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- Flanders Institute for Biotechnology; VIB-Ugent Center for Plant Systems Biology (PSB), more
Function: Professor
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Tel.: +32-(0)9-331 38 07
- Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Plantenbiotechnologie en Bio-informatica, more
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Publications (50) |
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A1 Publications (48) [show] |
- Ma, X.; Vanneste, S.; Chang, J.; Ambrosino, L.; Barry, K.; Bayer, T.; Bobrov, A.A.; Boston, L.; Campbell, J.E.; Chen, H.; Chiusano, M.L.; Dattolo, E.; Grimwood, J.; He, G.F.; Jenkins, J.; Khachaturyan, M.; Marin-Guirao, L.; Mesterhazy, A.; Muhd, D.D.; Pazzaglia, J.; Plott, C.; Rajasekar, S.; Rombauts, S.; Ruocco, M.; Scott, A.; Tan, M.P.; Van de Velde, J.; Vanholme, B.; Webber, J.; Wong, L.L.; Yan, M.; Sung, Y.Y.; Novikova, P.; Schmutz, J.; Reusch, T.B.H.; Procaccini, G.; Olsen, J.L.; Van de Peer, Y. (2024). Seagrass genomes reveal ancient polyploidy and adaptations to the marine environment. Nature Plants 10(2): 240-255., more
Yu, L.; Khachaturyan, M.; Matschiner, M.; Healey, A.; Bauer, D.; Cameron, B.; Cusson, M.; Emmett Duffy, J.; Joel Fodrie, F.; Gill, D.; Grimwood, J.; Hori, M.; Hovel, K.; Hughes, A.R.; Jahnke, M.; Jenkins, J.; Keymanesh, K.; Kruschel, C.; Mamidi, S.; Menning, D.M.; Moksnes, P.-O.; Nakaoka, M.; Pennacchio, C.; Reiss, K.; Rossi, F.; Ruesink, J.L.; Schultz, S.T.; Talbot, S.; Unsworth, R.; Ward, D.H.; Dagan, T.; Schmutz, J.; Eisen, J.A.; Stachowicz, J.J.; Van de Peer, Y.; Olsen, J.L.; Reusch, T.B.H. (2023). Ocean current patterns drive the worldwide colonization of eelgrass (Zostera marina). Nature Plants 9(8): 1207-1220., more
Yu, L.; Khachaturyan, M.; Matschiner, M.; Healey, A.; Bauer, D.; Cameron, B.; Cusson, M.; Emmett Duffy, J.; Joel Fodrie, F.; Gill, D.; Grimwood, J.; Hori, M.; Hovel, K.; Hughes, A.R.; Jahnke, M.; Jenkins, J.; Keymanesh, K.; Kruschel, C.; Mamidi, S.; Menning, D.M.; Moksnes, P.-O.; Nakaoka, M.; Pennacchio, C.; Reiss, K.; Rossi, F.; Ruesink, J.L.; Schultz, S.T.; Talbot, S.; Unsworth, R.; Ward, D.H.; Dagan, T.; Schmutz, J.; Eisen, J.A.; Stachowicz, J.J.; Van de Peer, Y.; Olsen, J.L.; Reusch, T.B.H. (2023). Author correction: Ocean current patterns drive the worldwide colonization of eelgrass (Zostera marina). Nature Plants 9(8): 1370., more
Gonçalves, M.F.M.; Hilário, S.; Van de Peer, Y.; Esteves, A.C.; Alves, A. (2022). Genomic and metabolomic analyses of the marine fungus Emericellopsis cladophorae: insights into saltwater adaptability mechanisms and its biosynthetic potential. Journal of Fungi 8(1): 31., more
De Vos, S.; Rombauts, S.; Coussement, L.; Dermauw, W.; Vuylsteke, M.; Sorgeloos, P.; Clegg, J.S.; Nambu, Z.; Van Nieuwerburgh, F.; Norouzitallab, P.; Van Leeuwen, T.; De Meyer, T.; Van Stappen, G.; Van de Peer, Y.; Bossier, P. (2021). The genome of the extremophile Artemia provides insight into strategies to cope with extreme environments. BMC Genom. 22(1): 635., more
Farhat, S.; Le, P.; Kayal, E.; Noel, B.; Bigeard, E.; Corre, E.; Maumus, F.; Florent, I.; Alberti, A.; Aury, J.-M.; Barbeyron, T.; Cai, R.; Da Silva, C.; Istace, B.; Labadie, K.; Marie, D.; Mercier, J.; Rukwavu, T.; Szymczak, J.; Tonon, T.; Alves-de-Souza, C.; Rouzé, P.; Van de Peer, Y.; Wincker, P.; Rombauts, S.; Porcel, B.M.; Guillou, L. (2021). Author correction to: Rapid protein evolution, organellar reductions, and invasive intronic elements in the marine aerobic parasite dinoflagellate Amoebophrya spp. BMC Biology 19(1): 209., more
Farhat, S.; Le, P.; Kayal, E.; Noel, B.; Bigeard, E.; Corre, E.; Maumus, F.; Florent, I.; Alberti, A.; Aury, J.-M.; Barbeyron, T.; Cai, R.; Da Silva, C.; Istace, B.; Labadie, K.; Marie, D.; Mercier, J.; Rukwavu, T.; Szymczak, J.; Tonon, T.; Alves-de-Souza, C.; Rouzé, P.; Van de Peer, Y.; Wincker, P.; Rombauts, S.; Porcel, B.M.; Guillou, L. (2021). Rapid protein evolution, organellar reductions, and invasive intronic elements in the marine aerobic parasite dinoflagellate Amoebophrya spp. BMC Biology 19(1): 1., more
Gonçalves, M.F.M.; Hilário, S.; Tacão, M.; Van de Peer, Y.; Alves, A.; Esteves, A.C. (2021). Genome and metabolome MS-based mining of a marine strain of Aspergillus affinis. Journal of Fungi 7(12): 1091., more
Jueterbock, A.; Boström, C.; Coyer, J.A.; Olsen, J.L.; Kopp, M.; Dhanasiri, A.K.S.; Smolina, I.; Arnaud-Haond, S.; Van de Peer, Y.; Hoarau, G. (2020). The seagrass methylome is associated with variation in photosynthetic performance among clonal shoots. Front. Plant Sci. 11: 571646., more
Li, L.; Wang, S.; Wang, H.; Sahu, S.K.; Marin, B.; Li, H.; Xu, Y.; Liang, H.; Li, Z.; Cheng, S.; Reder, T.; Çebi, Z.; Wittek, S.; Petersen, M.; Melkonian, B.; Du, H.; Yang, H.; Wang, J.; Wong, G.K.-S.; Xu, X.; Liu, X.; Van de Peer, Y.; Melkonian, M.; Liu, H. (2020). Author correction: The genome of Prasinoderma coloniale unveils the existence of a third phylum within green plants. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4(9): 1280-1280., more
Li, Linzhou; Wang, Sibo; Wang, Hongli; Sahu, Sunil Kumar; Marin, Birger; Li, Haoyuan; Xu, Yan; Liang, Hongping; Li, Zhen; Cheng, Shifeng; Reder, Tanja; Çebi, Zehra; Wittek, Sebastian; Petersen, Morten; Melkonian, Barbara; Du, Hongli; Yang, Huanming; Wang, Jian; Wong, Gane Ka-Shu; Xu, Xun; Liu, Xin; Van de Peer, Yves; Melkonian, Michael; Liu, Huan (2020). The genome of Prasinoderma coloniale unveils the existence of a third phylum within green plants. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4(9): 1220-1231., more
Yau, S.; Krasovec, M.; Benites, L.F.; Rombauts, S.; Groussin, M.; Vancaester, E.; Aury, J.-M.; Derelle, E.; Desdevises, Y.; Escande, M.-L.; Grimsley, N.; Guy, J.; Moreau, H.; Sanchez-Brosseau, S.; Van de Peer, Y.; Vandepoele, K.; Gourbière, S.; Piganeau, G. (2020). Virus-host coexistence in phytoplankton through the genomic lens. Science Advances 6(14): eaay2587., more
Tan, M.P.; Wong, L.L.; Razali, S.A.; Afiqah-Aleng, N.; Nor, S.A.M.; Sung, Y.Y.; Van de Peer, Y.; Sorgeloos, P.; Danish-Daniel, M. (2019). Applications of next-generation sequencing technologies and computational tools in molecular evolution and aquatic animals conservation studies: a short review. Evolutionary Bioinformatics 15: 1-5., more
- De Clerck, O.; Kao, S.-M.; Bogaert, K.A.; Blomme, J.; Foflonker, F.; Kwantes, M.; Vancaester, E.; Vanderstraeten, L.; Aydogdu, E.; Boesger, J.; Califano, G.; Charrier, B.; Clewes, R.; Del Cortona, A.; D’Hondt, S.; Fernandez-Pozo, N.; Gachon, C.M.; Hanikenne, M.; Lattermann, L.; Leliaert, F.; Liu, X.; Maggs, C.A.; Popper, Z.A.; Raven, J.A.; Van Bel, M.; Wilhelmsson, P.K.I.; Bhattacharya, D.; Coates, J.C.; Rensing, S.A.; Van Der Straeten, D.; Vardi, A.; Sterck, L.; Vandepoele, K.; Van de Peer, Y.; Wichard, T.; Bothwell, J.H. (2018). Insights into the evolution of multicellularity from the sea lettuce genome. Curr. Biol. 28(18): 2921-2933.e5., more
Phoma, S.; Vikram, S.; Jansson, J.K.; Ansorge, I.J.; Cowan, D.A.; Van de Peer, Y.; Makhalanyane, T.P. (2018). Agulhas Current properties shape microbial community diversity and potential functionality. NPG Scientific Reports 8: 10542., more
Cormier, A.; Avia, K.; Sterck, L.; Derrien, T.; Wucher, V.; Andres, G.; Monsoor, M.; Godfroy, O.; Lipinska, A.; Perrineau, M.-M.; Van de Peer, Y.; Hitte, C.; Corre, E.; Coelho, S.M.; Cock, J.M. (2017). Re-annotation, improved large-scale assembly and establishment of a catalogue of noncoding loci for the genome of the model brown alga Ectocarpus. New Phytol. 214(1): 219-232., more
- Harikrishnan, S.L.; Badstoeber, J.; Van Bel, M.; Badis, Y.; Zambounis, A.; Strittmatter, M.; Sterck, L.; Neuhauser, S.; Gachon, C.M.M.; Van de Peer, Y. (2017). Transcriptome analysis of compatible and incompatible interactions of Ectocarpus with Eurychasma dicksonii using RNA-sequencing. Phycologia 56(4 (Suppl.)): 74-75., more
Olsen, J.L.; Rouzé, P.; Verhelst, B.; Lin, Y.-C.; Bayer, T.; Collén, J.; Dattolo, E.; De Paoli, E.; Dittami, S.; Maumus, F.; Michel, G.; Kersting, A.; Lauritano, C.; Lohaus, R.; Töpel, M.; Tonon, T.; Vanneste, K.; Amirebrahimi, M.; Brakel, J.; Boström, C.; Chovatia, M.; Grimwood, J.; Jenkins, J.W.; Jueterbock, A.; Mraz, A.; Stam, W.T.; Tice, H.; Bornberg-Bauer, E.; Green, P.J.; Pearson, G.A.; Procaccini, G.; Duarte, C.M.; Schmutz, J.; Reusch, T.B.H.; Van de Peer, Y. (2016). The genome of the seagrass Zostera marina reveals angiosperm adaptation to the sea. Nature (Lond.) 530(7590): 331-335., more
Saltykova, A.; Pulido-Tamayo, S.; Pazoutova, M.; Rensing, S.; Nishiyama, T.; Van de Peer, Y.; Marchal, K.; Rombauts, S. (2015). Identifying prokaryotic consortia that live in close interactions with algae. Eur. J. Phycol. 50(Supplement 1): 145-146, more
- Ahmed, S.; Cock, J.M.; Pessia, E.; Luthringer, R.; Cormier, A.; Robuchon, M.; Sterck, L.; Peters, A.F.; Dittami, S.M.; Corre, E.; Valero, M.; Aury, J.-M.; Roze, D.; Van de Peer, Y.; Bothwell, J.; Marais, G.A.B.; Coelho, S.M. (2014). A haploid system of sex determination in the brown alga Ectocarpus sp. Curr. Biol. 24(17): 1945-1957., more
Blanc-Mathieu, R.; Verhelst, B.; Derelle, E.; Rombauts, S.; Bouget, F.-Y.; Carré, I.; Château, A.; Eyre-Walker, A.; Grimsley, N.; Moreau, H.; Piégu, B.; Rivals, E.; Schackwitz, W.; Van de Peer, Y.; Piganeau, G. (2014). An improved genome of the model marine alga Ostreococcus tauri unfolds by assessing Illumina de novo assemblies. BMC Genom. 15., more
Bracken-Grissom, H.; Collins, A.G.; Collins, T.; Crandall, K.; Distel, D.; Dunn, C.; Giribet, G.; Haddock, S.; Knowlton, N.; Martindale, M.; Medina, M.; Messing, C.; O'Brien, S.J.; Paulay, G.; Putnam, N.; Ravasi, T.; Rouse, G.W.; Ryan, J.F.; Schulze, A.; Wörheide, G.; Adamska, M.; Bailly, X.; Breinholt, J.; Browne, W.E.; Diaz, M.C.; Evans, N.; Flot, J.-F.; Fogarty, N.; Johnston, M.; Kamel, B.; Kawahara, A.Y.; Laberge, T.; Lavrov, D.; Michonneau, F.; Moroz, L.L.; Oakley, T.; Osborne, K.; Pomponi, S.A.; Rhodes, A.; Rodriguez-Lanetty, M.; Santos, S.R.; Satoh, N.; Thacker, R.W.; Van de Peer, Y.; Voolstra, C.R.; Welch, D.M.; Winston, J.; Zhou, X. (2014). The Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance (GIGA): developing community resources to study diverse invertebrate genomes. J. Hered. 105(1): 1-18., more
Read, B.A.; Kegel, J.; Klute, M.J.; Kuo, A.; Lefebvre, S.C.; Maumus, F.; Mayer, C.; Miller, J.; Monier, A.; Salamov, A.; Young, J.; Aguilar, M.; Claverie, J.-M.; Frickenhaus, S.; Gonzalez, K.; Herman, E.K.; Lin, Y.-C.; Napier, J.; Ogata, H.; Sarno, A.F.; Schmutz, J.; Schroeder, D.; de Vargas, C.; Verret, F.; von Dassow, P.; Valentin, K.; Van de Peer, Y.; Wheeler, G.; Emiliania huxleyi Annotation Consortium; Dacks, J.B.; Delwiche, C.F.; Dyhrman, S.T.; Glöckner, G.; John, U.; Richards, T.; Worden, A.Z.; Zhang, X.; Grigoriev, I.V. (2013). Pan genome of the phytoplankton Emiliania underpins its global distribution. Nature (Lond.) 499(7457): 209-213., more
Verhelst, B.; Van de Peer, Y.; Rouzé, P. (2013). The complex intron landscape and massive intron invasion in a picoeukaryote provides insights into intron evolution. Genome Biology and Evolution 5(12): 2393-2401., more
- Cock, J.M.; Sterck, L.; Ahmed, S.; Allen, A.E.; Amoutzias, G.; Anthouard, V.; Artiguenave, F.; Arun, A.; Aury, J.M.; Badger, J.H.; Beszteri, B.; Billiau, K.; Bonnet, E.; Bothwell, J.H.; Bowler, C.; Boyen, C.; Brownlee, C.; Carrano, C.J.; Charrier, B.; Cho, G.Y.; Coelho, S.M.; Collen, J.; Le Corguille, G.; Corre, E.; Dartevelle, L.; Da Silva, C.; Delage, L.; Delaroque, N.; Dittami, S.M.; Doulbeau, S.; Elias, M.; Farnham, G.; Gachon, C.M.M.; Godfroy, O.; Gschloessl, B.; Heesch, S.; Jabbari, K.; Jubin, C.; Kawai, H.; Kimura, K.; Kloareg, B.; Kuepper, F.C.; Lang, D.; Le Bail, A.; Luthringer, R.; Leblanc, C.; Lerouge, P.; Lohr, M.; Lopez, P.J.; Macaisne, N.; Martens, C.; Maumus, F.; Michel, G.; Miranda-Saavedra, D.; Morales, J.; Moreau, H.; Motomura, T.; Nagasato, C.; Napoli, C.A.; Nelson, D.R.; Nyvall-Collen, P.; Peters, A.F.; Pommier, C.; Potin, P.; Poulain, J.; Quesneville, H.; Read, B.; Rensing, S.A.; Ritter, A.; Rousvoal, S.; Samanta, M.; Samson, G.; Schroeder, D.C.; Scornet, D.; Segurens, B.; Strittmatter, M.; Tonon, T.; Tregear, J.W.; Valentin, K.; Von Dassow, P.; Yamagishi, T.; Rouzé, P.; Van de Peer, Y.; Wincker, P.; Ectocarpus Genome Consortium (2012). The Ectocarpus genome and brown algal genomics: the Ectocarpus Genome Consortium, in: Bourgougnon, N. (Ed.) Genomic insights into the biology of Algae. Advances in Botanical Research, 64: pp. 141-184., more
Moreau, H.; Verhelst, B.; Couloux, A.; Derelle, E.; Rombauts, S.; Grimsley, N.; Van Bel, M.; Poulain, J.; Katinka, M.; Hohmann-Marriott, M.; Piganeau, G.; Rouzé, P.; Da Silva, C.; Wincker, P.; Van de Peer, Y.; Vandepoele, K. (2012). Gene functionalities and genome structure in Bathycoccus prasinos reflect cellular specializations at the base of the green lineage. Genome Biol. 13(8)., more
Cock, J.M.; Collén, J.; Sterck, L.; Rouzé, P.; Scornet, D.; Anthouard, V.; Artiguenave, F.; Aury, J.-M.; Billiau, K.; Bonnet, E.; Bothwell, J.H.F.; Brillet, L.; Carre, W.; Coelho, S.M.; Corre, E.; Da Silva, C.; Jubin, C.; Martens, C.; Maumus, F.; Miranda-Saavedra, D.; Peters, A.F.; Porcel, B.; Quesneville, H.; Boyen, C.; Van de Peer, Y.; Wincker, P. (2011). Nature, nurture and the structure of macroalgal genomes. Eur. J. Phycol. 46(Supplement 1): 39, more
Cock, J.M.; Sterck, L.; Rouzé, P.; Scornet, D.; Allen, A.E.; Amoutzias, G.; Anthouard, V.; Artiguenave, F.; Aury, J.-M.; Badger, J.H.; Beszteri, B.; Billiau, K.; Bonnet, E.; Bothwell, J.H.; Bowler, C.; Boyen, C.; Brownlee, C.; Carrano, C.J.; Charrier, B.; Cho, G.Y.; Coelho, S.M.; Collén, J.; Corre, E.; Da Silva, C.; Delage, L.; Delaroque, N.; Dittami, S.M.; Doulbeau, S.; Elias, M.; Farnham, G.; Gachon, C.M.M.; Gschloessl, B.; Heesch, S.; Jabbari, K.; Jubin, C.; Kawai, H.; Kimura, K.; Kloareg, B.; Küpper, F.C.; Lang, D.; Le Bail, A.; Leblanc, C.; Lerouge, P.; Lohr, M.; Lopez, P.J.; Martens, C.; Maumus, F.; Michel, G.; Miranda-Saavedra, D.; Morales, J.; Moreau, H.; Motomura, T.; Nagasato, C.; Napoli, C.A.; Nelson, D.R.; Nyvall-Collén, P.; Peters, A.F.; Pommier, C.; Potin, Ph.; Poulain, J.; Quesneville, H.; Read, B.; Rensing, S.A.; Ritter, A.; Rousvoal, S.; Samanta, M.; Samson, G.; Schroeder, D.C.; Segurens, B.; Strittmatter, M.; Tonon, T.; Tregear, J.W.; Valentin, K.; von Dassow, P.; Yamagishi, T.; Van de Peer, Y.; Wincker, P. (2010). The Ectocarpus genome and the independent evolution of multicellularity in brown algae. Nature (Lond.) 465(7298): 617-621., more
Huysman, M.J.J.; Martens, C.; Vandepoele, K.; Gillard, J.; Rayko, E.; Heijde, M.; Bowler, C.; Inzé, D.; Van de Peer, Y.; De Veylder, L.; Vyverman, W. (2010). Genome-wide analysis of the diatom cell cycle unveils a novel type of cyclins involved in environmental signaling. Genome Biol. 11(2): 19 pp., more
- Cock, M.; Scornet, D.; Peters, F.; Sterck, L.; Rouzé, P.; van de Peer, Y.; Weissenbach, J.; Wincker, P. (2009). Evloution of multi cellularity in the heterokont lineage: analysis of the Ectocarpus siliculosus genome sequence. Phycologia 48(4): 22-22, more
Dittami, S.M.; Scornet, D.; Petit, J.-L.; Segurens, B.; Da Silva, C.; Corre, E.; Dondrup, M.; Glatting, K.-H.; König, R.; Sterck, L.; Rouzé, P.; Van de Peer, Y.; Cock, J.M.; Boyen, C.; Tonon, T. (2009). Global expression analysis of the brown alga Ectocarpus siliculosus (Phaeophyceae) reveals large-scale reprogramming of the transcriptome in response to abiotic stress. Genome Biol. 10(6): R66., more
- Piganeau, G.; Vandepoele, K.; Gourbière, S.; Van de Peer, Y.; Moreau, H. (2009). Unravelling cis-regulatory elements in the genome of the smallest photosynthetic Eukaryote: phylogenetic footprinting in Ostreococcus. J. Mol. Evol. 69(3): 249-259., more
- Worden, A.Z.; Lee, J.-H.; Mock, T.; Rouzé, P.; Simmons, M.P.; Aerts, A.L.; Allen, A.E.; Cuvelier, M.L.; Derelle, E.; Everett, M.V.; Foulon, E.; Grimwood, J.; Gundlach, H.; Henrissat, B.; Napoli, C.; McDonald, S.M.; Parker, M.S.; Rombauts, S.; Salamov, A.; von Dassow, P.; Badger, J.H.; Coutinho, P.M.; Demir, E.; Dubchak, I.; Gentemann, C.; Eikrem, W.; Gready, J.E.; John, U.; Lanier, W.; Lindquist, E.A.; Lucas, S.; Mayer, K.F.X.; Moreau, H.; Not, F.; Otillar, R.; Panaud, O.; Pangilinan, J.; Paulsen, I.; Piégu, B.; Poliakov, A.; Robbens, S.; Schmutz, J.; Toulza, E.; Wyss, T.; Zelensky, A.; Zhou, K.; Armbrust, E.V.; Bhattacharya, D.; Goodenough, U.W.; Van de Peer, Y.; Grigoriev, I.V. (2009). Green evolution and dynamic adaptations revealed by genomes of the marine picoeukaryotes Micromonas. Science (Wash.) 324(5924): 268-272., more
- Bowler, C.; Allen, A.E.; Badger, J.H.; Grimwood, J.; Jabbari, K.; Kuo, A.; Maheswari, U.; Martens, C.; Maumus, F.; Otillar, R.P.; Rayko, E.; Salamov, A.A.; Vandepoele, K.; Beszteri, B.; Gruber, A.; Heijde, M.; Katinka, M.; Mock, T.; Valentin, K.; Verret, F.; Berges, J.A.; Brownlee, C.; Cadoret, J.-P.; Chiovitti, A.; Choi, C.J.; Coesel, S.; De Martino, A.; Detter, J.C.; Durkin, C.; Falciatore, A.; Fournet, J.; Haruta, M.; Huysman, M.J.J.; Jenkins, B.D.; Jiroutova, K.; Jorgensen, R.E.; Joubert, Y.; Kaplan, A.; Kröger, N.; Kroth, P.G.; La Roche, J.; Lindquist, E.; Lommer, M.; Martin-Jézéquel, V.; Lopez, P.J.; Lucas, S.; Mangogna, M.; McGinnis, K.; Medlin, L.K.; Montsant, A.; Oudot-Le Secq, M.-P.; Napoli, C.; Obornik, M.; Parker, M.S.; Petit, J.-L.; Porcel, B.M.; Poulsen, N.; Robison, M.; Rychlewsk, L.; Rynearson, T.A.; Schmutz, J.; Shapiro, H.; Siaut, M.; Stanley, M.; Sussman, M.R.; Taylor, A.R.; Vardi, A.; von Dassow, P.; Vyverman, W.; Willis, A.; Wyrwicz, L.S.; Rokhsar, D.; Weissenbach, J.; Armbrust, E.V.; Green, B.R.; Van de Peer, Y.; Grigoriev, I.V. (2008). The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes. Nature (Lond.) 456(7219): 239-244., more
- John, U.; Beszteri, B.; Derelle, E.; Van de Peer, Y.; Read, B.; Moreau, H.; Cembella, A. (2008). Novel insights into evolution of protistan polyketide synthases through phylogenomic analysis. Protist 159(1): 21-30., more
- Martens, C.; Vandepoele, K.; Van de Peer, Y. (2008). Whole-genome analysis reveals molecular innovations and evolutionary transitions in chromalveolate species. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105(9): 3427-3432, more
- Robbens, S.; Rouzé, P.; Cock, J.M.; Spring, J.; Worden, A.Z.; Van de Peer, Y. (2008). The FTO gene, implicated in human obesity, is found only in vertebrates and marine algae. J. Mol. Evol. 66(1): 80-84., more
- Palenik, B.; Grimwood, J.; Aerts, A.; Rouzé, P.; Salamov, A.; Putnam, N.; Dupont, C.; Jorgensen, R.; Derelle, E.; Rombauts, S.; Zhou, K.; Otillar, R.; Merchant, S.S.; Podell, S.; Gaasterland, T.; Napoli, C.; Gendler, K.; Manuell, A.; Tai, V.; Vallon, O.; Piganeau, G.; Jancek, S.; Heijde, M.; Jabbari, K.; Bowler, C.; Lohr, M.; Robbens, S.; Werner, G.; Dubchak, I.; Pazour, G.J.; Ren, Q.; Paulsen, I.; Delwiche, C.; Schmutz, J.; Rokhsar, D.; Van de Peer, Y.; Moreau, H.; Grigoriev, I.V. (2007). The tiny eukaryote Ostreococcus provides genomic insights into the paradox of plankton speciation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104(18): 7705-7710., more
- Robbens, S.; Derelle, E.; Ferraz, C.; Wuyts, J.; Moreau, H.; Van de Peer, Y. (2007). The complete chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA sequence of Ostreococcus tauri: organelle genomes of the smallest eukaryote are examples of compaction. Mol. Biol. Evol. 24(4): 956-968., more
- Robbens, S.; Petersen, J.; Brinkmann, H.; Rouzé, P.; Van de Peer, Y. (2007). Unique regulation of the Calvin cycle in the ultrasmall green alga Ostreococcus. J. Mol. Evol. 64(5): 601-604., more
- Derelle, E.; Ferraz, C.; Rombauts, S.; Rouzé, P.; Worden, A.Z.; Robbens, S.; Partensky, F.; Degroeve, S.; Echeynié, S.; Cooke, R.; Saeys, Y.; Wuyts, J.; Jabbari, K.; Bowler, C.; Panaud, O.; Piégu, B.; Ball, S.G.; Ral, J.-P.; Bouget, F.-Y.; Piganeau, G.; De Baets, B.; Picard, A.; Delseny, M.; Demaille, J.; Van de Peer, Y.; Moreau, H. (2006). Genome analysis of the smallest free-living eukaryote Ostreococcus tauri unveils many unique features. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103(31): 11647-11652., more
- Robbens, S.; Khadaroo, B.; Camasses, A.; Derelle, E.; Ferraz, C.; Inzé, D.; Van de Peer, Y.; Moreau, H. (2005). Genome-wide analysis of core cell cycle genes in the unicellular green alga Ostreococcus tauri. Mol. Biol. Evol. 22(3): 589-597., more
- Khadaroo, B.; Robbens, S.; Ferraz, C.; Derelle, E.; Eychenie, S.; Cooke, R.; Peaucellier, G.; Delseny, M.; Demaille, J.; Van de Peer, Y.; Picard, A.; Moreau, H. (2004). The first green lineage cdc25 dual-specificity phosphatase. Cell Cycle 3(4): 513-518, more
- Král'ová, I.; Van de Peer, Y.; Jirku, M.; Van Ranst, M.; Scholz, T.; Lukeš, J. (1997). Phylogenetic analysis of a fish tapeworm, Proteocephalus exiguus, based on the small subunit rRNA gene. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 84(2): 263-266., more
- Rensing, S.; Obrdlik, P.; Rober-Kleber, N.; Müller, S.; Hofmann, C.; Van de Peer, Y.; Maier, U.-G. (1997). Molecular phylogeny of the stress-70 protein family with reference to algal relationships. Eur. J. Phycol. 32(3): 279-285., more
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Abstract [show] |
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