Institute |
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Faculté Universitaire des Sciences Agronomiques de Gembloux; Département d' ingénierie des biosystèmes; Laboratoire d'Ecologie, more
Function: Doctor
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Tel.: +32-(0)81-62 22 40
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Datasets (2) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Datasets |
- Branquart E, Adriaens T, Desmet P, Devisscher S, D'hondt B, Denys L, Dumortier A, Latli A, Oldoni D, Packet J, Scheers K, Vanderhoeven S, Vermeersch X, Willeput R (2023). RIPARIAS target species list. Version 1.47. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Checklist dataset., more
- Desmet P, Reyserhove L, Oldoni D, Groom Q, Adriaens T, Vanderhoeven S, Pagad S (2023). Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species - Belgium. Version 1.13. Invasive Species Specialist Group ISSG. Checklist dataset., more
Publications (6) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Datasets |
A1 Publications (3) [show] |
Lucy, F.E.; Roy, H.; Simpson, A.; Carlton, J.T.; Hanson, J.M.; Magellan, K.; Campbell, M.L.; Costello, M.J.; Pagad, S.; Hewitt, C.L.; McDonald, J.; Cassey, P.; Thomaz, S.; Katsanevakis, S.; Zenetos, A.; Tricarico, E.; Boggero, A.; Groom, Q.; Adriaens, T.; Vanderhoeven, S.; Torchin, M.; Hufbauer, R.; Fuller, P.; Carman, M.R.; Conn, D.B.; Vitule, J.R.S.; Canning-Clode, J.; Galil, B.S.; Ojaveer, H.; Bailey, S.A.; Therriault, T.W.; Claudi, R.; Gazda, A.; Dick, J.T.A.; Caffrey, J.; Witt, A.; Kenis, M.; Lehtiniemi, M.; Helmisaari, H.; Panov, V.E. (2016). INVASIVESNET towards an International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species. Manag. Biol. Inv. 7(2): 131-139., more
- D’hondt, B.; Vanderhoeven, S.; Roelandt, S.; Mayer, F.; Versteirt, V.; Adriaens, T.; Ducheyne, E.; San Martin, G.; Grégoire, J.-C.; Stiers, I.; Quoilin, S.; Cigar, J.; Heughebaert, A.; Branquart, E. (2015). Harmonia+ and Pandora+: risk screening tools for potentially invasive plants, animals and their pathogens. Biological Invasions 17(6): 1869-1883., more
Vanderhoeven, S.; Adriaens, T.; D’hondt, B.; Van Gossum, H.; Vandegehuchte, M.; Verreycken, H.; Cigar, J.; Branquart, E. (2015). A science-based approach to tackle invasive alien species in Belgium – the role of the ISEIA protocol and the Harmonia information system as decision support tools. Manag. Biol. Inv. 6(2): 197–208., more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Groom, Q.; Desmet, P.; Reyserhove, L.; Adriaens, T.; Oldoni, D.; Vanderhoeven, S.; Baskauf, S.J.; Chapman, A.; McGeoch, M.; Walls, R.; Wieczorek, J.; Wilson, J.R.U.; Zermoglio, P.F.; Simpson, A. (2019). Improving Darwin Core for research and management of alien species. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e38084., more
Abstract [show] |
Vanderhoeven, S.; Branquart, E. (2013). Building knowledge for invasive species policy and management: the need for collaborative learning between actors, in: Robbens, J. et al. (Ed.) Non-indigenous species in the North-East Atlantic. Ostend, 20-22 November 2013: Book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 66: pp. 36, more
Other publication [show] |
Vanderhoeven, S.; Adriaens, T.; Desmet, P.; Strubbe, D.; Backeljau, T.; Barbier, Y.; Brosens, D.; Cigar, J.; Coupremanne, M.; De Troch, R.; Eggermont, H.; Heughebaert, A.; Hostens, K.; Huybrechts, P.; Jacquemart, A.-L.; Lens, L.; Monty, A.; Paquet, J.-Y.; Prévot, C.; Robertson, T.; Termonia, P.; Van De Kerchove, R.; Van Hoey, G.; Van Schaeybroeck, B.; Vercayie, D.; Verleye, T.J.; Welby, S.; Groom, Q.J. (2017). Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS): building a data-driven framework to inform policy. Research Ideas and Outcomes 3: e13414., more