This institute is the successor of the institute underneath Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (EWI-IWT), more
Address: Ellipsgebouw
Koning Albert II Laan 35 1030 Brussel Belgium
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1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Publication |
Top | Person | Institute | Projects | Events | Datasets |
split up filter
- Hylén, A.; Kreuzburg, M.; De Wolf, S.; Burdorf, L.; Fiers, G.; Goossens, C.; Van Heurck, B.; Theetaert, H.; Verbrugge, S.; Cnudde, V.; Cattrijsse, A.; Meysman, F.J.R. (2023). Ocean alkalinity enhancement through enhanced silicate weathering in coastal areas: a long-term mesocosm study, in: EGU General Assembly 2023. Vienna, Austria & Online, 23–28 April 2023. pp. EGU23-14128., more
Projects (5) |
Top | Person | Institute | Publication | Events | Datasets |
- Coastbusters 2.0, more
- PLUXIN: Plastic Flux for Innovation and Business Opportunities in Flanders, more
- PROBIO: PROspection for BIOactive compounds in the North Sea, more
- SBEP: Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, more
- SUMES: Sustainable Marine Ecosystem Services , more
Events (10) |
Top | Person | Institute | Publication | Projects | Datasets |
- Blue Accelerator: your journey to offshore innovation, more
- Coastbusters Day, more
- ERA-MBT Stakeholder meeting: Marine Biotechnology - enabling future innovations, more
- Kick-off Clay Tectonics, more
- Kick-off PROBIO: PROspection for BIOactive compounds in the North Sea, more
- Officiële inhuldiging van de VLIZ wetenschapshaven, USV Gobelijn en werkboot Abbé Mann, more
- PLUXIN final meeting - Plastic Flux for Innovation and Business Opportunities in Flanders, more
- PLUXIN kick-off meeting - Plastic Flux for Innovation and Business Opportunities in Flanders, more
- PROBIO meeting - PROspection for BIOactive compounds in the North Sea, more
- SuperNova 2018, more
Datasets (11) |
Top | Person | Institute | Publication | Projects | Events |
- 3D Data Acquisition Research Unit - UGent, Belgium; (2016) 3D-modellering van intertidale strandzone (Mariakerke-Bad, december 2016), more
- 3D Data Acquisition Research Unit - UGent, Belgium; (2016) 3D-modellering van intertidale strandzone (Mariakerke-Bad, mei 2016), more
- 3D Data Acquisition Research Unit - UGent, Belgium; (2017) 3D-modellering van intertidale strandzone (Groenendijk, mei 2017), more
- 3D Data Acquisition Research Unit - UGent, Belgium; (2017) 3D-modellering van intertidale strandzone (Mariakerke-Bad, maart 2017), more
- 3D Data Acquisition Research Unit - UGent, Belgium; (2017) 3D-modellering van intertidale strandzone (Mariakerke-Bad, november 2017), more
- 3D Data Acquisition Research Unit - UGent, Belgium; (2017) 3D-modellering van intertidale strandzone (Mariakerke-Bad, oktober 2017), more
- 3D Data Acquisition Research Unit - UGent, Belgium; (2018) 3D-modellering van intertidale strandzone (Groenendijk & Mariakerke-Bad, mei 2016-november 2018), more
- 3D Data Acquisition Research Unit - UGent, Belgium; (2018) 3D-modellering van intertidale strandzone (Groenendijk, januari 2018), more
- 3D Data Acquisition Research Unit - UGent, Belgium; (2018) 3D-modellering van intertidale strandzone (Groenendijk, november 2018), more
- 3D Data Acquisition Research Unit - UGent, Belgium; (2018) 3D-modellering van intertidale strandzone (Mariakerke-Bad, april 2018), more
- Department of Civil Engineering (UGent), Belgium; (2018): 2D golfoverslag en -impact experimenten voor zeedijken met met ondiepe voorlanden (golfgoot Universiteit Gent, 2018), more