Previous institutes (2) |
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- Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Geologie; Onderzoeksgroep Paleontologie en Paleomilieus, more
Function: PhD student
- Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Msc. Advanced studies in marine and lacustrine sciences (MARELAC), more
Function: Student 2005
Publications (7) |
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A1 Publications (7) [show] |
Dusabe, M.C.; Kalinda, C.; Clewing, C.; Hyangya, B.L.; Van Bocxlaer, B.; Albrecht, C. (2024). Environmental perturbations and anthropogenic disturbances determine mollusc biodiversity of Africa’s explosive Lake Kivu. J. Great Lakes Res. 50(3): 102339., more
Lopes-Lima, M.; Geist, J.; Egg, S.; Beran, L.; Bikashvili, A.; Van Bocxlaer, B.; Bogan, A.E.; Bolotov, I.N.; Chelpanovskaya, O.A.; Douda, K.; Fernandes, V.; Gomes-dos-Santos, A.; Gonçalves, D.V.; Gürlek, M.E.; Johnson, N.A.; Karaouzas, I.; Kebapçi, Ü.; Kondakov, A.V.; Kuehn, R.; Lajtner, J.; Mumladze, L.; Nagel, K.-O.; Neubert, E.; Österling, M.; Pfeiffer, J.; Prié, V.; Riccardi, N.; Sell, J.; Schneider, L.D.; Shumka, S.; Sîrbu, I.; Skujienė, G.; Smith, C.H.; Sousa, R.; Stöckl, K.; Taskinen, J.; Teixeira, A.; Todorov, M.; Trichkova, T.; Urbańska, M.; Välilä, S.; Varandas, S.; Veríssimo, J.; Vikhrev, I.V.; Woschitz, G.; Zając, K.; Zajac, T.; Zanatta, D.; Zieritz, A.; Zogaris, S.; Froufe, E. (2024). Integrative phylogenetic, phylogeographic and morphological characterisation of the Unio crassus species complex reveals cryptic diversity with important conservation implications. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 195: 108046., more
Koudenoukpo, Z.C.; Odountan, O.H.; Agboho, P.A.; Dalu, T.; Van Bocxlaer, B.; Janssens de Bistoven, L.; Chikou, A.; Backeljau, T. (2021). Using self-organizing maps and machine learning models to assess mollusc community structure in relation to physicochemical variables in a West Africa river–estuary system. Ecol. Indic. 126: 107706., more
Koudenoukpo, Z.C.; Odountan, O.H.; Van Bocxlaer, B.; Sablon, R.; Chikou, A.; Backeljau, T. (2020). Checklist of the fresh and brackish water snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) of Bénin and adjacent West African ecoregions. ZooKeys 942(942): 21-64., more
Van Bocxlaer, B.; Ortiz-Sepulveda, C.M.; Gurdebeke, P.R.; Vekemans, X. (2020). Adaptive divergence in shell morphology in an ongoing gastropod radiation from Lake Malawi. BMC Evol. Biol. 20(1): 5., more
Gurdebeke, P.; Van Bocxlaer, B. (2013). Conchological differentiation in an ongoing radiation of Lanistes gastropods from ancient Lake Malawi: how adaptive is shell morphology? Geol. Belg. 16(1-2): 118-119, more
Van Bocxlaer, B.; Salenbien, W.; Praet, N.; Verniers, J. (2012). Stratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the early to middle Holocene Chipalamawamba Beds (Malawi Basin, Africa). Biogeosciences 9(11): 4497-4512., more