Inrichtingsplan Hedwige-Prosperpolder: deelrapport 1. Numeriek 2D model
Maximova, T.; Vanlede, J.; Plancke, Y.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2014). Inrichtingsplan Hedwige-Prosperpolder: deelrapport 1. Numeriek 2D model. Version 4.0. WL Rapporten, 13_166. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. X, 65 + 105 p. appendices pp.
Part of: WL Rapporten. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. , more
Available in | Authors |
Document type: Project report
Keywords |
Hydraulics and sediment > Hydrodynamics > Current velocities and patterns Hydraulics and sediment > Hydrodynamics > Tides Numerical modelling Numerical models ANE, Netherlands, Westerschelde, Hedwigepolder; ANE, Scheldt Estuary [Marine Regions]; Belgium, Zeeschelde, Prosperpolder [Marine Regions]
Abstract |
The Hedwige-Prosperpolder is located on the border between the provinces East Flanders (Belgium) and Zeeland (the Netherlands), just south of the Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe. In the framework of a nature restoration project it is planned to flood this area.In this study a detailed 2D TELEMAC model is constructed for the Hedwige-Prosperpolder to study various alternatives for the depoldering with different creek breaches system and different amount of marsh excavation. It is important to have a well refined grid which can represent the flow in the narrow creeks in the study zone correctly. The use of an unstructured grid in TELEMAC allows a local grid refinement and results in an accurate representation of the complex geometry of the study area in the model. The model with the current bathymetry (without depoldering) is calibrated for one month in 2009 against field data: water levels, velocities (13 hour ADCP measurements) and discharges. Harmonic analysis of the tide is performed and statistical parameters are calculated in order to assess the model accuracy. |