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Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Book chapters (3) [show] |
Wolf, T.; Breugem, W.A.; Verheyen, B.; Decrop, B. (2023). Two-way-coupling near-field and far-field models for the simulation of plumes, in: Kopmann, R. et al. Proceedings of the XXIXth TELEMAC Users Conference 12-13 October 2023. pp. 226-231, more
- Verheyen, B.; van Holland, G.; Sas, M.; Meersschaut, Y. (2016). Assessing alternative concepts and future developments for the extension of the Port of Zeebrugge, in: Oates, D. et al. Ports 2016: Port Planning and Development. pp. 843-852., more
van Holland, G.; Verheyen, B.; Jacobs, S.; Vandenbruwaene, W.; Temmerman, S.; Meire, P.; Peeters, P.; De Schutter, J. (2010). Simulation of hydrodynamics and transport of fine sediments in vegetated polders with a controlled reduced tide: pilot project Lippenbroek, in: 8th International Symposium on ecohydraulics 2010 (ISE 2010): bridging between ecology and hydraulics and leading the society's new need - living with nature, September 12-16, 2010, Coex, Seoul, Korea. Proceedings [CD-ROM]. pp. 1775-1782, more
Abstracts (4) [show] |
Bolle, A.; Verheyen, B.; Vanagt, T.; Casteleyn, K.; Hermans, L.; Van Keer, E.; Van Besien, P. (2022). Coastal vision: assessing long term coastal protection strategies for the Belgian Coast, in: Strypsteen, G. et al. Book of abstracts: building coastal resilience 2022, Bruges, Belgium, 12-13 April 2022. VLIZ Special Publication, 89: pp. 33-35, more
Smit, N.G.A.; Schepper, R.; Dastgheib, A.; Verheyen, B.; Boerema, A.; Gillis, L.G.; Bolle, A. (2022). Interactions between vegetation and aeolian sediment transport in coastal dune systems, a modelling approach, in: Strypsteen, G. et al. Book of abstracts: building coastal resilience 2022, Bruges, Belgium, 12-13 April 2022. VLIZ Special Publication, 89: pp. 63-65, more
Smit, N.G.A.; Schepper, R.; Dastgheib, A.; Verheyen, B.; Boerema, A.; Gillis, L.G.; Bolle, A. (2022). Interaction between vegetation and aeolian sediment transport in coastal dune systems, a modelling approach, in: NCK days 2022. Coastal adaptation to climate change: fight or flight?. pp. 83, more
van Holland, G.; Verheyen, B.; Jacobs, S.; Vandenbruwaene, W.; Temmerman, S.; Meire, P.; Peeters, P.; De Schutter, J. (2010). Simulation of hydrodynamics and transport of fine sediments in vegetated polders with a controlled reduced tide: pilot project Lippenbroek, in: 8th International Symposium on ecohydraulics 2010 (ISE 2010): bridging between ecology and hydraulics and leading the society's new need - living with nature, September 12-16, 2010, Coex, Seoul, Korea. Abstract book. pp. 1-2, more
Reports (7) [show] |
Walravens, J. (2023). Kustvisie: Referentiesituatie verzilting . Consortium Hoogtij(d): [s.l.]. 58 pp., more
Boerema, A.; Pieterse, A.; Van Der Biest, K.; Pandelaers, C.; Rodero, J.; Verheyen, B.; Bolle, A. (2021). Ecosysteemdiensten en bouwen met de natuur aan onze zandige kust. RA21118. International Marine & Dredging Consultants/University of Antwerp: Antwerpen. 118 pp., more
Taal, M.; Bolle, A.; Verheyen, B.; Maarse, M.; Pieterse, A. (2019). Kennisvragen Scheldemonding en nabije kusten. Beleid, beheer, kennis kustveiligheid Vlaanderen en Nederland. Deltares: Delft. ii, 35 pp., more
- Vanlede, J.; Delecluyse, K.; Primo, B.; Verheyen, B.; Leyssen, G.; Plancke, Y.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2015). Verbetering randvoorwaardenmodel: subreport 7. Calibration of NEVLA 3D. Version 4.0. WL Rapporten, 00_018. Flanders Hydraulics Research/IMDC: Antwerpen. VII, 88 + 112 p. bijl. pp., more
Verheyen, B. (2013). Analyse stortvakken beneden-Zeeschelde. International Marine & Dredging Consultants/Deltares/Svašek Hydraulics BV/ARCADIS Nederland BV: Antwerpen. 82 + bijlagen pp., more
- Verheyen, B.; Vanlede, J.; Decrop, B.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2013). Verbetering randvoorwaardenmodel: deelrapport 5. Actualisatie van het 3D Scheldemodel. Version 2.0. WL Rapporten, 00_018. Flanders Hydraulics Research/IMDC: Antwerp. IV, 47 + 56 bijl. pp., more
Verheyen, B.; van Holland, G. (2013). Zeeschelde- nota analyse bodemligging. International Marine & Dredging Consultants/Deltares/Svašek Hydraulics BV/ARCADIS Nederland BV: Antwerpen. 76 + bijlagen pp., more