Institute |
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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur; Vakgroep Civiele Techniek; Afdeling Weg- en Waterbouw (AWW), more
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Datasets (2) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Project | Datasets |
- Department of Civil Engineering (UGent), Belgium; (2018): 2D golfoverslag en -impact experimenten voor zeedijken met met ondiepe voorlanden (golfgoot Universiteit Gent, 2018), more
- Kortenhaus, Andreas, Streicher, Maximilian, Gruwez, Vincent, Altomare, Corrado, Hofland, Bas, Chen, Xuexue, ... Klein Breteler, Mark. (2019). WALOWA (WAve LOads on WAlls) - Large-scale Experiments in the Delta Flume on Overtopping Wave Loads on Vertical Walls [Data set]. Zenodo. Http://, more
Publications (56) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Project | Datasets |
A1 Publications (18) [show] |
- Gallach-Sánchez, D.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2021). A new average wave overtopping prediction formula with improved accuracy for smooth steep low-crested structures. Coast. Eng. 163: 103800., more
Gruwez, V.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Streicher, M.; Cappietti, L.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2020). Validation of RANS modelling for wave interactions with sea dikes on shallow foreshores using a large-scale experimental dataset. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(9): 650., more
Gruwez, V.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Streicher, M.; Cappietti, L.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2020). An inter-model comparison for wave interactions with sea dikes on shallow foreshores. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(12): 985., more
- Kortenhaus, A. (2019). SEA Change honors diversity efforts by universities. Science (Wash.) 364(6443): 844-845., more
- Streicher, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Marinov, K.K.; Hirt, M.; Hughes, S.; Hofland, B.; Scheres, B.; Schüttrumpf, H.F.R. (2019). Classification of bore patterns induced by storm waves overtopping a dike crest and their impact types on dike mounted vertical walls – a large-scale model study. Coast. Eng. J. 61(3): 321-339., more
- Verbrugghe, T.; Dominguez, J.M.; Altomare, C.; Tafuni, A.; Vacondio, R.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2019). Non-linear wave generation and absorption using open boundaries within DualSPHysics. Computer Physics Communications 240: 46-59., more
Verbrugghe, T.; Stratigaki, V.; Altomare, C.; Dominguez, J.M.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2019). Implementation of open boundaries within a two-way coupled SPH model to simulate nonlinear wave-structure interactions. Energies (Basel) 12(4): 697., more
Gallach-Sánchez, D.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2018). A critical analysis and validation of the accuracy of wave overtopping prediction formulae for OWECs. Energies (Basel) 11(1): 133., more
- Verbrugghe, T.; Domínguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Altomare, C.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2018). Coupling methodology for smoothed particle hydrodynamics modelling of non-linear wave-structure interactions. Coast. Eng. 138: 184-198., more
- Van Doorslaer, K.; Romano, A.; De Rouck, J.; Kortenhaus, A. (2017). Impacts on a storm wall caused by non-breaking waves overtopping a smooth dike slope. Coast. Eng. 120: 93-111., more
Verbrugghe, T.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Rabussier, R.; Kortenhaus, A. (2017). A comparison study of a generic coupling methodology for modeling wake effects of Wave Energy Converter arrays. Energies (Basel) 10(11): 1697., more
- Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Chen, X.; Verwaest, T.; Kortenhaus, A. (2016). Wave overtopping of sea dikes with very shallow foreshores. Coast. Eng. 116: 236-257., more
Harbitz, C.B.; Nakamura, Y.; Arikawa, T.; Baykal, C.; Dogan, G.G.; Frauenfelder, R.; Glimsdal, S.; Guler, H.G.; Issler, D.; Kaiser, G.; Kanoglu, U.; Kisacik, D.; Kortenhaus, A.; Lovholt, F.; Maruyama, Y.; Sassa, S.; Sharghivand, N.; Strusinska-Correia, A.; Tarakcioglu, G.O.; Yalciner, A.C. (2016). Risk assessment and design of prevention structures for enhanced tsunami disaster resilience (RAPSODI)/Euro-Japan collaboration. Coast. Eng. J. 58(4): 37 pp., more
- Zanuttigh, B.; Angelelli, E.; Kortenhaus, A.; Koca, K.; Krontira, Y.; Koundouri, P. (2016). A methodology for multi-criteria design of multi-use offshore platforms for marine renewable energy harvesting. Renew. Energy 85: 1271-1289., more
Kortenhaus, A.; Oumeraci, H. (2015). XtremRisK - Today's and future coastal flood risks under extreme events. Coast. Eng. J. 57(1): 5 pp., more
- Naulin, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Oumeraci, H. (2015). Reliability-based flood defence analysis in an integrated risk assessment. Coast. Eng. J. 57(1): 1-35., more
- Oumeraci, H.; Kortenhaus, A.; Burzel, A.; Naulin, M.; Dassanayake, D.R.; Jensen, J.; Wahl, T.; Mudersbach, C.; Gonnert, G.; Gerkensmeier, B.; Frohle, P.; Ujeyl, G. (2015). XtremRisK - Integrated flood risk analysis of extreme storm surges at open coasts and in estuaries: methodology, key results and lessons learned. Coast. Eng. J. 57(1): 1-23., more
- Geeraerts, J.; Kortenhaus, A.; Gonzalez-Escriva, J.A.; De Rouck, J.; Troch, P. (2009). Effects of new variables on the overtopping discharge at steep rubble mound breakwaters - The Zeebrugge case. Coast. Eng. 56(2): 141-153., more
Books (4) [show] |
- Gruwez, V.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Streicher, M.; Cappietti, L.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2019). Numerical modelling of overtopped bore impacts on dike mounted vertical walls in very shallow foreshore conditions [POSTER]. Presented at CREST final conference: Climate Resilient Coast, 26-09-2019, Ostend. Ghent University: Ghent. 1 poster pp., more
- Streicher, M.; Suzuki, T.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2019). Large-scale experiments on overtopping wave loads (WALOWA) on dike mounted vertical walls with shallow foreshores: hydrostatic force estimate [POSTER]. Presented at CREST final conference: Climate Resilient Coast, 26-09-2019, Ostend. Ghent University: Ghent. 1 poster pp., more
- Willems, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P.; Silin, N.; Nelko, V.; Devriese, P.; Stratigaki, V.; De Maeyer, J.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.; Rauwoens, P.; Vanneste, D.; Suzuki, T.; Van Oyen, T.; Verwaest, T. (2016). Design features of the upcoming Coastal and Ocean Basin (COB) in Ostend, Belgium [PRESENTATION]. Presented at Coastlab16, Ottawa, Canada, May 10-13, 2016. Flanders Hydraulics Research/Ghent University/KU Leuven: Antwerp. 22 slides pp., more
Pullen, T.; Allsop, N.W.H.; Bruce, T.; Kortenhaus, A.; Schüttrumpf, H.; van der Meer, J.W. (2007). EurOtop wave overtopping of sea defences and related structures: assessment manual. Die Küste, 73. Kuratorium für Forschung im Küsteningenieurwesen: Heide im Holstein. ISBN 978-3-8042-1064-6. xiii, 185 pp., more
Book chapters (19) [show] |
Streicher, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Gruwez, V.; Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; Saponieri, A.; Pasquali, D.; Valentini, N.; Tripepi, G.; Celli, D.; Di Risio, M.; Aristodemo, F.; Damiani, L.; Cappietti, L.; Breteler, M.K.; Kaste, D. (2019). Overtopped wave loads on walls (Walowa) – Numerical and physical modelling of large-scale experiments in the Delta Flume, in: Henry, P.-Y. et al. Trans-national Access in Hydralab+: Proceedings of the Joint User Meeting Bucharest, Romania, 22-23 May 2019. pp. 57-67, more
- Streicher, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Altomare, C.; Marinov, K.; Hughes, S.; Hofland, B.; Chen, X.; Cullis-Suzuki, S.; Suzuki, T.; Cappietti, L. (2019). Non-repeatability, scale- and model effects in laboratory measurement of impact loads induced by an overtopped bore on a dike mounted wall, in: ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 3: Structures, Safety, and Reliability. pp. 10, more
- Cappietti, L.; Simonetti, I.; Esposito, A.; Streicher, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Scheres, B.; Schuettrumpf, H.; Hirt, M.; Hofland, B.; Chen, X. (2018). Large-scale experiments of wave-overtopping loads on walls: Layer thicknesses and velocities, in: Proceedings of the ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - Volume 7A: Ocean Engineering: June 17–22, 2018 Madrid, Spain. pp. [1-6]., more
Gruwez, V.; Vandebeek, I.; Kisacik, D; Streicher, M.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2018). 2D overtopping and impact experiments in shallow foreshore conditions, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 36th Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2018), Baltimore, Maryland, July 30 - August 3, 2018. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 36: pp. [1-13], more
- Gruwez, V.; Vandebeek, I.; Kisacik, D.; Streicher, M.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2018). 2D experiments of wave dynamics in front of and over a sea dike with a very shallow foreshore, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab18), Santander, Spain, May 22-26, 2018. pp. 1-10, more
- Streicher, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Gruwez, V.; Hofland, B.; Chen, X.; Hughes, S.; Hirt, M. (2018). Prediction of dynamic and quasi-static impacts on vertical sea walls caused by an overtopped bore, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering ICCE, July 30th to August 3rd 2018, Baltimore, USA. pp. [1-15], more
Troch, P.; Stratigaki, V.; Devriese, P.; Kortenhaus, A.; De Maeyer, J.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.; Rauwoens, P.; Vanneste, D.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T. (2018). Design features of the upcoming coastal and ocean basin in Ostend, Belgium, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 36th Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2018), Baltimore, Maryland, July 30 - August 3, 2018. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 36: pp. [1-10]., more
- Streicher, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Altomare, C.; Gruwez, V.; Hofland, B.; Chen, X.; Marinov, K.; Scheres, B.; Schüttrumpf, H.F.R.; Hirt, M.; Cappietti, L.; Esposito, A.; Saponieri, A.; Valentini, N.; Tripepi, G.; Pasquali, D.; Di Risio, M.; Aristodemo, F.; Damiani, L.; Willems, M.; Vanneste, D.; Suzuki, T.; Breteler, M.K.; Kaste, D. (2017). Walowa (Wave Loads on Walls): Large-scale experiments in the Delta flume, in: Proceedings of the International Short Course and Conference on Applied Coastal Research, 03 - 06 October 2017, Santander, Spain. pp. [1-11], more
Troch, P.; Stratigaki, V.; Devriese, P.; Kortenhaus, A.; Silin, N.; Nelko, V.; De Mayer, J.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.A.; Rauwoens, P.; Vanneste, D.; Suzuki, T.; Van Oyen, T.; Verwaest, T. (2017). Design features of the upcoming Coastal and Ocean Basin in Ostend, Belgium, for marine renewable energy applications, in: Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 27th Aug -1st Sept 2017, Cork, Ireland. pp. [1-9], more
- Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P.; Silin, N.; Nelko, V.; Devriese, P.; Stratigaki, V.; De Mayer, J.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.A.; Rauwoens, P.; Vanneste, D.; Suzuki, T.; Van Oyen, T.; Verwaest, T. (2016). Design features of the upcoming Coastal and Ocean Basin in Ostend, Belgium, in: Erpicum, S. et al. Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016: Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change. pp. 356-363, more
- Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P.; Silin, N.; Nelko, V.; Devriese, P.; Stratigaki, V.; De Maeyer, J.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.; Rauwoens, P.; Vanneste, D.; Suzuki, T.; Van Oyen, T.; Verwaest, T. (2016). Design features of the upcoming Coastal and Ocean Basin (COB) in Ostend, Belgium, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science(Coastlab16), Ottawa, Canada, May 10-13, 2016. pp. [1-10], more
- Verbrugghe, T.; Kortenhaus, A.; De Rouck, J. (2015). Numerical modelling of control strategies and accumulator effect of a hydraulic power take-off system, in: OCEANS 2015 - Genova. pp. 10., more
Troch, P.; Mollaert, J.; Peelman, S.; Victor, L.; van der Meer, J.W.; Gallach-Sánchez, D.; Kortenhaus, A. (2014). Experimental study of overtopping performance for the cases of very steep slopes and vertical walls with very small freeboards, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 34th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 2014. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 34: pp. [1-8], more
- De Rouck, J.; Geeraerts, J.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A.; Pullen, T.; Franco, L. (2005). New results on scale effects for wave overtopping at coastal structures, in: Allsop, N.W.H. (Ed.) International Conference on Coastlines, Structures and Breakwaters 2005: proceedings of the International Conference on Coastlines, Structures and Breakwaters 2005, organised on behalf of the Maritime Board of the Institution of Civil Engineers and held in London, UK, on 20-22 April 2005. pp. 29-43, more
- Garrido, J.M.; González-Escrivá, J.A.; Medina, J.R.; Kortenhaus, A. (2005). Spatial variability and foreshore influence on overtopping, in: McKee Smith, J. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 29th International Conference: Coastal Engineering 2004. pp. 4430-4442., more
- De Rouck, J.; Van de Walle, B.; Geeraerts, J.; Troch, P.; Van Damme, L.; Kortenhaus, A.; Medina, J. (2004). Full scale wave overtopping measurements, in: Melby, J.E. (Ed.) Coastal Structures 2003: Proceedings of the Conference, August 26-30, 2003, Portland, Oregon. pp. 494-506., more
- Kortenhaus, A.; Pearson, J.; Bruce, T.; Allsop, N.W.H.; van der Meer, J.W. (2003). Influence of parapets and recurves on wave overtopping and wave loading of complex vertical walls, in: Melby, J.E. (Ed.) (2004). Coastal Structures 2003: Proceedings of the Conference, August 26-30, 2003, Portland, Oregon. pp. [1-13], more
- Kortenhaus, A.; Oumeraci, H. (1999). Scale effects in modelling wave impact loading of coastal structures, in: Kirkegaard, J. et al. Proceedings of the 2. HYDRALAB workshop on problems and challenges in experimental research, 8 to 9 November 1999, Sophienberg Castle, Rungsted, Denmark. pp. [1-10], more
- McConnell, K.J.; Kortenhaus, A. (1997). Analysis of pressure measurements from hydraulic model tests and prototype measurements, in: Proceedings 1st overall project workshop MAST III / PROVERBS, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria 18-22 February 1997: probabilistic design tools for vertical breakwaters. Report and papers task 1. pp. [1-14], more
Abstracts (7) [show] |
Gruwez, V.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2018). Towards an improved numerical modelling methodology for wave overtopping on a dike with a very shallow foreshore, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 81: pp. 16-17, more
Streicher, M.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2018). Wave impacts on storm walls: Large scale experiments in the Delta flume, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 25-26, more
Gallach-Sánchez, D.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2017). Wave overtopping on steep low-crested structures: another climate change challenge, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 35-36, more
Gruwez, V.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2017). Advanced modelling of wave overtopping for climate resilient coastal defence systems, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 40, more
Verbrugghe, T.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A.; Stratigaki, V.; Vasarmidis, P. (2017). Waves: an ocean of modelling options, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 3 March 2017. VLIZ Special Publication, 79: pp. 98, more
Streicher, M.; Kortenhaus, A. (2016). Analysis of overtopped wave loads on storm walls at the Belgian coast- A process based approach by means of hydraulic modelling, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 108, more
Verbrugghe, T.; Devolder, B.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2016). Numerical modelling of wave energy converters, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Brugge, Belgium, 12 February 2016. VLIZ Special Publication, 75: pp. 130, more
Report [show] |
Kortenhaus, A. (2006). Description of flood defence structures for pilot sites. TU Braunschweig: Braunschweig. ix, 69 pp., more
Other publications (2) [show] |
Gallach-Sánchez, D.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2017). Wave overtopping on steep low-crested structures: another climate change challenge. Poster presented at the VLIZ Marine Science Day 3 March 2017. Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University: Gent. 1 poster pp., more
Verbrugghe, T.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A.; Stratigaki, V.; Vasarmidis, P. (2017). Waves: an ocean of modelling options. Poster presented at the VLIZ Marine Science Day 3 March 2017. Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University: Gent. 1 poster pp., more
Thesis (co-)promotor (5) [show] |