Dataset |
Top | Publications | Dataset |
- Laboratoire d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle (ECOLAB): France; Ecosystem Management Research Group (UA-ECOBE); Laboratory of Protistology and Aquatic Ecology (Ugent-PAE); Department of Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering (VUB-HYDR); Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Water Geochemistry (ULB-LoCGE); Flanders Hydraulics Research (MOW-WL); De Vlaamse Waterweg NV: Belgium; (2020): OMES: Lippenbroek: Study on the evolution of a FCA-CRT area., more
Publications (32) |
Top | Publications | Dataset |
A1 Publications (17) [show] |
Pascual, U.; Balvanera, P.; Anderson, C.B.; Chaplin-Kramer, R.; Christie, M.; González-Jiménez, D.; Martin, A.; Raymond, C.M.; Termansen, M.; Vatn, A.; Athayde, S.; Baptiste, B.; Barton, D.N.; Jacobs, S.; Kelemen, E.; Kumar, R.; Lazos, E.; Mwampamba, T.H.; Nakangu, B.; O’Farrell, P.; Subramanian, S.M.; van Noordwijk, M.; Ahn, S.; Amaruzaman, S.; Amin, A.M.; Arias-Arévalo, P.; Arroyo-Robles, G.; Cantú-Fernández, M.; Castro, A.J.; Contreras, V.; De Vos, A.; Dendoncker, N.; Engel, S.; Eser, U.; Faith, D.P.; Filyushkina, A.; Ghazi, H.; Gómez-Baggethun, E.; Gould, R.K.; Guibrunet, L.; Gundimeda, H.; Hahn, T.; Harmácková, Z.V.; Hernández-Blanco, M.; Horcea-Milcu, A.-I.; Huambachano, M.; Wicher, N.L.H.; Aydin, C.I.; Islar, M.; Koessler, A.-K.; Kenter, J.O.; Kosmus, M.; Lee, H.; Leimona, B.; Lele, S.; Lenzi, D.; Lliso, B.; Mannetti, L.M.; Merçon, J.; Monroy-Sais, A.S.; Mukherjee, N.; Muraca, B.; Muradian, R.; Murali, R.; Nelson, S.H.; Nemogá-Soto, G.R.; Ngouhouo-Poufoun, J.; Niamir, A.; Nuesiri, E.; Nyumba, T.O.; Özkaynak, B.; Palomo, I.; Pandit, R.; Pawłowska-Mainville, A.; Porter-Bolland, L.; Quaas, M.; Rode, J.; Rozzi, R.; Sachdeva, S.; Samakov, A.; Schaafsma, M.; Sitas, N.; Ungar, P.; Yiu, E.; Yoshida, Y.; Zent, E. (2023). Diverse values of nature for sustainability. Nature (Lond.) 620(7975): 813-823., more
- Harrison, P.A.; Dunford, R.; Barton, D.N.; Kelemen, E.; Martín-López, B.; Norton, L.; Termansen, M.; Saarikoski, H.; Hendriks, K.; Gómez-Baggethun, E.; Czúcz, B.; García-Llorente, M.; Howard, D.; Jacobs, S.; Karlsen, M.; Kopperoinen, L.; Madsen, A.; Rusch, G.; Van Eupen, M.; Verweij, P.; Smith, R.; Tuomasjukka, D.; Zulian, G. (2018). Selecting methods for ecosystem service assessment: a decision tree approach. Ecosystem Services 29(Part C): 481-498., more
- Turkelboom, F.; Leone, M.; Jacobs, S.; Kelemen, E.; García-Llorente, M.; Baró, F.; Termansen, M.; Barton, D.N.; Berry, P.; Stange, E.; Thoonen, M.; Kalóczkai, A.; Vadineanu, A.; Castro, A.J.; Czúcz, B.; Röckmann, C.; Wurbs, D.; Odee, D.; Preda, E.; Gómez-Baggethun, E.; Rusch, G.M.; Pastur, G.M.; Palomo, I.; Dick, J.; Casaer, J.; van Dijk, J.; Priess, J.A.; Langemeyer, J.; Mustajoki, J.; Kopperoinen, L.; Baptist, M.J.; Peri, P.L.; Mukhopadhyay, R.; Aszalós, R.; Roy, S.B.; Luque, S.; Rusch, V. (2018). When we cannot have it all: ecosystem services trade-offs in the context of spatial planning. Ecosystem Services 29(Part C): 566-578., more
van Oudenhoven, A.P.E.; Schröter, M.; Drakou, E.G.; Geijzendorffer, I.R.; Jacobs, S.; van Bodegom, P.M.; Chazee, L.; Czúcz, B.; Grunewald, K.; Lillebø, A.I.; Mononen, L.; Nogueira, A.J.A.; Pacheco-Romero, M.; Perennou, C.; Remme, R.P.; Rova, S.; Syrbe, R.-U.; Tratalos, J.A.; Vallejos, M.; Albert, C. (2018). Key criteria for developing ecosystem service indicators to inform decision making. Ecol. Indic. 95(Part 1): 417-426., more
Maes, J.; Jacobs, S. (2017). Nature‐based solutions for Europe's sustainable development. Conserv. Lett. 10(1): 121-124., more
- Jacobs, S.; Wolfstein, K.; Vandenbruwaene, W.; Vrebos, D.; Beauchard, O.; Maris, T.; Meire, P. (2015). Detecting ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies: a practice-oriented application in four industrialized estuaries. Ecosystem Services 16: 378-389., more
- Beauchard, O.; Teuchies, J.; Jacobs, S.; Struyf, E.; Van der Spiet, T.; Meire, P. (2014). Sediment abiotic patterns in current and newly created intertidal habitats from an impacted estuary. Est. Coast. 37(4): 973-985., more
- Van der Biest, K.; D’Hondt, R.; Jacobs, S.; Landuyt, D.; Staes, J.; Goethals, P.; Meire, P. (2014). EBI: An index for delivery of ecosystem service bundles. Ecol. Indic. 37: 252–265., more
- Beauchard, O.; Jacobs, S.; Ysebaert, T.; Meire, P. (2013). Avian response to tidal freshwater habitat creation by controlled reduced tide system. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 131: 12-23., more
- Beauchard, O.; Jacobs, S.; Ysebaert, T.; Meire, P. (2013). Sediment macroinvertebrate community functioning in impacted and newly-created tidal freshwater habitats. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 120: 21-32., more
- Jacobs, S.; Müller, F.; Teuchies, J.; Oosterlee, L.; Struyf, E.; Meire, P. (2013). The vegetation silica pool in a developing tidal freshwater marsh. Silicon 5(1): 91-100., more
- Teuchies, J.; Jacobs, S.; Oosterlee, L.; Bervoets, L.; Meire, P. (2013). Role of plants in metal cycling in a tidal wetland: Implications for phytoremidiation. Sci. Total Environ. 445-446: 146-154., more
- Beauchard, O.; Ciutat, A.; Gerino, M.; Munoz, T.; Jacobs, S.; Tackx, M.; Stora, G.; Meire, P. (2012). Spatiotemporal bioturbation patterns in a tidal freshwater marsh. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 96: 159-169., more
- Teuchies, J.; Beauchard, O.; Jacobs, S.; Meire, P. (2012). Evolution of sediment metal concentrations in a tidal marsh restoration project. Sci. Total Environ. 419: 187-195., more
- Beauchard, O.; Jacobs, S.; Cox, T.J.S.; Maris, T.; Vrebos, D.; van Braeckel, A.; Meire, P. (2011). A new technique for tidal habitat restoration: Evaluation of its hydrological potentials. Ecol. Eng. 37(11): 1849-1858., more
- Jacobs, S.; Beauchard, O.; Struyf, E.; Cox, T.J.S.; Maris, T.; Meire, P. (2009). Restoration of tidal freshwater vegetation using controlled reduced tide (CRT) along the Schelde Estuary (Belgium). Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 85(3): 368-376., more
Jacobs, S.; Struyf, E.; Maris, T.; Meire, P. (2008). Spatiotemporal aspects of silica buffering in restored tidal marshes. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 80(1): 42-52., more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Maris, T.; Cox, T.; Jacobs, S.; Beauchard, O.; Teuchies, J.; van Liefferinge, C.; Temmerman, S.; Vandenbruwaene, W.; Meire, P. (2008). Natuurontwikkeling in het Lippenbroek. Herstel van estuariene natuur via een gecontroleerd gereduceerd getij. Natuur.Focus 7(1): 21-27, more
Book [show] |
Geerts, L.; Wolfstein, K.; Jacobs, S.; van Damme, S.; Vandenbruwaene, W. (2012). Zonation of the TIDE estuaries. Universiteit Antwerpen/Flanders Hydraulics Research/Hamburg Port Authority (HPA): Antwerpen. 19 pp., more
Book chapters (3) [show] |
Provoost, S.; Dan, S.; Jacobs, S. (2014). Hoofdstuk 23 - Ecosysteemdienst kustbescherming, in: Stevens, M. (Ed.) Natuurrapport - Toestand en trend van ecosystemen en ecosysteemdiensten in Vlaanderen. Technisch rapport. pp. 1-34, more
Van Damme, S.; Billen, G.; Cox, T.; Van den Bergh, E.; Ysebaert, T.J.; Jacobs, S.; Maes, J.; Maris, T.; Meire, P. (2010). Using carrying capacity compensation scenarios to quantify ecological conservation objectives for mudflats: a general approach applied on the Zeeschelde (Scheldt estuary, Belgium), in: Van Damme, S. Water quality and the estuarine environment: Spatio temporal patterns and opportunities for restoration with emphasis on nitrogen removal = Waterkwaliteit en het estuarien milieu: Spatio-temporele patronen en mogelijkheden tot herstel met speciale aandacht voor stikstofverwijdering. pp. 137-159, more
van Holland, G.; Verheyen, B.; Jacobs, S.; Vandenbruwaene, W.; Temmerman, S.; Meire, P.; Peeters, P.; De Schutter, J. (2010). Simulation of hydrodynamics and transport of fine sediments in vegetated polders with a controlled reduced tide: pilot project Lippenbroek, in: 8th International Symposium on ecohydraulics 2010 (ISE 2010): bridging between ecology and hydraulics and leading the society's new need - living with nature, September 12-16, 2010, Coex, Seoul, Korea. Proceedings [CD-ROM]. pp. 1775-1782, more
Thesis [show] |
Jacobs, S. (2009). Siliciumcyclering en vegetatieontwikkeling in een hersteld zoetwaterschor. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Antwerpen. Faculteit Wetenschappen: Antwerpen. 199 pp., more
Abstracts (4) [show] |
Oosterlee, L.; Maris, T.; Jacobs, S.; Meire, P.M. (2011). Evaluation of ecosystem services of a fresh water tidal restoration project, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2011: book of abstracts. pp. 61, more
van Holland, G.; Verheyen, B.; Jacobs, S.; Vandenbruwaene, W.; Temmerman, S.; Meire, P.; Peeters, P.; De Schutter, J. (2010). Simulation of hydrodynamics and transport of fine sediments in vegetated polders with a controlled reduced tide: pilot project Lippenbroek, in: 8th International Symposium on ecohydraulics 2010 (ISE 2010): bridging between ecology and hydraulics and leading the society's new need - living with nature, September 12-16, 2010, Coex, Seoul, Korea. Abstract book. pp. 1-2, more
Beauchard, O.; Jacobs, S.; Meire, P. (2009). Soil macroinvertebrate community development in the first CRT, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts: an overview of marine research in Belgium anno 2009. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day. Special edition at the occasion of 10 years VLIZ. VLIZ Special Publication, 43: pp. 16, more
Maris, T.; Jacobs, S.; Meire, P. (2009). Restoring ecosystem functions in a heavily disturbed estuary, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 6 March 2009: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 41: pp. 15, more
Reports (4) [show] |
Provoost, S.; Dan, S.; Jacobs, S. (2014). Natuurrapport - Toestand en trend van ecosystemen en ecosysteemdiensten in Vlaanderen: technisch rapport. Ecosysteemdienst kustbescherming. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, INBO.M.2014.1988582. INBO: Brussel. 34 pp., more
Jacobs, S.; Staes, J.; De Meulenaer, B.; Schneiders, A.; Vrebos, D.; Stragier, F.; Vandevenne, F.; Simoens, I.; Van Der Biest, K.; Lettens, S.; De Vos, B.; Van der Aa, B.; Turkelboom, F.; Van Daele, T.; Genar, O.; Van Ballaer, B.; Temmerman, S.; Meire, P. (2010). Ecosysteemdiensten in Vlaanderen. Een verkennende inventarisatie van ecosysteemdiensten en potentiële ecosysteemwinsten. Report Ecosystem Management Research Group ECOBE, 010-R127. ECOBE: Antwerpen. XII, 305 pp., more
- Adriaensen, F.; Van Damme, S.; Van den Bergh, E.; Van Hove, D.; Brys, R.; Cox, T.; Jacobs, S.; Konings, P.; Maes, J.; Maris, T.; Mertens, W.; Nachtergale, L.; Struyf, E.; Van Braeckel, A.; Meire, P.; Nachtergale, L. (2005). Instandhoudingsdoelstellingen Schelde-estuarium. Report Ecosystem Management Research Group ECOBE, 05-R82. Universiteit Antwerpen: Antwerpen. 249 + bijlagen pp., more
Jacobs, S.; Vandenbruwaene, W.; Vrebos, D.; Beauchard, O.; Boerema, A.; Wolfstein, K.; Maris, T.; Saathoff, S.; Meire, P. [s.d.]. Ecosystem Service Assessment of TIDE Estuaries. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 87 + appendices pp., more
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |